Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

yes, this is what i ment

also, i have read that Mr. Gool (forgot his name) who gives you "Shoot em in the head" quest walks to fort constantine upon quest ending, and if you follow him, you would see him shooting scorpions and stinging himself in the leg with a stimpack when hurt :)
Is there any way you could reduce/remove the leveling of hostiles in the game?

I'm a big fan of Fallout 3 and Oblivion but I _do_ think this makes it much too easy. IMO they should remove the leveling to make it harder and then slow down combat out of VATS and make VATS more accurate to make it more playable outside of VATS but still worth using VATS.
JayTheGay said:
yes, this is what i ment

also, i have read that Mr. Gool (forgot his name) who gives you "Shoot em in the head" quest walks to fort constantine upon quest ending, and if you follow him, you would see him shooting scorpions and stinging himself in the leg with a stimpack when hurt :)

This could be good instead of ap sucking healing
if there's an animation for *sticking yourself with a stimpak* then YES stimpaks can be given an animation on use. the way it would work is this:

when the item is used, a script is run. the script closes the pipboy if it's open, disables movement and actions by the player, runs the "stick self with stimpak" animation, re-enables the things it disabled, and reopens the pipboy if it was open to begin with. This is entirely doable.
yeah that would pretty much rule!

how about making the animation interruptable by lets say WALK action, or whatever else, so that you wont get fully incapacitated, and then see "oh shit 20 muties comming, i better run NOW and heal other time" ?

@dubby: i assume since u know they would jiggle, you got the script for animation speed dependance on AG.
may i have it? or could u rewrite it to only affect weapon animation speeds? (attack animation multiplier and global weapon animation multiplier separatelly?)

edit: just found this on nexus, it might contain some clues for stimpack animation stuff:

"Your player character can play some idle animation like NPC, no need to type tfc command in console."
jamesmcm said:
Is there any way you could reduce/remove the leveling of hostiles in the game?

I'm a big fan of Fallout 3 and Oblivion but I _do_ think this makes it much too easy. IMO they should remove the leveling to make it harder and then slow down combat out of VATS and make VATS more accurate to make it more playable outside of VATS but still worth using VATS.

I think that might be too much, since most everything is scaled fairly well. Make super mutants and enclave troopers more powerful and that should be enough.
If the right animation was lacking, you could simply use the syringe animation doctors execute when they heal you.

In combination with F3C's vats nerf, it risks making the game way too hard, though. This is because in FO3, the AI simply charges straight at you, and you have little scope for dodging anyway. So unless you are using cover/bottlnecks and running away, it just becomes a 'who-can-shoot-faster' race. Well, the VATS nerf ensures that the player runs a real risk of losing that race, or winning Pyrrhic victories. In other words, when you are not very skilled or you are up against capable opponents you will always be injured. If it takes a second or so of immobility to inject stimpacks as well, then the stupidity of the opponents (in that they charge all the time) becomes a real danger.

It's good in the way that it encourages you to use cover, traps and such before luring the opponent, and that you don't have an unfair advantage (of 30+ stimpacks in the inventory), but because of the poor AI, it could make for lots of quick deaths. Considering how much combat FO3 has, that'd make progress quite grueling.

In principle the VATS nerf + stimpack delay is great, but FO3's combat style and AI may not work well with it.
Its not like its gona be forever, stims are for critical situation so this can be fast animation it can take 2 sec or better link it to medical skill, each 10 points of medical skill can make healing animation faster by 0,2-0,4 sec but the fastest animation speed that can be obtained by this skill would be 0,5
Are you planning on adding in some other mods? I found one that more or less makes VATS realtime.
Tigranes said:

In principle the VATS nerf + stimpack delay is great, but FO3's combat style and AI may not work well with it.

yes, it does make the game harder, but imo its better then having it too easy with free 999 stims. all you have to do now is press your pipboy button right before ure dead, and viola, everythings fine again. i mean cmon, would you like your enemy to regenerate his HP instantly every time he is almost dead? sounds unfair to the top.
you got a point with AI, but cant it "just" be fixed to be less dumb?

i agree with mrowa though, lets assume the player character has stims at an easy-to-reach spot, where he can use them in a couple of seconds..but still not instantly! heal animation speed dependance on medicine skill is also a nice idea!
also, stimpacks could be made more rare, expensive,and effective, to heal lets say 75 HP instead of 50

this way high EN for high HP and high AG for fast actions, as well as medicine skill would really reveal their meaning, as well as long range weapons + sneak, and companions who can cover your back while you´re healing!

another idea: what about an AI mod where enemies DO react to your weapon sounds, turn into combat "WHERE?"-state, and go looking for you even if youre sneaking?
so silenced weapons and meele come in handy.

ive blasted a raiders head away with sniper rifle, his buddy just 1 meter near him would have got his friends brains all over himself, so the best thing for him to do would be go looking for what killed his buddy or run away, depending on this courage.
but what did he do? nothing -.-
I don't understand you guys. In Fallout 1 and 2 you could open your inventory and use as many stimpacks as you wanted, just like now. Though the problem may lie within the fact that there's no more TB combat, so you can't be shot dead without the ability to do anything to prevent it.

My proposition - make accessing inventory take helluva lots AP. This ought to fix the stimpack issue.
Just thought I would mention a few things I'd love to see in a future version of F3C. I'm not sure how practical/do-able these are, but hey no harm in listing them. :)

- More of the camp humor and easter eggs that made F2 wonderful. I loved that F2 didn't take itself too seriously.
It felt like a Quentin Tarantino sendup of a B-grade 50's sci-fi flick, complete with over-the-top violence, swearing and lovable characters. (like Myron, the "little stinker")

- More joinable NPC's.
How about implementing follower specific quests? (ala Baldur's Gate 2) Eg. a Pretty Boy Lloyd type quest where you find/kill a guy who owes Jericho money.

