Well I didn't feel like vomiting violently so I didn't get that vibe.
... you didn't like Bioshock infinite?
What? you did?
Of course, it was an amazing game.
But Bioshock: Infinite was so deeeeeeep, man. It had, like, quantum mechanics, and stuff. It was so deep Adele was rolling in it, man.
It's kind of funny because you're mocking game for being deep on the one hand, and then criticizing another series of games for lacking in story. Bioshock Infinite was creative in ways and offered a narrative experience which I can't think of another game to compare with; which is coupled with an original setting and a beautiful complimentary art style. It's the apex of the Bioshock / Mass Effect linear combat RPG style art.
To me it makes your criticisms less credible and less helpful to the industry when you are putting down a game with a creative and unique story and experience as its centerpiece.