Ctaylor said:
People enjoyed the Fallout 1 demo? Cool.
Can't speak for anyone else, but i enjoyed it enough to buy the game.
It came on a cover CD for one of the Polish gaming magazines, either Cd-Action or Secret Service (can't really remember, and all the cd's are long gone

). But, like many other people wrote in the thread, the demo was what sold me to Fallout, i've instantly fallen in love with the game after playing the demo, and, when finally played the full version, was kind of surprised the whole area of Junktown was not like it's demo version.

Hell, even now, i sometimes open up the fridge on the guard station in hopes of finding the minigun there.. good times!
I really wouldn't call the Fallout 1 demo a waste of time and resources. It was made REALLY good, conveyed a lot of what the game is about to the recievers, and still managed not to spoil anything. Amazing!
Back in the day, every game had to have a demo of sorts. Either that, or a shareware version. Now, developers don't give a fuck. The internet and paper media are doing their work for them, on hyping the games up. Ten years ago, demos were very vital to how the game was recieved. Hell, early demos were sometimes even used as means to survey the public and see what needs to be fixed. It worked well... but time passed, and the concept got fucked in the ass. :/
And, like was said, it's neither surprising nor particularly disturbing Fallout 3 won't have a demo. At this point, i couldn't care less.