Fallout 3 Trailer

Tandy said:
The box looks more than an attachment to me. Perhaps its no part of the armor,might be some kind of "backpack"

I thought it looked like an attachment as well. It looks like it's got welds instead of rivets, and a strange piece of overhanging metal on the front near the top. I can't see where it could open, but maybe there's a hinge somewhere and it is meant for storage. At this stage only the Bethesda guys would know for sure, and I doubt they're about to tell us any more than they have already.

The strange piece of metal overhanging the "box" part actually looked like a handle for pulling it open to me. I also think it's a box on/in front of the armor. It may be where they open to put the fuel cells that power the armor like a cover. :idea:
Btw, did anyone pay attention to the Ink Spots' song in the teaser trailer? It sounds weird, somehow. Either it's mixed oddly for the teaser or is a different version that I am used to listen. It could easily be the latter, because the Ink Spots was around for a long time (maybe it still is...) with probably dozens of different band members.
Well, nobody can deny, they did an awesome job with the first half of the intro movie and probably all of it. This is Fallout.
So this proves they can do the job as far as the setting is concerned.
If they will do it at least isometric(if they MUST go 3d, which I'm opposed to) Special and turn based, I think I'm buying. And if the story will be crap, I hope they'll include an editor so that we can change it(same with the game critters and such).

This is the very first sign Bethesda has given they can achieve the monumental work they've undertaken.
Also seems the Bethesda forum is currently unavailable. How so?

And looks like they will include rated material next, since now I have to post my DOB to get in.
A couple people have said the front metal "box" is bad for protection...Why? I mean I understand the idea of bullets not being reflected and such, but what if the whole thing is just a "box" that contains several layers of armor plate?
Stag said:
How the fuck are they supposed to know when they'll be finished?

It's not "autumn" in the same place all over the world at the same time, smarty pants.

Wooz said:
Specialist said:
Wouldn't a FP game for the second half of 2008 have better looking bus seats than that?

Har har, not in Poland, nor Russia, nor anywhere East of Germany, for that matter.

Also, dude.

The world got nuked. You expect clean bus seats?

I didn't write that.
I actually feel sedated now.

What a great TEASER, thats the problem with a lot of you, expecting gameplay footage when it's a god damn TEASER.

Feels right, almost too right, like Fallout 3 is going to be TOO good. An epic game, an epic game that is going to be the new LOZ when it comes to storyline and single player gameplay, not like Halo 2, since it's fame came mostly from multiplayer, nomatter what any tries to protest.

I'm happy, time to go workout now.
Turtlelove said:
I actually feel sedated now.

What a great TEASER, thats the problem with a lot of you, expecting gameplay footage when it's a god damn TEASER.

Yes, how dare we, expecting to see some ingame footage and gameplay after several years of doubt about Bethesda's Fallout 3 after Van Buren was cancelled which many people saw as a 'real'' sequel to Fallout 1 and 2.

Turtlelove said:
Feels right, almost too right, like Fallout 3 is going to be TOO good. An epic game, an epic game that is going to be the new LOZ when it comes to storyline and single player gameplay, not like Halo 2, since it's fame came mostly from multiplayer, nomatter what any tries to protest.

I'm happy, time to go workout now.

Or that could be just fair wishing on your side.
I believe that everyone that bashes us people that have certain expectations of a "Fallout 3" title forgets that we've been waiting for about 10 years. If not 10 for some younger people then at least 4-5.
Anyhow...10 friggin years!
Lots of time.
Turtlelove said:
I actually feel sedated now.

What a great TEASER, thats the problem with a lot of you, expecting gameplay footage when it's a god damn TEASER.

Feels right, almost too right, like Fallout 3 is going to be TOO good. An epic game, an epic game that is going to be the new LOZ when it comes to storyline and single player gameplay, not like Halo 2, since it's fame came mostly from multiplayer, nomatter what any tries to protest.

I'm happy, time to go workout now.

Perhaps some of us are concerned and want their fears quelled.
For me Fallout is one of the most important computer games and iam very concerned they botch it.
For me its not just a game.I want an experience like i had when i played Fallout for the first time and stared at the credits in awe.

To speak the truth i dont give a fuck what others think about Fallout i want MY experience again.Egozentric eh? Sure but i think in this case since they are "experimenting" with Fallout i got the right to want it again.
Will i get it...maybe cant say, looks not bad so far but iam far from convinced after this teaser.
I think some of us wanted clarity after this teaser for exactly this.
Do i get the experience again or not ?
After all i want Fallout as it was...."simply" Fallout
The Dutch Ghost said:
Yes, how dare we, expecting to see some ingame footage and gameplay after several years of doubt about Bethesda's Fallout 3 after Van Buren was cancelled which many people saw as a 'real'' sequel to Fallout 1 and 2.

No one should have expected ANYTHING related to gameplay, we all know how Bethesda works, and to top if off they even announced it was going to be a TEASER.

