Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Dubby said:
Van Buren plans mentioned the introduction of a third generation power armor codenamed ATHENA. I may be wrong, but I think it was being developed by the BoS.

Enclave. Hmmm...
Ravager said:
You already mentioned it but I doubt anyone would like to make a brand new model for FO3. Where not even sure how it looked… besides I miss the good old Hardened T-51b. With some upgrades it would make good peace of equipment. Certainly on pair with any Advanced Version. I just needs some good BOS technology love!

Btw weren’t you working on those armor resistances? Wouldn’t it be possible to just modify the weapon’s armor penetration or something?

Great job on V12.The only anoying thing that keeps bugging me off is *drumroll* ENERGY WEAPONS!
Mainly laser weapons.Plasma are awright.Don't you find it strange that 9 shots from a AR kills a power-armored npc yet 9 shots from a laser rifle and the guy is still standing?
I'm pretty sure laser would pierce the armor and incinerate you after 9 shots :lol:

Edit:But really, the more i play the more i think the AR's are way overpowered.I was fighting a group of feral ghouls and it took me some time to kill them all with my laser rifle.
With my ar i just pointed at their general direction and they went flying into gibs.
Another note, the shotguns should be extremely deadly at close range.Right now they feel like they fire BB's.
bhlaab said:
I think bring back the Doctor skill abilities, but keep it jammed into "Medicine". I never saw the point of having both, the first aid skill was useless.

Is there a way to make it so the status screen rolls a dice for medicine and doesnt use a stimpack

Yes, First aid was totally useless. I would consider First Aid to be a noob doctor skill in the first place.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Dubby said:
Van Buren plans mentioned the introduction of a third generation power armor codenamed ATHENA. I may be wrong, but I think it was being developed by the BoS.

Enclave. Hmmm...

I've got a friend who does sci-fi concept art for a living. I don't know the details of all the games/etc. he's worked on, because of the non disclosure agreements... but I've still seen his work. When F3C gets advanced enough, I'm sure he'd be happy to do modeling sketches and concept paintings. Not alot, of course, but a few. ^ ^
Frederic said:
Ravager said:
You already mentioned it but I doubt anyone would like to make a brand new model for FO3. Where not even sure how it looked… besides I miss the good old Hardened T-51b. With some upgrades it would make good peace of equipment. Certainly on pair with any Advanced Version. I just needs some good BOS technology love!

Btw weren’t you working on those armor resistances? Wouldn’t it be possible to just modify the weapon’s armor penetration or something?

Great job on V12.The only anoying thing that keeps bugging me off is *drumroll* ENERGY WEAPONS!
Mainly laser weapons.Plasma are awright.Don't you find it strange that 9 shots from a AR kills a power-armored npc yet 9 shots from a laser rifle and the guy is still standing?
I'm pretty sure laser would pierce the armor and incinerate you after 9 shots :lol:

Edit:But really, the more i play the more i think the AR's are way overpowered.I was fighting a group of feral ghouls and it took me some time to kill them all with my laser rifle.
With my ar i just pointed at their general direction and they went flying into gibs.
Another note, the shotguns should be extremely deadly at close range.Right now they feel like they fire BB's.




-caugh, caugh- The model is in the game -caugh- already.
I don't think shotguns should be more powerful, because about 80% of skirmishes are extreme-close quarter (thanks to the MASTERPIECE RADIANT AI that simply sends waves of enemies to fight you with a club, while you empty a clip from your AR in their face) and it makes the game too easy. I remeber dispatching Enclave soldiers from 2 meters using my combat shotgun in about 3 shots.
I remeber nerfing the Shotguns in my mod so that they's only have around 30 damage. Hmmm... Think I should upload an unfinished version of my Mod Pack somewhere? It's around 300 MB of Falloutish textures made by other moders and one set of my T-51b retextures along with new music on the aradio including Elvis! But the Power armor still needs a lot of work and I can't edit 3D models...
Shotguns are way too powerful in vanilla fo3. Also I think you get the combat shotgun far too early-- at least I did. Sawed off shotguns should be all you get until you make your way into downtown dc
now that geck is out and you've tried it, are there any things you've found just can't be done with what's allowed that you expected to do, or things that you didn't expect to be able to do but can do?

