Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

It at least looks more visually interesting than Fallout 3. Other than that, meh, it's Bethesda. The way the "war never changes" line was shoehorned in was terrible.
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Is... is that Deathclaw wearing robes? Could it be?
I love how everyone's already like "this isn't anything like Fallout!" and "this sucks!" and you haven't even seen any gameplay or anything outside the trailer. But let's be honest though, you probably wouldn't have considered any of that information anyway. Haters gonna hate. I think it looks awesome. The world seems much more varied and alive than 3.
Haha, not sure what you were expecting, Korin. It's "Fallout 3 again!" For fans of Fallout 3, that's awesome, but you're on No Mutants Allowed.

All you've got is a trailer though. Everything else is just speculation. You don't have anything to base it on being "Fallout 3 again", other than it's... first-person? You start in a vault and get a dog? Maybe wait to see what the actual gameplay and quests/dialogue are like and then we'll really know whether they took a lesson from Obsidian. I think people forget how cartoon-y F1/F2 were sometimes. Rose-coloured glasses and all that.

So then what was all that about the world being more alive? WHAT ARE YOU BASING YOUR OPINIONS ON MISTER
All you've got is a trailer though. Everything else is just speculation. You don't have anything to base it on being "Fallout 3 again", other than it's... first-person? You start in a vault and get a dog? Maybe wait to see what the actual gameplay and quests/dialogue are like and then we'll really know whether they took a lesson from Obsidian. I think people forget how cartoon-y F1/F2 were sometimes. Rose-coloured glasses and all that.
I mean, we know what kind of games Bethesda makes. And there's nothing in this trailer to suggest this is going to be any different -- the hint of a voiced protagonist (grim white dude voice, of course) is grounds for pessimism, even. I'd call the "maybe it'll be alright" approach unwarranted optimism rather than rose-colored glasses.
I love how everyone's already like "this isn't anything like Fallout!" and "this sucks!" and you haven't even seen any gameplay or anything outside the trailer. But let's be honest though, you probably wouldn't have considered any of that information anyway. Haters gonna hate. I think it looks awesome. The world seems much more varied and alive than 3.
Haha, not sure what you were expecting, Korin. It's "Fallout 3 again!" For fans of Fallout 3, that's awesome, but you're on No Mutants Allowed.

All you've got is a trailer though. Everything else is just speculation. You don't have anything to base it on being "Fallout 3 again", other than it's... first-person? You start in a vault and get a dog? Maybe wait to see what the actual gameplay and quests/dialogue are like and then we'll really know whether they took a lesson from Obsidian. I think people forget how cartoon-y F1/F2 were sometimes. Rose-coloured glasses and all that.

So then what was all that about the world being more alive? WHAT ARE YOU BASING YOUR OPINIONS ON MISTER

The fact that it's not green, there's actual colour and cities that look like people actually live there... also note the lack of 200 year old news paper everywhere. They look like actual settlements.
Anyways, I don't have any faith in Bethesda's story writing or character development, nor their ability to recapture the dry wit of the originals.

Nor their ability to even remain tonally consistent between sequels. Neon steampunk bullshit?

Best part - these graphics look like total shit. If you're going for a game that's a brainless first person shooter wearing a potato sack with the letters "RPG" drawn on it with crayons, couldn't you at least put some of that money into some current gen graphics? Yikes.
Oh go blow each other already

You know those old games that are like 10 years old but people still mod them today? Some are really impressive. This is one of them.
All you've got is a trailer though. Everything else is just speculation.
By that measure, you should be lecturing people getting excited by this trailer as well, since we don't know anything about the game itself? If people are "allowed" to get excited by conclusions they draw from the trailer, they should also feel free to go the other way, really? That's kind of the point of a trailer, there's not just one valid type of response.
I disagree, unless you have a more discerning eye then I do, the trailer show no gameplay only scenery. And while I suspect that there won't be any changes with gameplay, atm anything beside discussing the new scenery is just masturbation re-hashing years old arguments.
I created my account here immediately after watching the trailer. I am going to build a PC specifically to run this game. ​ I AM SO EXCITED!
Oh go blow each other already

You know those old games that are like 10 years old but people still mod them today? Some are really impressive. This is one of them.

Jokes on you, if the game itself is so bad that only mods can make it worthwhile.
I don't like the trailer. Also Brotherhood of Steel again and was that a Vertibird in pre-war in that one scene?

No, it's the new Wolfenstein game Engine. Supposedly.

If it is, then say goodbye to modding, which means the game will be played for a while and then forgotten.
Omg Hassknechts guess was so right!

I guess there'll be a short animated teaser. My prediction:
An Ink Spots song is playing from a vinyl player in close up, zoom out to a delapidated Boston home and out through a missing wall to the streets. Boston landmarks can be seen in the background and there's a figure in weird-ass power armor overlook the scene.

I think the game looks more like Bioshock Infinite than Fallout.
What I find interesting is the spandex vault suit. Probably trying to please the old school fans. I'll guess the airship with the BoS dude is inspired by the Fallout Tactics zeppelin stuff.
Enclave? I didn't see any Enclave, that Vertibird could just be a vehicle one of the factions has in store. At least I hope it is, no more fucking Enclave.
I think it was shown only in the pre war POV part of the trailer, and I agree it is safe to assume that Vertibird were common before the war (at least in the military), and while the Enclave was well stocked, it doesn't mean it is the only faction that acquired air assets.
They weren't common.
Fallout 3 - Musem of Technology
Only prototypes in 2077.