cablefish said:
Hey roshambo ("kid" in the rest of the post). Where in my text do you read all that shit you're all mad about. Where did i post that bethsoft is gonna make a great game?
No, you were arguing that some random moron should keep posting their idiocy as if it were by someone who knows the design, when they obviously haven't had a clue of what they were trying to talk about since they stepped into this discussion with their rebuking tone and explanations that only explained how much of a moron they truly were. Some random newbie is NOT representative of Fallout fans, even if you feel that their idiocy should be honored here.
I said that i cant see how they are gonna make the cool feedback that FO made.
Well, given that you defend an idiot that doesn't know why the game was constructed the way it was, doesn't know what the fuck P&P RPGs are, etc, then of course it will suck. Did you not pay attention to anything around Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Enforcer? Obviously not.
Go mindlessly fellate some other developer, please, because we don't need anyother "Kerrang". Next we'll be re-living the "It nnot ment to be a RPG!!!!" defense of Fallout Tactics, when we pointed out that it was neither a good tactical nor a good Fallout game, even before its design was revamped from being just a series of maps as missions.
I need education? I've seen "duck and cover" many times over looking for references to fallout. I know why the laser guns have little oldschool needle-meters on them. I know why its a cadillac you can buy and not a fucking mercedes. Fallout is more than a game. Its an retro 50's experience. Its a historical dokumentation to what people actually believed a nuclear war would bring.
No, it's SCIENCE-FICTION styled on a certain theme, which the design of the game follows suit down to the music composition, art style, art presentation, and pretty much every other element ignorant fools like you don't see as a problem to urinate upon. At least you're not using the "modern" argument (oh, wait, you did), but what you're defending this with is almost as stupid. So to preserve the setting, we shouldn't care about the rest of the game, which was designed along with the setting for a specific purpose?
You're either ignorant or stupid, and since you decided to walk into this discussion without a clue and without bothering to heed anything written in the thread before, then that makes you stupid.
Then you argue that Zajcew's moronic argument for fucking over setting elements should continue, because they said it was for TECHNICAL reasons.
Really, do you bother reading the thread before you post a reply?
No, I already know the answer to that.
Why do you go all ballistic on the question of 2d vs 3d and turnbased vs realtime. When all the "education" i seem to be needing is telling me that the challange for bethsoft dont depend on their graphix or combat system. It lies in making the game in the same athmosphere as the two prequels. Something i doubt they'll be able to do kid.
Again, part of the atmosphere was in the construction of the game. Again, since I have had to repeat myself when I link and explain a LOAD of reasons why Fallout was constructed the way it was, then my warning will stand.
I pointed out, with definitive reasons, why Fallout used the various elements for the construction. You still decide to see no reason with some random idiot giving a false reasoning of why certain design elements are not important, and that you say they should keep posting that shit.
You're now banned, fuckwit.
My question is this kid. Isn't it a waste of effort to make pettitions and all sorts of angry gestures at bethsoft demmanding the game to be 2d and turn-based while completely missing the imo more important issue on whether they are able to get ANY of the retro experience that fallout had into their game? Dont you think that'll be worth an effort?
I'm not the one being paid to play "developer" and make mistakes with the license. Hand-holding obviously didn't work for Lionheart and Fallout Tactics, and Elara going down on Chuck like an ethical crack whore didn't work for Fallout: Enforcer, so why should I take my time beyond pointing out Fallout's setting, to make sure Bethesda designs the game right as long as they have people bright enough to understand the design? No, they can either prove they are designers, or another Hasbro/EA. We've pointed out the mistakes they have made before, which you would have known if you had followed Duck and Cover, since they keep up with the community news, then the only problem is your idiocy and spin-doctoring.
Which is now fixed.
If they want to design the game right, that is their decision. If they decide to whore you, that is their mistake, given that Fallout Tactics also had an editor, and it didn't save that steaming pile of shit for long. Neither did the fact that it was on console help Fallout: Enforcer win over the console trash, either.
If they want to keep up with the crap PR, then we'll let them know that their PR is crap. It is good to know that some of you are so personally mindless in the gaming market that the developer has to be treated with upmost respect when they have said the things they have now and in the past.
It just proves at least *someone* would buy a turd if Herve carved "Fallout" into it. Hmmm, no, that's not a good thing, either.
Bloodlust said:
Rosh,aren't you bored to reply to each and every new newbie that comes to this forum brain-farting about fo3?
And it's going to get worst when the masses of the elderscrolls fanbois find out about this place
Write an article,make it a sticky or even better,place a fuckin Blinking gif on the top of the screen(where that pipboy face pic is now) and point them to that.
