Fallout 3 first footage

kagai said:
I'm not an apologist, just because I've been a lurker doesn't mean I just came on here to cry for Bethesda. But your quote above gets to my point. You have just criticized this game top to bottom yet you have nothing to go on but some interviews and a quick teaser demo. Many of you are extrapolating that minor knowledge and stretching it out over 50-100 hrs of gameplay. That's dishonest.

If it looks like shit. And it smells shit. And it tastes like shit. It's probably shit.

I don't need to play this sack of crap to know that it's Oblivion with a Fallout re-skin job done to it.
I thought I was the only one seeing the tictacs armor..

From the screencap I can't tell if it has the hoses of the advanced PA, or if those are those silly horn-looking protrusions of the tictacs helmet.

I'll watch the higher def version once the g4 site isn't being raped by incoming traffic...

I'm not an apologist, just because I've been a lurker doesn't mean I just came on here to cry for Bethesda. But your quote above gets to my point. You have just criticized this game top to bottom yet you have nothing to go on but some interviews and a quick teaser demo. Many of you are extrapolating that minor knowledge and stretching it out over 50-100 hrs of gameplay. That's dishonest.

Saying it looks like the bee's knees based on that exact same lack of information would be equally dishonest (possibly even moreso unlesss you are blind and have no idea what Fallout was like).

I have literally checked out every single bit of available information on this game since Bethesda bought the liscence.

If there was anything else *cough* like a demo *cough* for me to look at, I would have.

At this point, I know just as much, or more, than you do about this game.

I have an opinion based on that knowledge, and it is that this game is not going to be one that I would waste my money buying, even though I've wanted a Fallout 3 in some shape or form for nearly 10 years now.

I cannot believe that I waited this long and this was the best thing they could offer me.

seriously. Look at quake 1, and then at quake 4.

That's the kind of improvement of a proven franchise that we should expect, considering the advancement of the technology and hardware available to PC gamers, in the many years between the two titles.

Bethesda has failed to deliver that, while blithely stating that the many changes they made to the franchise were necessary to bring it up to today's standards.

It doesn't even meet those standards.
Oh, by the way, I'm depressingly certain that this junk is going to sell ridiculously well. They really have nailed that Gears of War look, and the lowest common denominator will lap this up like manna from heaven.
the guy from enclace (in power armour) looks exactly like brotherhood of steel from tactics...

in other words im disappointed of what i saw, the game looks really really bad...
kagai said:
I'm not an apologist, just because I've been a lurker doesn't mean I just came on here to cry for Bethesda. But your quote above gets to my point. You have just criticized this game top to bottom yet you have nothing to go on but some interviews and a quick teaser demo. Many of you are extrapolating that minor knowledge and stretching it out over 50-100 hrs of gameplay. That's dishonest.


Y'know, this is PR, the whole point of PR is to offer information and footage to convince the consumer to buy the product. If Bethesda thinks this is enough to inform their consumers to buy the product, why would it not be enough to dismiss it on? Double standards much?

Please. This whole "we haven't seen enough" argument was vaguely valid a year ago. It has no more validity now. Especially since the consensus appears to be that the game just looks worse with every new tidbit they reveal.

H said:
g4 seems to be quite slow atm, so you might want to switch to gametrailers

Works fine for me, but I'll edit in a mirror to GameTrailers.
Bethesda you've impressed me!

This looks shittier than I ever anticipated. These are the master graphics everybody was raving about? Sure, can't comment on textures because of the low res video, but the mundane setting, thucking fugly characters (are those people or mutants?), and the animations (look at the PC throwing a grenade)! Oblivion NPC Interaction Akwardity all over again.
One of you enemies runs up to you, stopping two meters from, suddenly totally OBLIVIOUS to the existence of the PC, so as to get his blood-bag of a leg blown up.
As said, a guy gets shot in the head, shot at again, and transforms into a blood spurting flying torso. I knew they were gonna fuck up the "bloody mess"-ness, but this is done with absolutely no taste or tact (and I mean that from a purely aesthetic point of view).
The female character is the epitome of weird animation, but she's also really fugly, really awkwardly proportioned, especially the way the arms are positioned. Did any "professionals" work on this abomination?

Fatman: no comment.

One comment on the Enclave trooper though. Is that a different Power Armour? Looks most reminiscent of the Tactics version.
EDIT: final comment already saided
The enemies look like idiots :(
The sound taken from original game, when enetering VATS feels out of place
You know what I find curious? The first demo was focused for a big part on combat, as is this 6-minute demo. I think the second one was focused mostly on character generation.

But honestly...do they think graphics and action are this game's strong parts? VATS looks like it'll get on your nerves very, very fast. The ragdoll physics look unconvincing. The AI looks atrocious (what's with the guy stopping to look at you in the middle of combat). The world just looks monotonous and grey.

