Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

boundrose said:
There is no point to take this convo any further. Your mod, your choice. I'll just wait in hope for other modders to come.

Actually I am quite interested in how exactly you play... given that you seem to be having such severe difficulty with the action point system. Would you please make a recording of your gameplay, illustrating the problem?
There seems to be an issue with last realese - every time i mouse-over Tesla Power Armour game crashes (tho its equiped armour - idk if the issue dont affect other items).

Previous realse dont have this issue (im sure of it - runin now old copy w/o any problems), tho removing Tesla values from Armour in F3C dosnt fix this issue o.O

Btw im the only one who have problem with chosing perks after level 11 ? I need add them via console, coz after uping 11 the only chosable perks are - RoboCo (other mod), and Vault Dweller (idk meaby its mod conflict since runin game w/o RoboCo crash the game after chosing this perk = cant be sure of it)
Say, Dubby, I noticed something weird when playing your mod compendium.

The VATS action cutscenes are slower/longer than in the vanilla game. Any way to make them the opposite?

Another suggestion: Miniguns still suck as bad as they did. Their damage is increased, granted, but a minigun burst at point-blank range with a full-condition weapon on a maxed Big Guns skill doesn't even kill wimpy Raiders, let alone take on Supermuties. Especially with their high AP cost, with the player unequipping the weapon after every attack.

Is there any way to dramatically increase the number of bullets fired with each burst?
The readme advises against using F3C with content from other mods. Perks are obtained only on even-numbered levels in F3C. The tesla armor thing I'm not sure about though, but it could be blamed on the latest power armor plugin.

What you might be noticing is the playback delay. This delay is 0.32 in F3C, and 0.17 in vanilla. What it does is create a delay after your turn "ends" in VATS, letting the enemy AI do a little more during this time. And note taken on miniguns.
co0ki3 said:
There seems to be an issue with last realese - every time i mouse-over Tesla Power Armour game crashes (tho its equiped armour - idk if the issue dont affect other items).

Previous realse dont have this issue (im sure of it - runin now old copy w/o any problems), tho removing Tesla values from Armour in F3C dosnt fix this issue o.O

Btw im the only one who have problem with chosing perks after level 11 ? I need add them via console, coz after uping 11 the only chosable perks are - RoboCo (other mod), and Vault Dweller (idk meaby its mod conflict since runin game w/o RoboCo crash the game after chosing this perk = cant be sure of it)

Got f3c and robco to and only problem was that some stat fix which prompted at first lowered most of my stats to 1 :P
But after few reloads its started to work properly so try to reload game few time or make diffrent sav and reload then
I'm still not interested in the idea of F3C being modular. This is primarily because the modifications in F3C are designed to work in tandem, and would only serve to be -less- effective when combined with outsourced variations of the same type of content. F3C is meant to fix Fallout 3 and bring it closer to what this 'Bethout' should have been, not provide a modular smorgeshborg for ex-oblivion addicts. Sorry.
Dubby said:
boundrose said:
There is no point to take this convo any further. Your mod, your choice. I'll just wait in hope for other modders to come.

Actually I am quite interested in how exactly you play... given that you seem to be having such severe difficulty with the action point system. Would you please make a recording of your gameplay, illustrating the problem?

This one is classic with your mod:

(file weights 20 MB)

1. First round. Two more shots and i would kill this raider but my player char says: i need to place my gun in a holster for a minute...
2. So i back up, hide behind a tree and wait for my AP to regenerate.
3. They come out, i agree i perform not so well here, but there are two moments where i can't shot due to lack of AP. It's confusing when you press mouse button and nothign happens. Also it coult be 'it' again - me killing them.
4. Finally i notice that one guy is behind a tree and can't shoot at me so i tactically charge to reduce the space between me and my enemy, and i start pressing the fire button very quickly, but unfortunatelly my guy has to holster his pistol again.
5. I die.

