Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

true, but generally i found getting a follower took a really long time, i didnt get charon till late in the game and fawkes even later.
Great additions

Now that that's out of the way, heres some more nitpicks and bitching:

50% ap to open the pipboy is a bit much imo
I think it should be a hard number so people with higher agility don't get gimped more than people with lower.

Is it possible to make it so that the hotkeys, say, 1 and 2, don't require any AP to use to make it more like the penalty-free weapon switching of the originals (not a big issue)
im not sure if this is possible but...i'd like there to be a seperate karma and reputation
Dubby said:
that's cause most of the followers are EVIL.

And thats why Karma shouldent affect that for example recruting npcs...

Also i got question about:

Action Points
*Run & Gun mode enabled
*Various AP formulas modified

Question:Same system is for AI or only player? i mean they use AP in real time to and can run out? thanks for answear...

Also suggestion...for example if you hit arm,leg you get hit for 1x damage if its torso 2x and if its head 3x not sure if its good idea but at least head shot would hurt...of course same thing should apply to player and AI...

And i would remove always critical hit with sneak...criticals should be very hard to score...
that's only for the player.

that is possible - but very time consuming

originally it was 100%, but then I realized for some reason pipboy access *also* controls the hotkey access... so I lowered it to 50%. this is to curve the potential for pipboy/stim/chem abuse.
Dubby said:
that's only for the player.
Well could it be done for AI too? right now i got 10 end,10 agi and i swing 4-5 times and im out of AP with a bat...so its kinda overkill if AI can swing over and over i just noticed it...

Also it would be cool if running would eat AP too also for AI and Player but...nah bad idea traveling would be a hell...
cool, just wanted to know if eventually we'd be able to get a proper reputation system going ;p
Necro- said:
cool, just wanted to know if eventually we'd be able to get a proper reputation system going ;p

I think best solution for the moment would be to remove karma its not balanced most companions are evil secound it dont make sense while no one see you get negative karma for stealing and killing...
gregor_y said:
Necro- said:
cool, just wanted to know if eventually we'd be able to get a proper reputation system going ;p

I think best solution for the moment would be to remove karma its not balanced most companions are evil secound it dont make sense while no one see you get negative karma for stealing and killing...

There's six companions -- 2 are good, 2 are neutral, 2 are evil. Something for everyone. Karma is a good system -- it's just that Bethesda screwed it up.
quetzilla said:
There's six companions -- 2 are good, 2 are neutral, 2 are evil. Something for everyone. Karma is a good system -- it's just that Bethesda screwed it up.

Well there is a bit more i think Charon for example...also whats the point if your comanion kills or deals 60% damage you get 0 XP not worth it...leveling is hard now anyway...

I something is screwed up you fix it or cut it out...i dont think 1 modder can fix whole karma system...

Also i think the new AP system is bad it would be good if it would affect AI too but thing is i can pull trigger 5-8 times on 10mm pistol while AI can keep on firing...
Dubby said:
originally it was 100%, but then I realized for some reason pipboy access *also* controls the hotkey access... so I lowered it to 50%. this is to curve the potential for pipboy/stim/chem abuse.

I see.

I still think using percentages is no good, however. I think it should be somewhere around a level 1 character with a 5 in Agility should have approx 60% of their AP taken away from inventory access, while a character with a 10 in Agility should have 30% taken away.

I don't know how AP works in Fallout 3, but in the originals accessing it costs 3 AP with a max AP of 10 without perks. And from there, you can take as many stimpacks as you want because you've passed the barrier to entry. If it was 2 AP for Agility 5 characters and 5 AP for Agility 10 characters, that would be unbalanced.

I also think that once you've spent those AP towards your inventory, taking as many stimpacks or chems as you want is no longer "abuse"

The karma system... I'm not sure why that absoloutely needs to be changed for now. You get karma for what the game considers good deeds and lose it for bad deeds. It's functional, and I don't think it needs an overhaul nearly as much as combat does.
i think at 10 agi you have around 100ap which makes it rather simple to cut them down but 30 seems...excessive, generally with a general shot being 10-25 ap
Necro- said:
i think at 10 agi you have around 100ap which makes it rather simple to cut them down but 30 seems...excessive, generally with a general shot being 10-25 ap

Nah its fine but AP should affect AI too its anoying when you fight agains 1 enemy but when theres more your screawed...
hmm, yeah I guess if we're trying to recreate the originals we'd have to make it so you can't consistantly queue up 3-4 shots, which would then require a complete rebalance of all the critters' health.... not worth it.

It should definitely take enough to make you want to hold off until you really need it. Now that I think about it, 30 seems fine, slightly more than a bullet.
i had a suggestion

with the addition of weight to ammo what about adding ammo bags or grenade bags which would lower the weight of ammo/grenades as people would give a realistic feel and doesn't penalize people for carrying a lot of ammo.

a similar thing could be done for weapons, instead of having weapons you'd have a bag where you keep disassembled weapon parts making it easier to carry and weigh less.
Necro- said:
a similar thing could be done for weapons, instead of having weapons you'd have a bag where you keep disassembled weapon parts making it easier to carry and weigh less.

Good idea but who will make it...
well theoretically it wouldn't be that hard, it would be a container that can carry certain type of items ala ammo, would lower their weight (perhaps even ap cost as their in a seperate bag and easier to access?) the actual realworld model could be added at a later date.