Fallout 3 to hit PS3, GI says

heh i agree with Mani
sounding like a broken record:

even if it is 3rd person iso
even if its got proper special
even if combat is turn based
and even if you have dialog options

dialogue can still suck
combat can still suck
story can still suck


this thing is a freaking minefield and i think it was a lucky gathering of situations that made the first 2 games great

PS3 does get in the way imho just as 360 does not because they are consoles but because Mature Games on consoles (and i'm not talking about the rating) are something of a rare occurance :)
so it goes.

King of Creation said:
We've known this for a while now.

How so? We knew it was going to be multi-platform, and hence probably 360 since 360 is Bethesda's "primary developing platform". PS3 was never announced, to my knowledge.
Whenever a company says "Next Generation Consoles," it usually mean more than one. And since I doubt they'd release it on the Wii, that only leaves the 360 and PS3.
Maybe they will change the name to
Fallivion : Mutant hunter
(It's basically a simple, mildly entertaining, and somewhat uneven quasi-futuristic dungeon crawl for one or two players.)
only for PS3 and Xbox360
King of Creation said:
Whenever a company says "Next Generation Consoles," it usually mean more than one. And since I doubt they'd release it on the Wii, that only leaves the 360 and PS3.

Nonsense and poppycock and you know it, KoC, that is neither an affirmation nor even that indicative.

Still, dig the reinvention. Woot.
King of Creation said:
Whenever a company says "Next Generation Consoles," it usually mean more than one. And since I doubt they'd release it on the Wii, that only leaves the 360 and PS3.
They should release it on PSP and NintendoDS too! And they should sell Fallout3 mobile games, that would give money. And maybe a lot merchandise like T-Shirts, cups, movies, books, Vaultboy actionfigures xD

With that they can collect that much money, to build a great Fallout game for PC.
So they can be rich and artists!

As long the PC version will be like a PC version (That means a real Fallout successor) everything is okay for me. ^^
Isometric turn-based games are quite popular and easy to use on consoles, actually.
However, idiot companies like Sony and Microsoft refuse to accept this, and thus mainstream developers like Bethesda don't either.

So I fully expect first-person, real time and dumbed down. Because it doesn't matter what console players actually want. Just what developers think they want.
.. and Oblivion was a deep, hardcore RPG anyway. So sayeth Todd Howard. :wink:
Those games suck though. And I don't really hear that much buzz about them, either.
Bunkermensch said:
They should release it on PSP and NintendoDS too! And they should sell Fallout3 mobile games, that would give money.

They will. In all likelihood they are already working on at least a PSP and mobile version (as they did/are doing with TES4).
[sarcasmo]So, I'll have to buy a new computer *and* a mobile phone...[/sarcasmo]
Unfortunately, I think that the mobile phone one may be a possibility, but I doubt it is in the works as we speak. The PSP idea I doubt highly, howevah.
I guess this is the part in which Fallout changed from a beloved 'cult' game series into a soulless merchandise aimed at pleasing anyone at the cost of its 'character'.
PSP TES4 is not out until later in the year. This, however, is available now.

For Fallout Traveller: Mobile just change the description to

* RPG set in the best-selling, award-winning world of Fallout.
* Set within the nation's former capital , you’ll journey through cities, wastelands, and molerat caves.
* Encounter more than 10 monsters including Deathclaws, Mantids, Raiders, Radscorpions, and pigrats, pigrats, pigrats
* Shop for your favorite weapons, armor, drugs, or prostitutes.
* The classic Fallout SPECIAL classless system (based on attributes, skills and accumulation of experience points to advance the character).
* Characters can discover dozens of drugs, scores of weapons, armor, and cheap hookers.
* Deep RPG: deepest character interaction ever on a mobile rpg, rich dialog system allows player to pick smilely face for happy response/frowny face for mad response. A game for both the casual and seasoned mobile gamer or traveler amongst the wasteland.
I'd get the FO mobile game. I hate myself for it, but I'd get it.

I also just realized that my subscription to GI just ran out, and I have positively no intention of going to an EB Games store anytime soon. Or of resubscribing...