Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Full TB gameplay in fallout3 would be stupid.The game is not designed to be like that and it will never work in a 3d environment.
The run and gun AP and vats mix is the way to go. Maybe expand vats some more when the geck comes out.
But if you realize full TB in F3C, you should make it optional and a choice to ensure all gamers find their comfort zone.
Ravager69 said:
I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to chew through the whole 15-page thread, so I apologize if any of this was mentioned here before.

First - block the ability to shoot in real-time. Shooting should come only via VATS. I suppose it would make the game more challenging. Secondly, make Super Mutants and Enclave soldier uber-tough and reduce their overall number, so they won't litter the world.

If ther would be vats only then what about sniper rifle or weapons with sniper scope, this would make them usless
And for vats i think its really easy to shot from it so making vats only would make game a lot less difficult

As mob mutants and enclave they are hard engouh with fc3 it would be better if they would be encouter in the greater number than few ones but strong, take for example behemoth its not that chalanging when thers no other enemies around just shoot him in the legs to criple them then attack arm or head.
Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm new to this mod and I couldn't find the info in the Read Me.

How do I get rid of radiation poisoning? I only found a single bag of Rad-Away, so I'm guessing you've seriously reduced the rate at which it drops. The doctors also seem to have had the option to remove radiation removed as an option. The only thing I can think of is the Wasteland Survival Guide quest where Moira gets rid of it (but you can only use that trick once) and maybe the home infirmary kit will still do it, but unfortunately that now costs 2x as much as it used to.

So, I ask again, how do I get rid of radiation?
Frederic said:
Full TB gameplay in fallout3 would be stupid.The game is not designed to be like that and it will never work in a 3d environment.

Have you ever played Wizardry 8? Turn based in first person 3d environments.

Of course, I'd want an isometric movement system in place before TB becomes viable, but part of making the game turn based would be rebalancing the monsters and weapons to make it designed like that.
Servius1234 said:
Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm new to this mod and I couldn't find the info in the Read Me.

How do I get rid of radiation poisoning? I only found a single bag of Rad-Away, so I'm guessing you've seriously reduced the rate at which it drops. The doctors also seem to have had the option to remove radiation removed as an option. The only thing I can think of is the Wasteland Survival Guide quest where Moira gets rid of it (but you can only use that trick once) and maybe the home infirmary kit will still do it, but unfortunately that now costs 2x as much as it used to.

So, I ask again, how do I get rid of radiation?

Find RadAway, or buy RadAway. There's more than enough RadAway available, just look for a teeny bit longer. If you're desperately irradiated and the doc doesn't have any in stock, wait a couple days (2 at most) and his inventory should refresh. Same goes for other merchants too.
I think there's something wrong with the hit %s shown in VATS. For some reason, I can't seem to get above 28% or so. I just had the most rediculous instance of this. A raider came around a blind corner on me. Our noses are touching. I put my SMG his temple, bring up VATS, and I get a 23% hit chance. I call shinanighans on the % and pull the trigger, all 4 bullets land.

So, what's up? It seems like one or several of the following...

1) the VATS % are just wrong, like a display error. The actual hit chance is much higher, but for some reason the display values aren't showing the true hit chances.

2) the VATS % are correct, at least in that they were accurately reflecting whatever variables are tied to them, but from that range, regardless of the VATS calcs, there was just no way I could miss. In this case, the VATS calcs seem to be wrong, since a point-blank hit chance should easily be 95%+

For some background, I have 4+1 Perception, 10 Agility, and 60 in Small Guns.

Yeah, so what's up with the VATS %s?
Servius1234 said:
I think there's something wrong with the hit %s shown in VATS. For some reason, I can't seem to get above 28% or so. I just had the most rediculous instance of this. A raider came around a blind corner on me. Our noses are touching. I put my SMG his temple, bring up VATS, and I get a 23% hit chance. I call shinanighans on the % and pull the trigger, all 4 bullets land.

So, what's up? It seems like one or several of the following...

1) the VATS % are just wrong, like a display error. The actual hit chance is much higher, but for some reason the display values aren't showing the true hit chances.

2) the VATS % are correct, at least in that they were accurately reflecting whatever variables are tied to them, but from that range, regardless of the VATS calcs, there was just no way I could miss. In this case, the VATS calcs seem to be wrong, since a point-blank hit chance should easily be 95%+

For some background, I have 4+1 Perception, 10 Agility, and 60 in Small Guns.

Yeah, so what's up with the VATS %s?

This is fixed in v0.6... but it's not quite ready yet. I'll try to finish it asap, even though the geck just got released.
Ugh, fixed a serious (and careless) accident.... I misplaced a couple .nif files in the wrong location. Regardless, that's been corrected and the molotov cocktail CTD has also been fixed.
[Radiation] Poking around radioactive waste will not grant you super powers. Radiation is more difficult
to get rid of, and all a doctor can do to help is sell you Rad Away.

That's just the worst idea ever! Not very Fallout 1/2 like.

[Armor] Power Armor Mk I upgrades the wearer's strength to 8, regardless of their own real strength.
Power Armor Mk II increases by a further point, to a maximum of 9. If you're already stronger than this,
the Power Armor provides no strength bonus. In addition, wearing Power Armor does not require training
to equip, but the training helps.

Not a very good idea either. And what's a Power Armor Mk I? Why does it set strength? Instead of increasing it by 2/3. Is there a T-51b used by the BoS? And what's the Mk2? The Advanced Power Armor used by the Enclave or something? Hardened Power Armor perhaps?