Conclusion: Without this stupid AP limitation this fight would be so so rewarding and satisfing. Just by not getting my weapon holstered i can perform much better because there is no 'unknown factor' - you do not know that after this shot your weapon will be holstered or just you won't be able to fire, or maybe you manage oen shot more etc. Not to mention in these 3 seconds i can fire a whole magazine of 15 rounds. That changes MUCH.

Of course, sometimes with some luck it turns out better:
(file weights 20 MB)

But really, these are too rare to make the game with your AP mod fun. Can you at least remove that feature till you manage to make NPCs use it as well?

Except that "Feature" your mod is amazing, fights are finally a challenge(just let me shoot...), stimpaks are expensive, food matters, radiations is doubled, i think ammo is more expensive and have weight(good i won't have stashes of thousands rounds in my inventory again), rad aways are rare(so far), endurance stats gives you only half of the health you had in vanilla, no bobbleheads and... i could go on.
But atm i can't play it and have fun.
For all those who dislike Run and Gun aspect of F3C just download Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM).

Click plugin editor -> Open F3C.esp

Now search for GRUP (QUST) -> click on QUST (RG01) [ or sth like that, first letters count] and delete it.

Save the file, and voila. U dont like X aspect of mod - do same, try to find right value and delete it. U want replace X aspect of F3C with other mod ? Also delete X values that u can preview with opening the other mod.

Or use F3Edit that personaly i like more ;p

Dont get me wrong - its grate aspect for people that tend to play this game rpg-like. But for people playing MP games more often then single FPS's its unplayable - losing control of your char is most anoying thing. Jamming - sure why not, Recoiling as hell - hell ya i would <3 it, holstering - oh no no, not this way :(

(god i hate censor here @.@)
co0ki3 said:
Dont get me wrong - its grate aspect for people that tend to play this game rpg-like. But for people playing MP games more often then single FPS's its unplayable - losing control of your char is most anoying thing. Jamming - sure why not, Recoiling as hell - hell ya i would <3 it, holstering - oh no no, not this way :(

Kudos to you co0ki3, i'll download FOMM and try your workaround.

But i would like to emphasize one thing: I *am* roleplaying in the game.

EDIT: Yes! It works! It still "technically" counts the AP but i can shoot and my char doesn't holster his weapon anymore. Many thanks man, many thanks :D

I'll sink into fallout again :)
boundrose said:
But i would like to emphasize one thing: I *am* roleplaying in the game.
Well i only refered to thing that Run n Gun changes - combat style.

Personaly i dont like the Vanilla one - AP is usless for somone who play w/o VATS (played 2nd time f3 with VATS only + playback delay for around 17 sec to make semi-turn-base system). They way Dubby maded Run n Gun - its the way it should go, but not with _holstering_ (yes i readed - its imposible to do it other way atm)


Fixed problem with Tesla... Editing and saving in F3Edit coused game to crash when mouse-overing on that item... sorry for trouble :3
boundrose said:
Dubby said:
boundrose said:
There is no point to take this convo any further. Your mod, your choice. I'll just wait in hope for other modders to come.

Actually I am quite interested in how exactly you play... given that you seem to be having such severe difficulty with the action point system. Would you please make a recording of your gameplay, illustrating the problem?

This one is classic with your mod:

(file weights 20 MB)

1. First round. Two more shots and i would kill this raider but my player char says: i need to place my gun in a holster for a minute...
2. So i back up, hide behind a tree and wait for my AP to regenerate.
3. They come out, i agree i perform not so well here, but there are two moments where i can't shot due to lack of AP. It's confusing when you press mouse button and nothign happens. Also it coult be 'it' again - me killing them.
4. Finally i notice that one guy is behind a tree and can't shoot at me so i tactically charge to reduce the space between me and my enemy, and i start pressing the fire button very quickly, but unfortunatelly my guy has to holster his pistol again.
5. I die.

