Fallout 3 Trailer

It looks pretty but that was what was to be expected. It shows sod all about how the game will play but that was to be expected. It has very much the feel of the originals intro movie, that's either very good as in they are keeping close to Fallout's design or bad as in a lack of imagination.

The power armour looks wrong. No matter if it's an earlier model, patched and repaired with whatever scrap iron they could find, a compromise to allow for clipping etc or basically a cock up of the art dept, it just looks wrong. The pauldrons are very medieval, even down to the little rosettes other the hinges.
IF this is the final graph engine, it won't be FP. The textures in the bus are very simple for a FP, especially comparing with Oblivion.

I'll tell you to look again at Oblivion. It's not that good looking. Far from it.

FeelTheRads said:
Guys at least we can start hoping that it wont be FPS since if you look closely on posters,the bear, the little truck and tiny equipements like that its not that well designed to be an FPS.

Take a look at Oblivion


It's an interior shot. Does it look detailed or at least good? No, it doesn't. In fact what was in the trailer looks better than that. So your argument doesn't hold up. At all.
Jimmious said:
IF this is the final graph engine, it won't be FP. The textures in the bus are very simple for a FP, especially comparing with Oblivion. I know I'm thinking too far but I believe it's a fair argument.

Thats what I thouht the first time I watched it!

To the Brotherhood discussion:

Well if FO Tactics isn't considered canon, who knows maybe someone can find/ invent a different explanation.

Hmm, maybe it is set in a different timeline than Fo1+2, maybe the original military symbol looked a lot like the one of the BoS and they just altered it a bit. Maybe it doesn' mean jack that the symbol is there. Finally I somehow believe that the BoS is a part of a Fallout game, but they better come up with some good explanation!

Edit: Yeah, maybe maybe... it was on purpose ...jeez!
The power armour looks wrong. No matter if it's an earlier model, patched and repaired with whatever scrap iron they could find, a compromise to allow for clipping etc or basically a cock up of the art dept, it just looks wrong.

Yeah, these "Hey, maybe it's that!" arguments are getting on my nerves. It's just simply bad. Not that it's different, it's just BAD.

Hmm, maybe it is set in a different timeline than Fo1+2, maybe the original military symbol looked a lot like the one of the BoS and they just altered it a bit.

There we go... maybe, maybe, maybe. :roll:
Yeah even that screenie is more detailed when talking about items in a house/generally interior space.
Things look movable and/or destructable whereas in the trailer they seemed kinda "stuck" to each other. For example look at the handles in the bus.

Sheeeeshh I've got too much free time today.... :P
Hah, I asked Kathode (Gavin Carter) why the power armor is different from the old one, and he said "because it's better ;)".
hopefully theyve given up on that eyebleed of a bloom hdr effect ... oblivion looked like some french bistro soft pron because of it :)))
Actually, the powered armor shown in the trailer is what I believe is the T-51B (or Fallout 1 classic power armor), in it's alpha form.

Judging by the condition of which the gun was in, I'd say Bethesda threw this trailer together relatively quickly and this is no or little indiciation of what the final product will be.

Most likely, the design of the powered armor will change dramatically to fit that of the armor we know and love much better in the coming months, such as seen from the magazine cover alone.

* http://www.gameinformer.com/NR/rdon...23-72EC97B15BCD/12540/01gami_171_cov_lres.jpg

Postscript2: Re-inventing would not be the words I'd use for that sort of thing. No one re-invents Fallout. That is an atrocious sin.
FeelTheRads said:
Yeah, these "Hey, maybe it's that!" arguments are getting on my nerves. It's just simply bad. Not that it's different, it's just BAD.
It's too angular, the original armour might have been big and clunky but it had clean lines and curves. Very much in keeping with the 50's concept of future technology, but Beths' armour has a lot of ridges a lot of seams giving it a very square look.

Actually it looks like an armour that would fit more in with an alternate history WWI game.
I must say I whole-heartedley agree with Ausir and Alec. that armor definitely has a pre-T51-B feel to it. Also, the angular look on the forearm arm seems to indicate extra armor riveted on. I must say I loved the armor, it had the vague T-51-B-ish look, but different enough to scream out to me prototype or a more primitive production run version.

As for an anime feel, nope, don't see it. Most Crap-ime has a more sleek organic look to it. With all the right angles in that armor it has a more Steampunk look to me.

Overall, I loved the teaser, does it give me any hope Fallout 3 will not be a FPS-lovefest? Not in the slightest. Any game company worth their salt can make good intros and cut scenes, but to do proper gameplay takes more than a good cut scene.

Cheers, Thorgrimm
Hey "Gstaff" is lurking in the now locked " NMA - the sorriest bunch of asses on the intarweb" Thread in the Beth Forums! :lol:
Fahrplan said:
Hey "Gstaff" is lurking in the now locked " NMA - the sorriest bunch of asses on the intarweb" Thread in the Beth Forums! :lol:

Bethesda is crawling all over nMA at the moment like a bunch of ants over a newly fallen ice cream cone on the pavement.

ALL of our opinions are getting their voice, so speak your mind now or never.
Ausir said:
Hah, I asked Kathode (Gavin Carter) why the power armor is different from the old one, and he said "because it's better ;)".
i think many disagree at this point. at least most people i've spoken to atm.

still, the look of one armor is the least of our concern right now. stuff like that is easy as pie to mod out ;)
Well...Do you think there will be another month of silence before the july gameinformer issue now that they released the teaser ?
IRRC this "interview" was on the main page few days ago.


Back to the statement I made few hours ago: Seems obvious that it's the same armour on the both pictures - the trumpet-pads and the angular chest are on place.

PS: can sobebody decipher the billboard with a bomb, next to the sculpture-building?