Perhaps under all this muck is a diamond of RPGness in dialogue structure and quests. But if so, Bethesda is doing a damned good job of hiding it.
thx for editing... didnt know you could embed flash (and not only youtube). g4 seems to recover, so it might work now

and... the game doesnt exactly look horrible, but that might be just me (i dont care much for bling bling and teh shiniez), but gameplay-wise there is NOTHING left that even remotely reminds of anything fallout-related. ah... forgot the sounds... good times, indeed.

so, i will perhaps enjoy this game as it is: a post-apocalyptic shooter with some rpg and/or rts elements loosely based on the fallout franchise. i wonder why they misinformed us about fallout 3 being oblivion with guns tho(the graphics look like oblivion, so cut the crap with oblivion 2), as what is to be seen in the demo - we (as in, old fallout farts) never were a sales target in this. much less fuzz if they told us so from the beginning.

oh well.
pkt-zer0 said:
Pope Viper said:
VATS looks downright hideous. I'm sorry, but it DOES NOT WORK.
Seems like they've taken a page from the book of JRPG combat design. The "whoa! cinematic" stuff does get old pretty fast - there better be a way to turn it off.

Enemies falling to pieces when killed remind me of zombies in Painkiller. Pretty odd.

It's not cinematic, not at all. I already mentioned Bioshock. Now THAT was cinematic, simply beautiful, and interactive at the same time. Same goes for CoD4 (also a damn great FPS), lot of cinematic elements, but never hindering the interaction.
THIS is just plain forcing someone to watch the awzum gore ( I like gore, but I actually don't like something if someone comes over to me, holds a gun to my head and "offers" me some of it). There is almost nothing cinematic about this, sure, the camera is "bit" dramatic, there is bit of motion blut and slow motion. But considering the repetitivnes and that this "feature" is just a small part of the game, I'd not consider F3 as cinematic.

And the fatman....
It never really disturbed me as I looked at F3 as an FPS. By far it was not the worst thing about the changes, so I could live with it.
But this is simply put...awful. Have you seen the Mushroom cloud of CoD4? Now THAT was a great embodiment of a nuclear explosion.

RIP Fallout :?, I'll wait till the first gameplay footage which shows all the elements of F3, but I almost have no hope, that this game will suit me as a standalone title
Why supposed PC flies in the air?

And why Howard is so messed up?

"The game takes place........In...................post-apocalyptic Washington DC"

Forgot what that generic gray thing was?

"i've left the vault, Vault 101 where no one ever enters, and NO ONE ever leaves"

So this makes sense in what way?

Overall gameplay looks really bad. Oh I mean fantastic for consoles.
The ragdoll physics do indeed look terribly outdated, but any game with ragdoll physics that doesn't also include the Euphoria engine is going to look bad now the general public have experienced GTA IV.
I don't see what is wrong with the combat.

VATS at this point LOOKS functional but having not played it cannot comment. Saying it will annoy you is down to the individual playing the game.

Remember this is a demo of a WIP (Not to defend the horendus rape that bethesda has applied to FO) but i would judge the game by it's own merits and faults rather than comparing it to a past game.

Really the main complains are a tweeking and polishing fix. Get smoother animations, Fix physics engine (Although i fail to see what was wrong with it).

AI will probably improve for the final game

As for the people bitching that the NPCs charge you...

Are you too retarded to notice they had MELEE weapons? The ones at range STAYED at range.
My first thought was, is this"SCHINDLER'S LIST" ? Why is everything BLACK AND WHITE ?!

I like the fact that they have visible wireframe targeting, but the "cinematic shot" is a terrible idea, it better have an off switch.
The animations are just poor... and after seeing the fatboy in action, I am sorely disappointed. That's just stupid looking. Bloodmess also looked stupid... and like it would get old quickly.
i cant actually follow on how the VATS works, it seems to be really fast... or maybe its just that this pumped-up demo char onehits nearly every opponent. at least, i couldnt really make out how this works.

ah, and thanks for signing up, drakiyth. there are a few people here that share your opinions, maybe not so vigorously, but they do.

as i stated before, from the look and feel it seems to be a first-person shooter with certain rpg-elements, and based on that, i might enjoy it.
Next gen physics? That tank barely moved after getting hit by a rocket.
Oh, and Toddish comment about Fatman- cute. I'm sure these kids are your target audience.
Moderators are going to have a haaaaaaaard time from now on... :roll:

Anyway...Are people THAT blind and THAT stupid ? I mean, even on its own ( nevermind the fact that it is called Fallout 3 which is SO laughable now that I've seen how it plays and looks ) it looks pretty bad and uninspired. Before starting to masturbate on the ( shitty ) graphics and ( shitty ) gameplay just take a look at the last Clear Sky video. How can anyone think this piece of junk is going to be the next gold standard in rpg/fps hybrids ? These 5 minutes litteraly made me hate Fallout 3 more than Oblivion and that says A LOT... :evil: