Fallout 3 first footage

Pope Viper said:
VATS looks downright hideous. I'm sorry, but it DOES NOT WORK.

It looks like something they care so much about that they admittedly forgot to show it to people testing the game.
Ugh, and look at the design of the tank enemy. I think I fought something rather like it before in Mega Man II.

The Bloody Mess perk functioned terribly awkwardly. Todd shot the mutant in the head, it staggered back bleeding - and then, after a cut back to Todd then a return to a view of the mutant, it just fell to pieces for no reason.

The marching band music sounds like it was rendered by MIDI. Surely Beth had enough money leftover - even after hiring Liam Neeson - to license real performances?

The Fatman - or, as Tood calls it, the Nyewkyoolahr rocket launcher - despite being hyped so much is really underwhelming. I expected that the audio would fade out into a high-pitched whine to simulate the shock, that one's vision would go pure white from the flash, that the mushroom cloud gather and linger, that a shockwave would pulse out and whip-up one's surroundings a bit -- but altogether the effect was not much more striking than the earlier missile launcher's.

Rubbish all around.
I don't like, how the one thing (was it a supermutant? The video quality is still bad) is flying backwards, after he got killed via VATS.
Haha. This game is going to fail so much. Fallout fans will hate it (well, no news). RPG fans will not even touch this (since it's a FPS). And the FPS crowd will be annoyed by the sucky combat/VATS.

Way to go Bethesda. Making a good game (or a Fallout game) would have increased your sales more than just bringing generic shit to every possible platform.
It looks ok in itself but i feels i cant take this footage seriously, i dont know if its the comments Todd makes or that annoying music(which i really hope is coming from the ingame radio and is not the backround music for that area) or is it just that damn fatman in the end that left me bit confused about if this game is trying to be funny or gritty or fast paced or what.
I dont feel dissapointed but im not too excited either. Well ill see what the future brings in these videos. I do like how the enviroments look though...
I'm so glad that I didn't wait for this "in-game footage" before deciding that I won't like this game, since it is pretty much what I've come to expect.

The combat looks boring for lack of a better word.

VATS seemed a little more seamless than I had assumed it would be, in it's transition from realtime to stopped time.
Without the random-camera slowmo it would be pretty bearable.

The shotgun looks as bad in first person as it did in the screeny we already saw of it.

The robots (at least I think those were robots) didn't look entirely out of place, although the eyebot looks like it came directly out of "Attack of the Clones".

The laser rifle was less than awe-inspiring.

The open-world seemed fairly spacious and not as boring and repetitive as I expected, but I bet that impression would change if I saw more than a couple minutes of it.

The rifle w/ scope was straight out of RE4, but it was useful there as it undoubtedly will be here, thanks to the general lack of intelligence and movement speed of the npcs/enemies.
(brilliant AI doesn't consist of what we saw here)

the fatman.. no comment.

all in all, I'd give it a passable rating for a single player FPS game, if it was made in 2006, and we'd never seen Stalker.
I really didn't get the mutant getting nailed in the head, then falling to pieces.

Pretty much left me scratching my head.
All the biological characters seem to be garbage bags full of blood that are easily dismembered by nearly any firearm.
Pope Viper said:
VATS looks downright hideous. I'm sorry, but it DOES NOT WORK.
Seems like they've taken a page from the book of JRPG combat design. The "whoa! cinematic" stuff does get old pretty fast - there better be a way to turn it off.

Enemies falling to pieces when killed remind me of zombies in Painkiller. Pretty odd.
I had thought that the radio was going to function in a more mysterious way - i.e., you'd search through the frequencies, trying to find good reception, and eventually you might chance upon some haunting music or a curious message. But it would seem that Bethesda's turned it into an in-game iPip, playing MP3's...which, conveniently, releases them from the responsibility of providing quality musical fare to suit locations and events specifically in the way that FO1/2 did.
Wow, that's... that's really, really bad. No, I mean I knew it would be bad, but... oh my god... This is really... I have no words.

Maybe if they removed Vats and made much better character animations it could be a half-decent shooter, but this, this is just perfectly awful.

I will admit that the scenery looks nice... if they removed the god-awful color filter.
star said:
Haha. This game is going to fail so much. Fallout fans will hate it (well, no news).

Speak for yourself. I didn't think the footage was very bad at all. The game clearly needs a bit of tuning and polish, though.
what a meh...
the scapes look nice, but VATS... Oh my... physics sucks. Those replays really piss off. Could they be switched off?
scratches head, well that sure sucked , cant say im to suprised tho , sigh fallout 3 been dead for me since i heard beth took over the development for the game but seeing this clip its even worse then i thought

What bothers me more is the kiddies on gametrailers etc digging it saying its a good followup to the other fallout games, someone please knock em on their head for me
ohh come on, its not that bad ...
vertibird looks nice ...
and and ... if you just mod appearence of that fatman and its ammo, and its homing abilities ... it would pass as perfectly good rocket launer ...
star said:
Haha. This game is going to fail so much. Fallout fans will hate it (well, no news). RPG fans will not even touch this (since it's a FPS). And the FPS crowd will be annoyed by the sucky combat/VATS.

You forgot the indiscriminate and unknowing console kiddies who thought that Halo was the best FPS ever made. Count the number of "sweet" and "awesome" comments on the GameTrailers page I linked to earlier: when it comes to sales figures, it won't fail.
THAT'S IT???? We're a over a year since announcement, and that's all they give us? Five minutes? I expected something at least on par with that one they didn't show the public last year. I expected to see some dialogue, some variety of enemies, moral choices, various skills being implemented. I expected AT LEAST 20 minutes! That was pathetic. Fuck you Bethesda, you have disappointment down to a science.
Watched the slightly better quality clip, and I'm certainly not blown away. I can't say for certain, but the environments looked very bland and in that demonstration, boring.

Maybe it was just a test situation, and they didn't want to give much away, but I have to admit I'm underwhelmed. Maybe the HD footage might change my mind, we'll see.

Oh, and movement needs polish. But theres still time. I want this to be a good game. ;(
One issue that I don't think has received sufficient - if any - comment so far, is that the pacing of battles has been completely altered; it's not as if they just switched Fallout to realtime, they've also switched the pacing, feeling, vibe, spirit, character, soul, whatever you wish to call it, to most closely resemble, as far as I can tell, Serious Sam.

Consider how many back-and-forth shots might be taken in FO 1 or 2. It wouldn't be unusual for it to take approximately half a dozen shots or two grenades to dispatch one enemy, if you had fair skill points. But in this gameplay footage, we can see that each enemy hardly has time to pop up before it's beaten; there's no time to exercise any sort of tactics, no time to absorb the battle, no time do anything but clickfest. The pacing has devolved completely, into an arcade-y pandemonium. Contrast this pacing to STALKER's.

Also sadly missing are any sort of taunts or exclamations from enemies.