Anani Masu said:
Why did a vault which spawned 3 different groups of raiders and was supposed to have been thoroughly looted still have 2 lockers on the first floor with flares, stimpaks and a medkit?
What's that? A flaw? In Fallout 1? It's not like we haven't already
recognized that three times over already.
Jesus H. Christ, AM, please at least try to bring up a new argument.
And no, the gameist answer of "dungeon = loot!" doesn't work. That's exactly why "You enter a room of 4x4 meters. Standing to one wall is a single orc guarding a chest" is so incredibly stupid. You have to massage your game elements into your setting, not over your setting.
Anani Masu said:
Assuming that the raiders have been sitting on the cache for 200 years is just as much of a leap as just assuming the supplies were inaccessible for that same period or time. The difference is one of those choices ruins the game for yourself and the other is sane.
Heh. You're trusting Bethesda to offer logical explanations for these kind of things? That's funny.
Also, where was I assuming they've been sitting on it for 200 years? It's not necessary for my argument. Whether they sit on it 200 years or 2 years doesn't matter; why didn't they trade the medicine?
But yes, you can hide behind "they could explain it in the final game" for now, if you wish. I could point out how Fallout 3 has way too many flaws which all needs stretching to make acceptable, meaning the stretching becomes a flaw in and of itself.
Anani Masu said:
Because they wanted to play around with factions from the first games without trampling on the canon? Yes I know what I just said invites people to huff and puff about how you consider them to have already done that.
Uh...huh? If Bethesda wanted to use the factions from the first games, they should have set the game after Fallout 2 on the west coast. The decision to move cross-continent should, to any sensible designer, automatically preclude the choice of playing with a lot of the original factions, thus making a time-shift viable.
Hell, if Fallout 3 were set at the same time of Fallout 1, an Enclave presence on the east coast would actually make sense.