That's like expecting an all you can eat buffet when someone offers you a snack, thinking anything else just makes you an idiot.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Or that could be just fair wishing on your side.

Of course, what Fallout fan doesn't want Fallout 3 turn out good?

Tandy said:
Perhaps some of us are concerned and want their fears quelled.
For me Fallout is one of the most important computer games and iam very concerned they botch it.
For me its not just a game.I want an experience like i had when i played Fallout for the first time and stared at the credits in awe.

To speak the truth i dont give a fuck what others think about Fallout i want MY experience again.Egozentric eh? Sure but i think in this case since they are "experimenting" with Fallout i got the right to want it again.
Will i get it...maybe cant say, looks not bad so far but iam far from convinced after this teaser.
I think some of us wanted clarity after this teaser for exactly this.
Do i get the experience again or not ?
After all i want Fallout as it was...."simply" Fallout

That last part... that's exactly how i feel right now, and it feels too good to be true.

Super Smash Bros. Melee did it, let's hope Fallout 3 can too.
Turtlelove said:
No one should have expected ANYTHING related to gameplay, we all know how Bethesda works, and to top if off they even announced it was going to be a TEASER.

You know, the way Bethesda works is their problem, not the fans'.
Generally teasers contain something of actual relevance to the game in order to, you know, tease with.


Blizzard: "Starcraft 2 is in development! Here's some gameplay footage."

Bethesda: "Fallout 3 is in development! And after a couple of years, here's a completely irrelevant advert!"
I like the trailer. It really captures the spirit & soul from the old FO games, especially FO1, just like Todd said it would.

It has kind of reassured me a little about the setting, but I still have doubts concerning the story.
I dont like it.I dont give a damn if it's just a teaser, how hard can it be to show 5 seconds of a character walking down the street,for 5 freaking seconds!

But no, they made a 40 days long countdown to show us THAT..
Vault 69er said:

Blizzard: "Starcraft 2 is in development! Here's some gameplay footage."

Bethesda: "Fallout 3 is in development! And after a couple of years, here's a completely irrelevant advert!"

Well, personally I don't care much about Starcraft 2, although I suppose that's a nice unveiling of it for them.

However, I don't really see the relevence. Is it nice that Blizzard did it that way for Starcraft 2? I suppose.

Does it have any bearing on the game being good or bad? No.

It doesn't say anything about the quality of the product, one way or the other, how the first teaser is shown.

Actually, Bethesda did more of the Blizzard thing for Oblivion, showing gameplay footage in their first teaser, and I hope they do things differently this time around.

We'll be getting gameplay information in less than two weeks. We'll, be seeing gameplay footage pretty soon. They gave us a teaser that was remenisant of Fallout intros. I don't see that as a problem, in any way.
Autoduel76 said:
We'll be getting gameplay information in less than two weeks. We'll, be seeing gameplay footage pretty soon.

Oh, really? How do you know that? Did you read it in an announcement from Bethesda, have you spoken to Todd or Pete, or is it information provided by your magical prediction skills based on assumption?

Because, you know, this is what has been said recently concerning the release of more information:

Hines said:
In addition, when asked about the release of more information, Pete had this to say:
Still slow for a while, but not long now. We aren't planning to fill in any more blanks for the time being.
Vault 69er said:

Blizzard: "Starcraft 2 is in development! Here's some gameplay footage."

Bethesda: "Fallout 3 is in development! And after a couple of years, here's a completely irrelevant advert!"


Bethesda, two weeks before Fallout 3 teaser: "Teaser is coming in two weeks"

Blizzard, two weeks before the Starcraft 2 teaser: "We're not developing Starcraft 2"
Wooz said:
Oh, really? How do you know that? Did you read it in an announcement from Bethesda, have you spoken to Todd or Pete, or is it information provided by your magical prediction skills based on assumption?

I think its been pretty easy to read between the lines in the statements that have come out about the Teaser.

Gameplay information will be given in the issue of Game Informer (less than 2 weeks).

Gameplay footage will be shown, at E3, at the latest in a month, which I consider a pretty short time.

There is nothing magical required. If you doubt it, how about we make a wager?
If by "gameplay information and gameplay footage" you mean:

1) a clear answer to the "TB/RT/Isometric/FPP/TPP/Rotating camera/Dialogue options" questions, (at least one of them)

2)actual in-game screenshots

I strongly doubt we'll have the first in less than two weeks, and the second anytime soon.

What would you want to bet?
Wooz said:
If by "gameplay information and gameplay footage" you mean:

1) a clear answer to the "TB/RT/Isometric/FPP/TPP/Rotating camera/Dialogue options" questions, (at least one of them)

2)actual in-game screenshots

I strongly doubt we'll have the first in less than two weeks, and the second anytime soon.

What would you want to bet?

We will definitely have in game shots at E3.

Just a typical Sig bet. You come up with one for me, if I lose. I come up for one for you if I win.