Already being worked on. There will be an indiced collection with a number of important points, and if their ignorance persists beyond that, then their idiocy can be dealt with.
Zajcew said:
So this is "fallout community" eh?
To make some of you feel better about themselves I'm gonna confirm some assumptions that you have made (taking assumtions out of your asses is what the "fallout community" is best at, right?)
Of course. That's why you needed to use the "technical reasons" to explain the viewpoint Fallout used, and the rest of the construction of the game you don't seem to understand.
1. Yes, I have no grasp of p&p RPGs, I have never, EVER played a p&p RPG, which is exactly why I have no idea why would anyone want to recreate that on the PC.
We all know that RT combat is
SO P&P RPG! Especially for that modern D&D thing BioWare does! And I just LOVE playing P&P RPGs in first-person!
Maybe you can explain how to do that as well, since you seem to think it's perfectly fine for P&P RPG mechanics.
2. Yes, my favorite game of all time is not Fallout 2, it's NWN, followed closely by DS and Diablo, becasue those are real, hardcore cRPGs, where I can PWN n00bs on teh intraweb.
Teh l33t!
3. Yes, I never liked turn-based combat, becasue I'm too stupiud to understand it's complexity, I just prefer it to be a simple click-fest with lots of cool graphical effects.
Oh, but TB combat is flawed, as your...rather...illuminating post illustrated.
Actually, I'd say your understanding of TB is flawed as hell, and your argument for removing TB rather misses the point of calling the game a P&P RPG. That was the
point of calling it a P&P CRPG. Yet you want to fuck with that, don't see why it would be bad, and then post this sarcastic load of shit?
Then, of course, there's this interesting bit that seems to imply that you're trying to tell us not only different than what the lead artist and programmers have said, but that you somehow know this stunning revelation years after Fallout was designed, and to the surprise of those who developed Fallout themselves.
As for the whole isomteric view thing. Why exactly is it better then 1st/3rd person view? Becasue that's how it was in previous Fallouts? Newsflash for you people: it was like that becasue of technology restrictions.
"Technology reasons". That just proves that you are a child, because that view was used due to resembling tabletop P&P RPG gaming (you know, the ones with the figurines and rulebooks obviously older than you), but also conveys the best pulpish feel to the game without inflicting interface restrictions upon the player, limiting the aspect of the character being roleplayed within the tabletop ruleset. Perception and what the character can see is laid out for the player to make decisions, without having to rely on the player's own visual acuity, as FP view would rely on. As would RT combat rely on the player's reflexes, and not on the character's ability, thus again missing the point of calling it a P&P CRPG if you're going to miss that aspect. So you're a liar based upon your content, and then by simple comparison between what you have posted and what is P&P RPG design. Nowhere in your initial post did you even remotely give the hint that you knew what P&P RPGs were like, instead you were posting some garbage about what you thought was cool and what you thought was "modern", and now you're trying to lie to us in light of that. It's in the same thread, who the hell are you trying to fool? Cablefish? Well, you succeeded in fooling one idiot. Congratulations.
When you say things like "Newsflash" [sic], that infers that you think you know better than the ones you are talking to. Considering we're the oldest and largest Fallout site still around, and most of us have been here since the beginning and have talked to the developers themselves for the design reasons because they too have experience in the industry and CAN recognize good work, as I have repeatedly stated and pointed out where you can read to educate yourself, then the event of some random newbie shitstain telling us what he considers to be reality becomes one that proves that you are either insane, a world-class idiot.
Newsflash: You are evidently both.
It also means you're ban-bait.
4. Yes, I keep my head in my ass at all times, becasue it's warm in there AND it feels pretty good too.
So that explains your "mad observation skillz". Oh, that's exactly why I gave you that avatar, though you seem to be reacting as if I gave you the avatar I gave cablefish. So much for your "mad observation skillz".
Now why the fuck can't you understand what P&P rules mean, when your previous post calls your claim of understanding such rules a lie, as I've debunked above?
So there, you can all come back to the holes you crawled out of knowing you tought a stupid newbie a lesson and showed him who's the boss. You can be sure I won't ever post on this message board again, becasue the sheer brilliance of you people hurts my tiny, little brain.
And thx for the new avatar and everything, it's really neat.
Glad you like it, as we enjoy sharing it with every moron that tries to post a load of uneducated shit and then try to come up with even more unbelievable shit as an excuse. Really, I'm going back through your initial post in this thread, and your snarky post proves one thing. That you are not capable of understanding the design, even when it's pointed out to you at length and repeatedly, so that learning disability indeed quantifies you as "retarded".