[Battle] Combat actions require AP to perform, run out and you better take cover until you're ready to
act again. AP regenerates over time at the fixed rate of 7 per second.

Wha!? I won't be able to shoot outside of vats because of a lack action points? No thank you. This will just spoil some of the FPS fun for me. When I use that Minigun of mine I want to see a real Minigun in action not a pew pew ops! I'm out of action points.

All that other stuff is good. So if anyone could tell me where to delete this unwanted crap I’d be very grateful. I don’t want to download it and make it mess up my gameplay experience.
Ravager, this mod IMO is set to bring F3 closer to the originals, so that means AP are going to be a pain in the ass. I personally would like F3C to *block* the ability to shoot outside of VATS, though I understand this would displease many people.

*EDIT* Though I agree that radiation is much diffrent in Fallout world, so it could as well give you superpowers without breaking the setting (look at radscorpions for instance).
Ravager said:

I noticed you commented on the summary, rather than direct experiences with the mod. Therefore, please at least "stretch your legs" for a while in F3C. The pants may be not as itchy as you first thought they'd be, you know.

Ravager69 said:
I personally would like F3C to *block* the ability to shoot outside of VATS, though I understand this would displease many people.

I've been tinkering around with the overhead camera settings, and believe I have figured out how to get an overhead isometric camera to work. Requires some changes to the INI however. Depending with what can be done to the VATS accuracy values with FOSE, I may be able to recode gameplay to emulate turn based very precisely. But that's quite a ways down the road from now, atleast.
Ravager: People are being a lot nicer than I thought they would have been based off your comment.

Ravager69: Honestly, I wouldn't complain if shooting outside of VATS was blocked. So long as the camera time was reduce significantly (nudges Dubby). That thing can be a pain in the ass.

Right now though I have to say that I'm enjoying the fact that outside of VATS and in combat, shooting requires AP. Much more strategic feel that just unloading with whatever gun you have. I'm dreading that first contact with a Deathclaw now.
Dubby said:
I've been tinkering around with the overhead camera settings, and believe I have figured out how to get an overhead isometric camera to work. Requires some changes to the INI however. Depending with what can be done to the VATS accuracy values with FOSE, I may be able to recode gameplay to emulate turn based very precisely.


But that's quite a ways down the road from now, atleast.

Ravager69 said:
Ravager, this mod IMO is set to bring F3 closer to the originals, so that means AP are going to be a pain in the ass. I personally would like F3C to *block* the ability to shoot outside of VATS, though I understand this would displease many people.

*EDIT* Though I agree that radiation is much diffrent in Fallout world, so it could as well give you superpowers without breaking the setting (look at radscorpions for instance).

I know Ravager xD I've played the original FO1 and 2 a hundred times. But it was Turn Based Combat. Not a FPS/TPP with a bullet time like system. For Bob's sake! I had actually some "fun" shooting all those rounds of ammo with my Minigun. Now it will just suck ass. And it won't bring anything closer. I've already changed some weapon spread/damage and all to the more original stats along with the heavy weapons. Along with receiving 100% damage during V.A.T.S. the game's already gotten better and more difficult. And seeing that big green Mutant (retextured ofc) coming at you unleashing all those rounds of ammo makes you literally hide if you don't have a high level and enough hit points. The only thing I wish I could change is the starting HP. It should be extremely low at first like 50 with 5 Endurance. And each point spent should add only 10 HP. That should pretty much balance things completely and prevent any newbies from attacking the Super Mutants early. There's also no need to make it have an effect on the HP gained per level. There's already a quest Perk that reduces the damage taken and it's the best one IMO.

I agree with you regarding the Radiation. Although it can case mutations irl I think. But all the Doctors (well I think all of them at least) in Fallout could remove it from you also. So it makes absolutely no sense at all. Why remove something that was in the first Fallout games?

Besides the Brotherhood had many years to improve their technology. It was their goal to gather it and even in this new faction is more interested in helping people why would their armors not improve over the years? In vanilla their all on pair with the Enclave armors so isn’t it about time to give people a variety of armors so that everyone can find something rather fitting for them. Their own wasteland avatar? A combat armor, recon, T-51b, the new Armor, Tesla and the Advanced Power Armor? Just give them a variety of advantages and disadvantages. I had an idea to make a great kick ass mod but I just lack the skills and the G.E.C.K. is rather complicated for me. If it only was so simple to put +3 Str. here and +1 Agi. there... along with some built in stealthboys.

Crashdown said:
Ravager: People are being a lot nicer than I thought they would have been based off your comment.

This is "not" a good day.

Dubby said:
I noticed you commented on the summary, rather than direct experiences with the mod. Therefore, please at least "stretch your legs" for a while in F3C. The pants may be not as itchy as you first thought they'd be, you know.

Sorry. But I already have a bad enough PC to run the game on the lowest possible details. The siper rifle and my minigun are probably the only two things I enjoy using. Seeing how the barrel would stop spinning while I kill some talon copany guys just because I don't have enough action points would turn this :twisted: in to this :cry:
Van Buren plans mentioned the introduction of a third generation power armor codenamed ATHENA. I may be wrong, but I think it was being developed by the BoS.
You already mentioned it but I doubt anyone would like to make a brand new model for FO3. Where not even sure how it looked… besides I miss the good old Hardened T-51b. With some upgrades it would make good peace of equipment. Certainly on pair with any Advanced Version. I just needs some good BOS technology love!

Btw weren’t you working on those armor resistances? Wouldn’t it be possible to just modify the weapon’s armor penetration or something?