Fallout 3 first footage

whirlingdervish said:
I'm so glad that I didn't wait for this "in-game footage" before deciding that I won't like this game

Well it's a good thing to be cautious, or have faith sometimes.
Only now it's pretty obvious that it's unredeemable crap.

All I can think of now is how the Xbox is raping PC gaming.
Just found that if you go into the link I posted before, you can rewind the thing back to 10.30AM. Shortly thereafter is the Fallout 3 demo, in great quality.

I just rewatched it, and wow. VATS doesn't only look like it's going to be annoying, it doesn't even look responsive enough (when enemies die) to be satisfying in a cinematic way either. What a piece of shit.

And of course the demo itself is not exactly exciting. It's only the shooter elements, we don't get to see any character interactions or uses of skill. Only shooting, which looks bland as hell.

I am so very unimpressed by this on most levels I can think of. The opening movie (which is live shot) would've been quite funny though, but the use of cartoon artoworks looks like ass to put it mildly. Still, I liked the mood of it all. The game itself looks like total suckage however, wow.
What is this in the second video, where Todd is shoting with a shotgun? It looks like a kind of dwarf to me.

It's not a dwarf. It's a dwemer, or more likely: a Super Duper Dwemer;)
C'mon. It was a DEMO. Do you think he would take five minutes to kill a few enemies. He wanted to show the game off in a short amount of time. He had a lot of weapons and was probably "ubered" up for demo purposes and he had the Bloody Mess Perk, of course enemies would die like blood bags. You guys know all of that, you're just piling on because you hate the direction, which is fine, but at least be honest about your criticism.

I loved it and I can't wait to play it.
I had my suspicions even before seeing these two videos, but it's been confirmed now:
Does anybody else think that the environment is far too busy and full of meaninglessly placed crapola?
Yes, I know it's post-apocalyptic, but this doesn't look like the blasted fragments of civilisation; it looks like over-enthusiastic random placement of rubble to me.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Pathetic animation and physics ...
Blue is not blue its gray ...
No Shadows.. No Colour
Enemies charge against you CLEARLY they be thinking: I'ma storm this guy
FPS movement Sucks - at least if it had proper FPS feel



G4 is supposed to have live exclusive footage on their own stage later today. It's going to be longer than the one from the Microsoft conference.
kagai said:
C'mon. It was a DEMO. <snip> You guys know all of that, you're just piling on because you hate the direction, which is fine, but at least be honest about your criticism.

Cue the zergrush of Beth apologists!

I was honest, and have been from the start.
Review my criticism above. I actually stated that much of it wasn't as terrible as I expected it to be from the descriptions we've gotten from the media.

It's not the "direction" that is the problem.

It's what they started with, and where they ended up that is the problem here, and we finally got some video to prove just how far those two points are from each other.

They started with the rights to possibly the best games for meaningful strategic role playing and character depth, and ended up with a piss-poor bland knockoff of bioshock and stalker with little other than shooting idiotic bad guys and playing dressup.

Ok...I honnestly thought you guys were sometimes too harsh on Fallout 3. You were not. You were almost too nice with Bethesda. Now that I've seen what Fallout 3 looks like ( :| :roll: :cry: ) I can say it : FUCK YOU BETHSOFT. Seriously. I was really ready to cope with most of the changes brought by your hord of fucktards but this is not acceptable. Did you guys really think we would mistake that piece of crap with Fallout 3 or you just don't care either way ? Seriously I've had more than enough with you and your changes. Your game not only isn't faithful to Fallout but it also looks like shit, seems to play like shit and is totally uninspired. Jeez...
I already edited the first post to embed the G4 TV offer, which is high quality.

whirl said:
wow. never thought I'd see MrBumble lose it.

Sooner or later, we all snap under the relentless pressure of Bethesda's offerings.
The enclave armor looks a bit like the brotherhood armor from Fallout Tactics?
Now they've announced DLCzzzzz for Fallout 3!

So now we can look forward to paying 4.99 for the Enclave, and Brotherhood of Steel House Decoration Packs!

Or the 1.99 for a new pack to go on your mule!

Or the 2.99 for a new collar and stuffed toy for Dogmeat!

The hatred grows. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I always knew they weren't the people for the job, but even I never thought they would fuck it up as royally as they have. Un-fucking-believable.
It looks....alright. We've only seen five minutes and that may be enough for you but that's not enough for me.

Quite frankly, I don't think Fallout 3 was as interesting or exciting as the other titles that were shown on stage like Resident Evil 5 and Gears of War 2 and this is coming from a huge Fallout fan.

I'll probably enjoy the game (I'm extremely tolerant) but it's not going to hold up against it's predecessors.

The only people who are really going to like it are the Beth apologists. :(
Lol. In the future, Mac has taken over the world with i-bots!

Comments are funny at least.


OMG I can't wait until March!!
That Fat Man gun looks soooo kick ass!!
It is a big game so can u guys just imagne what the multiplayer is going to be like online.

This guy can't be for real.
whirlingdervish said:
kagai said:
C'mon. It was a DEMO. <snip> You guys know all of that, you're just piling on because you hate the direction, which is fine, but at least be honest about your criticism.


They started with the rights to possibly the best games for meaningful strategic role playing and character depth, and ended up with a piss-poor bland knockoff of bioshock and stalker with little other than shooting idiotic bad guys and playing dressup.


I'm not an apologist, just because I've been a lurker doesn't mean I just came on here to cry for Bethesda. But your quote above gets to my point. You have just criticized this game top to bottom yet you have nothing to go on but some interviews and a quick teaser demo. Many of you are extrapolating that minor knowledge and stretching it out over 50-100 hrs of gameplay. That's dishonest.