PS. woo! im in the credits!
I got a little proposition for npc but dunno if its possible or even logical :D

My main idea is to make patrols for almost all fractions like:
-Bos patrols on wasteland and eventually within the ruins of capitol for fixed roads like from outside the citadel to the mall and GNR radio

-Mercenaries from Tenpenny tower from tower to the few closest locations and eventually when they will get wiped out by ghouls then ghouls patrols

-Lots of supermutie patrols in capitol and lots of them around the thier vault

-Claw company patrols in capitol and lots near thier home base

-Patrol groups from rivet city patroling area near thier city and same with paradise falls and megatone

This patrols would be groups from 4-7 npcs with diffrent equipment per npc in group taking for example in 7 ppl bos group ther would be 1 sniper with sniper rifle, 2-3 assult troopers with mid-range weapons like laser rifle( i know its not exactly mid range weapon) or plasma rife or assult riifles, 2-3 heavy weapon equipped like minigun/laser gatling or rocket luncher and close/mid-range with meele weapons and granades or pistols and granades eventauly medicla staff so npc that would have crappy pistol but he would heal his team mates. In case of enclava ther could be 2-3 Sentry bots instead of heavy weapon soldiers.

And thier skills should be grate with thier equip so sniper would have atleast 60-70 in small arms skill same as assult troop.

Patrols would lvl up and spawn dependable on player lvl.

This would bring some life to ther wastelands since after 1 round in capitol its fraking empty ther like the bombs did fall yesterday same go to wasteland wher ur biggest thread is.... well after 10 lvl non its empty and thous radscorpons are annoying and would be good if thier would come in groups to like in f1/f2 wher ther was min 3 scorpions in the group and some times u got whole family on ur head.
i like your idea, there should also be a sort of nomans land, basically in the parts of the wasteland where there really isnt much, logically these groups would want to patrol places of interest for them, so generally anywhere with possible technology (bos,enclave, supermutants), civilian populations (supermutants,raiders,bos) etc.

but there should be some places where there really isnt of anything of importance to them therefor there should not be patrols there
hey guys!

i wasnt here in a while and rly dont wana read all the 16 pages back, so i will just post my VATS_realtime and No_Explosive_Cars mods here, maybe you got use for it.

sorry if thats alredy been here/implemented in mod/whatsoever, and use it for anythign you want!

the mods do pretty much what the names say, read descrip on site for more detail

vats realtime

no explosive cars

also, noob question: is it possible to make a script which makes animation speeds of character (shooting, reloading, everything.. ) depend on his AG and maybe some special perks??
JayTheGay said:
also, noob question: is it possible to make a script which makes animation speeds of character (shooting, reloading, everything.. ) depend on his AG and maybe some special perks??

Yes, but the AI will force monsters to jiggle if you do that.
are you sure? : /

i have tested animation speed changes for my sniper rifle (in weapon settings), and my char dindt jiggle at all, at least not that i had noticed it.

you maybe get my idea- could make combat vats-realtime (slower for critical deaths maybe) with no more use for AP - and your AG governs how fast u do everything then, so AG doesnt get useless.

then could add cool perks like "Fast Reloader: you can reload weapon 2x faster then usual" or somethign like that .. and then it plays reload animation twice as fast ..

or "Fast Shot - you can shoot 1.25 times faster with every rank of this perk, 2 ranks available"

..that would really rule, dynamic cinematic battle and still great use of AG. even better then classic turnabsed imo, since pulling REAL turnbased off in f3 would be impossible i guess..

and this way u still get to make only tactical decisions rather then use your FPS skill..which you still could use with such a mod, since animation speeds would be same dependant on your AG /perks in FPS and VATS modes!
I've just registered the forums to say this :

I'm an old time fallout fan (f1 was the first video game that I bought)

I had lost hope on F3

And I heard about your mod.

From the description, it seems you re really on the right track.

I'm defnitely going to buy F3 now that I know that people like you can really improve it to make it enjoyable and less dumbed down

In the end I just wanted to say

Thank you!
like the mod, nice work
few bugs/glitches though

the textures for the new weapons don't appear to be working properly, (only found the deagle and fn-fal, don't know about the others)

also weapon inaccuracies at low level feel way to drastic. it took an age to hit the 3 targets when you have the bb gun, and in the outside environment i couldn't hit a damn thing. in the end i just stuck 5 levels on my toon, it was just imposable to hit anything at any range

edit: got the textures working
changed the "bInvalidateOlderFiles=0" to "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1"

i didn't see that in the readme... might it need adding? or have i done something the awekward way?
emselursoak said:
like the mod, nice work
few bugs/glitches though


Guess I must of missed that step. Not a big one, but thank you for pointing it out.

StanRex said:
I had lost hope on F3

And I heard about your mod.

From the description, it seems you re really on the right track.

I'm defnitely going to buy F3 now that I know that people like you can really improve it to make it enjoyable and less dumbed down

This is the best thing I've heard all week, thank you.

JayTheGay said:
are you sure? : /

i have tested animation speed changes for my sniper rifle (in weapon settings), and my char dindt jiggle at all, at least not that i had noticed it.

You won't jiggle - creatures and some npcs will. And when they jiggle, they stand still and... jiggle. I believe it's because in some cases, the speed multiplier conflicts with their walk animation and errors, so they just stand there trying to reload the animation or something.

A better solution will be to rewrite the AI packages relating to combat behavior. They still have an AP value stored on the actor (all creatures/npcs/etc. do), the system just doesn't use it. We would need to write a ticker-based AI package & script that uses the ModAV function to emulate AP usage and recovery. Scripts like this can be attached to an actor object through a special ability that is setup with the ScriptEffect archetype.
well, shit :-/

you said it bugs out when they WALK...

during the night i did following:

1. tested what happens if you only change their shot/reload/jam speed aka weapon animation speed by setting those speeds to ridiculous values for the minigun, and then meeting a mutie.

he didnt jiggle! :)
so it should be workign from THIS particular point of view..

2. tested tire iron animation speeds, netiher me nor raider jiggled using them. so a positive result here as well.

--> on single shot weapons and on meelee this DOES work

but here comes the pain:

3. automatic weapons are a biach to tweak. i failed totally trying to make 10mm submachine gun technically not automatic, but just to have an enormously fast animation speed for shooting, so when in vats you can either shoot singles, or simulate automatic fire by telling exactly how many bullets you want to shoot at a target, while you still would need some time to "set up" a shot when starting to shoot a burst/single or changing your target.
but my attempt was epic fail from all points of view :-/ my guy kept just switching targets on lightning speed (in modified VATS with no min camera times). other attempts on that just failed totally (animation bugs) maybe its jsut me failing, maybe it simply dont work.

anyway, a couple of other ideas:

an idea for making healing time-consuming when you are in battle (works only in case the whole animation speed thing works):
the pipboy should remain paused-time as it is, and you should be able to order your char to take whatever, just as vanilla
but upon exiting pipboy he would then play stimpack/drug usage animation, for example. or even eat an iguana :D
(those animations should also be skippable if no enemies nearby, for the case you just want the damn HP and it doesnt matter because no combat)

movement speed (not animation, the movement speed setting) could be bound to AG (and also to carried weight in relation to max weight) with a separate script, that should not give any bugs

gah, anyway, spent all night testing stuff out, tired now :/
Maybe player char can use npc animation, npc should have animation when eating/drinking/smoking and stuff.