Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

imho the dogmeat tweak makes dogmeat kind useless now, as he was incerdibly weak before.

the perception change is GREATLY welcomed though.

but could u give more details on how much perception effects accuracy.
the formula is

perceptoin / 10 * weapon skill + 25

However, after much trial and error, I found this formula doesn't actually work in bethscript - but a non-decimal version does. I've now uploaded v0.4.9.2, and I garuntee that the vats skill factor thing works now. X__X
Dubby said:
Suggestions? Damage resistance perhaps?

That would work

In the originals the only reason Dogmeat ever survived was because bad guys would focus specifically on you 90% of the time but here the death claws really seem to dislike a dog trying to tear their arms off and focus specifically on him.
If you could make him less likely to be attacked that would be nice, but I know that's improbable.

Also if there's a way to set him to invincible when you tell him to go back to Vault 101 or pick up some items.
Zychotous said:
22 Stimpacks
5 Rad-X
6 Psychos
4 Morphines
6 Mentats
4 Buffouts.

Hm no Radaway?:) i cant find too much radaway my self...

Any way Dubby you could remove stimpacks at begining in vault 101...in first box you find 10 and morphine...

Dubby said:
the formula is

perceptoin / 10 * weapon skill + 25

However, after much trial and error, I found this formula doesn't actually work in bethscript - but a non-decimal version does. I've now uploaded v0.4.9.2, and I garuntee that the vats skill factor thing works now. X__X

And if someone dont use vats Perception will help too?

I think its good idea to consider dynamic crosshair now that you add more modifiers to accuracy...like i said earlier one like in Deus Ex would be good but i have no idea if its possible...

Dubby said:
Suggestions? Damage resistance perhaps?

Allow dogmeat to wear leather armor any more damage resistance for dog is stupid idea...
I installed the mod (008). I noticed that i have to check extra options in data files at startup window to make the mod work.

I did load an old save where i am pretty advanced in the game and the mod did 'kicked in'. But then i loaded the new game where i am still in the vault 101 and... how to make the mod to 'kick in' again?
for me (in original unmodded version) dogmeat draws all the fire on himself, so i can jsut run up close to everyone and shotgun them in the face while they spend MAGAZINES of ammo trying to kill the invincible dog :S

I guess I picked up dogmeat fairly late so he spent a lot of time running headfirst into death claws' mouths
gregor_y said:
quetzilla said:
There's six companions -- 2 are good, 2 are neutral, 2 are evil. Something for everyone. Karma is a good system -- it's just that Bethesda screwed it up.

Well there is a bit more i think Charon for example...also whats the point if your comanion kills or deals 60% damage you get 0 XP not worth it...leveling is hard now anyway...

I something is screwed up you fix it or cut it out...i dont think 1 modder can fix whole karma system...

Also i think the new AP system is bad it would be good if it would affect AI too but thing is i can pull trigger 5-8 times on 10mm pistol while AI can keep on firing...

Is it possible to get the XP's wenn a party member killed one?
Same as Fallout2
An other thing with the Karma. Wenn a Party member does the killing (say Dogmead) you not get the bad Karma points. Also like F2.
In F2 i let the party member kill those damm children in the Den :D
Limbabnees said:
Is it possible to get the XP's wenn a party member killed one?
Same as Fallout2
An other thing with the Karma. Wenn a Party member does the killing (say Dogmead) you not get the bad Karma points. Also like F2.
In F2 i let the party member kill those damm children in the Den :D

I see you kinda thing about similar things im suprised that crap like nude mod is made but not actuall fix for karma or xp distribution...
Is it me or are the AI 3 times stronger.

I die every time, tested in Megatown to see the effect.

2-3 shots and im death.
Wearing Recon armor.

Or is it that i used a savegame LvL 3 ?

This not really fun wenn be killed with 2 shots. Very Easy - Very Hard, no matter what i pick.

Maybe im to old for this :D
@Limbabnees AI can die just same easy like you so no worries...

About being too old well maybe its time you gain perk Grandpa Bones... :)

And i got very important question when there will be option to get married? :lol:
Ok, the mod kicked in after i left the vault.

Now, how to disable that modification which makes you using AP points in FPS mode?
boundrose said:
Necro- said:
you cant?

that'd rather ruin the whole ap system ;p

Well, this mod is perfect except this feature which makes the game unplayable for me.

Well if AI would use AP in real time too it would be VERY good but it dont use...try using companion as backup but...his kills dont give you xp so you lose preaty much xp...

Its great mod but still in BETA stage...
If I can figure out how to get a global script to run on all combat AI packages, then I *can* force the AI to use action points. I'm uploading a newer version right now; no new addictions, just some tweaks to balance and what not. I'll edit this post with a link when it's done uploading.
Well, maybe i describe the problem i have with such sollution, used in this mod:

First of all, i almost always play a char who is not superhuman. I do not have 10 perception and agility to pwn everything in VATS.
The char i am playing has to have similair abilities that i have in real life. So i have 5 perception and 6 agility. So i don't have much AP i guess.

Next: i never use VATS. It's too simple to just pause the game, aim in the head and watch how you win. Also if player character is my alter ego, then they way how i perform has to be somewhat linked with my actual performance with mouse and keyboard.

And we are going to conclusion:
The game is hard as it should be. I can't rush my enemies now. I sneak to them and then i open fire. Since i am FPS games player i can press mouse button very fast. But in your system i got only 4 shots with basic 10mm pistol, before my player holsters his weapon due lack of AP.
I am only human so i can sometimes miss, even from 5 meters (rather hard thing to do in VATS from what i have seen).
And finally armour and NPC APs are not balanced for this. 4 shots from that range should do but raider's armour turns out to be good enough and he doesn't have the AP problem...
VATS in F3C is VERY VERY DIFFERENT than the VATS in the vanilla Fallout 3, *trust me*. ;)

If however, you do not -want- to use VATS at all (ever) then you should pick the Fast Shot trait at the beginning of the game. Otherwise, you will need to rely on VATS every now and then in close quarters combat. VATS in F3C is the same as targeted shots in fallout 1 & 2.

Edit: Uploaded now. Some minor combat/gameplay tweaks and Enclave soldiers will now (sometimes) carry Magneto Laser weapons. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=794