- Ditch the Pipboy interface or make it optional.
I want a *fullscreen* interface, and I want to see ALL my character's stats on the same page!

- More death animations.
Like everyone else I'm sick of seeing enemies' heads fly off when i crit them in the stomach with an assault rifle.

- More ways to influence NPCs.
Imagine if the player (with suitable CHA/speech) could convince some NPCs to change jobs, move to another city, swap factions, commit crimes, or simply kill themselves. It could really give a use to all those generic 'Megaton Settler' NPCs if nothing else!

- More 'set piece' events.
Things like staged battles between factions, slaves rebelling/revolting from Paradise Falls, Children caught tampering with the Megaton bomb, Someone being pushed off the deck of the Rivet City carrier (prompting an investigation by Harkness), Supermutants conducting bizarre ceremonies with their captives, hordes of ghoul ferals charging the doors of Tenpenny towers... events like that would really add some much-needed life to the wasteland.

- Gang activity.
How about bringing back the Khans, Skullz or Vipers?
Ditch the "raider" faction and replace it with an assortment of gangs. Some might have their own colors or weapon preferences, and access to higher level tech. Ideally each would have their own HQ, and a bloodthirsty turf war would be waged between these various groups.

- Implants.
If Pinketon has the means to perform facial reconstruction it follows that he could also install low-level cybernetic upgrades. Dermal armor and the +stat upgrades from F2 could at the very least give the player some "big ticket" items worth saving caps for.
fallout 1/2 wasnt perfect as well. dont get me wrong, im an oldschool fan, but i see fallout 3 not only as a pile of unfinished work, but also as a chance for better solutions, which were not possible in f1/2.

"fallout tactics: BOS" got it also solved better then f1/2. it uses AP cost for every action within the inv, but opening the inv itself is free, which kinda makes sence, because you might just want to "think back" on items u got in your inv, and then still not use them.

your "hella AP for opening inv" is a nice idea, in case of an AP based system.
but in case we can pull off the animation speed thing (an experienced scripter guy from nexus said it should be possible with FOSE), then it wont make sence because no AP would be used.
Hi guys, been reading through the thread for quite a while now, and just finally got registered ! So now I can post my impressions!

While I like a lot of the ideas of this mod, I feel there are a certain number of things that could be ... well... better.


Removing the "pickup" bonuses really removes all incentive to go hunting for them or even care about them. Which cuts out part of the fun of the game. Now I'm not saying that they should be left as is though; in fact the bobbleheads that provided skill bonuses were clearly not only pointless in the long run, but a bit overpowered as they were. The SPECIAL bobbleheads, now... Those were ok in their original inception.

To be honest I think I am partial to the stat boosters only because of F2 Chinatown BOS bunker. If you remember, in that bunker, there was a medical computer that could increase a certain number of your stats by 1 for a price (I forget if it was just time spent, or if it was paid in caps, or if it was both). If there was a way to introduce the same kind of thing in F3, i think that bobbleheads could truely be reworked into something both balanced and fun.

2-Gamestart: Beyond Vault 101

While a lot of the rebalancing efforts work well in the endgame theory, they make for exceptionally slow rough starts. This is the result of two things. First that skill nerf is WAY to rough. Take Megaton and disarming/arming the bomb there. In the original design, that quest was meant to be done early on and provide much needed experience so as to move the character forwards. With F3C as it stands that quest is not feasible until you've racked up a couple levels. Now you may say that disarming a nuclear warhead shouldn't be an easy task. And yes, that's true, but then you must provide the player character with another means to rack up quest XP to get him started off. To put it simply, by nerfing the starting percentages of skills you have changed the difficulty level of existing easy quests without providing a new tier of "easy" quests. This is further aggravated by the pacing mod which considerably ups the needed amount of exp to tackle the next level of quests.

3-Too many stimpacks???

I don't think altering anything that has to do with the stimpacks is a good idea at all. neither in their number nor in their vanilla functionality are they dissimilar to their previous incarnations, nor are they game-breaking. On the other hand I do believe enemies do need a buff in the damage they cause and punishment they can take. But there again, you have to look at the level curve and be sure to balance it out with the starting, newbie character in mind.
I'd suggest making stimpacks heal over time and limit the number used in a short time.

I'd also remove the leveling of enemies (like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul).

And perhaps revamp the Karma system to make a reputation system where only witnessed acts count (like F2) although that's a huge job.
Healing overtime sux for stimpacks since ther should be some stuff for critical situation and eating breakfest in the middle of the battle is not what i mean :D
Btw i got idea for cooking and stuff
In f1/f2 ther was survival skill it did give exp for encounters and dunno what else anyways it could be put in again give a bit more exp for exploring new locations and due your various travels and exp with combination of medical skill it and help of some machine it could covert food for a better one so lets say we got 3 pices of molerat meat and this 3 pices we go to some machine put this 3 pices ther and with combination of survival skill u get a molerat sandwich which gives more hp then 2 meant pices and give same radiation as sum of this 3 pices thats wher medical skill comes in higher it is the less radiation u will have on your final product :D
After playing around a bit last night I think the game might be hitting the point where it's almost too difficult and heavily reliant on twitch FPS gameplay instead of RPG gameplay.
maybe do it the other way, make food heal over time while stimpacks for emergencies and thus instant.