Conclusion: Without this stupid AP limitation this fight would be so so rewarding and satisfing. Just by not getting my weapon holstered i can perform much better because there is no 'unknown factor' - you do not know that after this shot your weapon will be holstered or just you won't be able to fire, or maybe you manage oen shot more etc. Not to mention in these 3 seconds i can fire a whole magazine of 15 rounds. That changes MUCH.

Of course, sometimes with some luck it turns out better:
(file weights 20 MB)

But really, these are too rare to make the game with your AP mod fun. Can you at least remove that feature till you manage to make NPCs use it as well?

Except that "Feature" your mod is amazing, fights are finally a challenge(just let me shoot...), stimpaks are expensive, food matters, radiations is doubled, i think ammo is more expensive and have weight(good i won't have stashes of thousands rounds in my inventory again), rad aways are rare(so far), endurance stats gives you only half of the health you had in vanilla, no bobbleheads and... i could go on.
But atm i can't play it and have fun.

I thought this might be what was happening but...

There is one critical thing you are failing to do most of the time in both of those videos... you're not taking aim! :o It requires a LOT of skill to shoot accurately without aiming & while standing up, let ALONE while moving! If you want to increase your chance at hitting accurately while you -lack- the skill you must take aim and brace yourself. In most cases, hold the right mouse button, stop moving, (in many cases) crouch, aim, and fire. Secondly, while the 10mm is a handy dandy gun, it's far from the best. Infact it's one of the worst. It's rate of fire is good, but that's about it. If you've got alot of skill in small guns, you can still kick ass with a 10mm, but if you're starting out you're really going to want to try and obtain a rifle asap. All rifles are substantially more accurate and more powerful than pistols, period. Also... as I noticed, with you versus the raiders in the first video... I'm not suprised you died. :? You were outnumbered and outgunned, and let them get real close to you.
co0ki3 said:
For all those who dislike Run and Gun aspect of F3C just download Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM).


Or use F3Edit that personaly i like more ;p

Dont get me wrong - its grate aspect for people that tend to play this game rpg-like. But for people playing MP games more often then single FPS's its unplayable - losing control of your char is most anoying thing. Jamming - sure why not, Recoiling as hell - hell ya i would <3 it, holstering - oh no no, not this way :(

(god i hate censor here @.@)

There's an easier way to turn that off.

In game, open the console and just type:

setgs factionpointsrunandgunmult 0

That turns off the expendature of AP with real-time combat. If you just remove the quest entry, you could cause problems and bugs to arise, and your AP will quickly become negative and stay negative for long periods of time.

Next time please consult me before posting a recommendation like this.
Dubby said:
Secondly, while the 10mm is a handy dandy gun, it's far from the best. Infact it's one of the worst. It's rate of fire is good, but that's about it. If you've got alot of skill in small guns, you can still kick ass with a 10mm

@Dubby i got suggestions:

1.I love pistols and i would really like to use it for whole game but its later to weak so...add new perks...

Untrained:PC can use Pistols this is at begining of game no need to invest perk or trait into it...

Trained:Accuracy and damage increases slightly,while reloading is faster. ok about 5% gain in damage,accuracy and reloading...

Advanced:Accuraracy and damage increases moderately,while reloading is even faster. here 10% gain in damage,accuracy and reloading...

Master:An PC is lethaly precise with pistols. Ok here we have 20% gain in accuracy and reloading and every shot is critical hit :)

Its only for Pistols and not laser or plasma ones...now i was thinking you start as untrained level 1 you can advance on level 10/20/30 so at 30 your master with handgun...and it would be over kill for other weapons so its only for normal Pistols...

Its just im used to use Pistols i used them in Deus EX and System Shock 2 for whole time...

2.Also i would recomend add Perk from F2 Slaver for melle players every hit is critical hit at level 20-30 maybe?

3.Can you change crosshair the one default one is yuck :)

@boundrose well Dubby is right you dont aim are you playing with a controller? i only watched first movie but it looks like your only moving aim left and right...

Secound hire companion so he will help you sure bastard steel your xp but its better than quick save/load
It perfectly fine now i just needed that AP fix :)

Also co0ki3, game is working fine so far, so thanks again :)
I play with dogmeat, 20~ small guns, and use a hunting rifle and sawed off shotgun. I wear metal armor (got it from commander jasso/whatever inside the talon company base). Completing the base was incredibly difficult, and I managed to do it at level 3. Granted this was only on normal difficulty. This character, which is my third or fourth time through the game, is a thief. I use the hunting rifle only when I have the element of surprise -and- a clear shot. Otherwise, I focus on making use of my ability with sneak, side strafing, tactical grenade throwing, and the sawed off shotgun for a close-range doublewhammy that leaves most opponents reeling if not in pieces. I'm level 7 now, and while the game has been challenging, I have not had the difficulty playing that you speak of boundrose. I also make sure my gear is in tip top shape by paying to have it repaired. The best way to do this is to invest ~1000 caps in one of the traveling merchants via Uncle Roe in canterburry commons. Once maxed, that merchant's repair skill will be around 50-60ish, and they can repair your gear up to 70-80%. It's costly, but worth it. Just make sure you have the means to afford the repairs! I know my limitations with firearms, and circumvent them by making use of cover, explosives, sneaking, and dogmeat. Boundrose, I suggest you do not remove the quest article directly, but instead just set the run and gun mult to 0. Why? It's possible the save file could eventually become corrupt. I still urge you to play with a little more forethought and planning, rather than simply turn R&G off.

Actually I've already increased the damage output of all pistols substantially, and improved their accuracy. You can play pretty well with the magnum pistols, and especially well with the pistol uniques blackhawk and kneecapper. Even the 32 cal pistols are decent now, including the lawdog pistol. There will also be a silenced 10mm SMG coming soon.
Dubby, you should beef up the accuracy of the sniperrifle.
I seriously miss way to many shots because of the constant hovering of the crosshair and scope.
personally i love playing with vats, and even in fo1/2 i tended to use aimed shot as much as possible.

i think the problem with vats is two fold, first you can only shoot 1-2 times in vats depending on the gun and then have to stop and press v again and repeat - this is quite annoying if you mostly focus on vats.

secondly and more importantly, vats doesn't take enough ap i don't think.

from my memory of fo1-2, a aimed shot with say a hunting rifle should kill your ap reserve in about 1-3 shots. and some time do either significant damage or kill the enemy.

currently none of these seem to be in effect.

AP drops at the same pace whether in or out of vats and the damage is the same too.

i think this should change damage should greatly increase when shot in the head for example but as a drawback hitting the head should be difficult (more difficult than currently as now its pretty easy i think), and the AP cost for vats should also be increased a bit as to give you a choice

1. you can shoot normally for say 15 ap per shot allowing you say 5-6 shots off or

2. you can take 1-2 aimed shots at a persons head from 50-100 meters giving you a accuracy chance of 45-75% (say with skill of 50) but if you hit you do triple the damage (not counting criticals)

as another order of business, it feels like using vats almost guarantees a critical. a critical should come irregardless of the mode. although, i can see the logic in the thought that aiming might increase critical chance after all your aiming at a weak point. (this could be added as a late game perk?)

also i'd be nice to know where everyone feels the damage/accuracy of weapons should be at certain skill levels

for example at 100 i envision you as a professional of that weapon, someone whose spent most of their life studying and using that weapon and able to use it to their full extent. and as your skill goes up i'd like not only your accuracy but your reload rate to go up too as well.
@Necro-, I had not thought about customizing the VATS P&R perks for types of firearms. If there turns out to be a distance factor on the weapon entry itself for targeting accuracy in VATS, then I can make this part of VATS more canon... but for now, it's a flat ratio for all guns.