Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

It is probably the same level of bad. As lead designer his hands are everywhere.
But all the stuff you're referencing from older games is tongue in cheek(for a lack of a better phrase that I can think of), and the game is basically telling you that it doesn't make sense, but that you should go along with it. Compared to a lot of the fallout 3 stuff, which was not intentionally ridiculous or nonsensical, the argument doesn't really hold up. And even then, quite a few people from what I've gathered aren't too keen on that sort of humour and content. Overall, the talking brain is a matter of taste and sense of humour. Fallout 3's mistakes are just that, mistakes which break the suspension of disbelief for some people, with none of the self-awareness that excuses the former somewhat. I don't really see it as a double standard between the old games and the new, but that's my opinion.

Out of curiosity, where does something like Liberty Prime fit in with this type of thing? I imagine most disliked it here, understandably. I disliked a lot of Fallout 3 after playing the original series (used to love it, but after seeing what's wrong for myself, yeah.) What's odd is that I used to dislike the giant robot concept in my original playthrough, but after I played the originals, my opinion sorta shifted.

It doesn't seem like it's meant to be taken seriously at all. It's a giant, foot-ball throwing, over-the-top commie hating robot. In a way, I do feel like it fits in with some of the canon whackier elements of Fallout lore. But maybe it shouldn't have had the big placement it did.

Well, I would say tongue in cheek. Its a parody of patriotism and all that. I don't like it personally, if only because they removed the quest to get its power source. Would have made slightly more sense then. Its both in that respect. Its a silly concept made for fun, but it's exceution made it seem like Beth just wanted the robot to come to life regardless. It could have been used in the final quest, but I would have preferred the cut quest as well, which seems like a piss take of many action movies with robots or army projects that aid the protagonist, because it ends up taking the core of a nuclear aircraft carrier to power it, being horribly cost ineffecient. Which I think is sort of the problem with a lot of the concepts in FO3. Bad execution.
I wonder if i will be able to Roleplay an Pedophile-Crossdressing-CyberGhoul Or Android Mage Death Claw?
TransGender Alchemist Android Barbarian..

TES - Rulez!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Todd Howard: In Fallout 3 there will be an "unlimited number of super mutants." He added that super mutants will "be dynamically generated, and will be able to attack you almost anywhere.”

01: Fuck you, Dad! (Part 1)
What: The game begins with your useless player character ass getting born. You come out of your mom. Your dad shambles forward to you and his words upon seeing what his ballsack managed to produce is "let's see... are you a boy, or a girl?" You are now given the choice to choose between penis and vagina.
Problem: Can you write a less obnoxious fourth wall-breaking shit line, Bethesda?
Solution: Omit that fucking line entirely, or send it back to the writer nailed to his child's forehead.

I still agree


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I'm fairly certain Emil will be back on writing duties, as he did win an award for it lol. I'm also curious to see what they show at E3. I'm kinda hoping the Vertibirds and Power Armor belong to the Institute, but I have a feeling that yes, we'll be seeing the Brotherhood again, probably under Sarah Lyons leadership. Now, I wouldn't mind the Outcasts showing up as they where dreadfully under developed in FO3.
In-game character creation is always kinda awkward. I sure hope Fallout 4 will re-introduce pre-game character creation, although the chance of that happening is rather slim.
They have been doing the in-game creation since Morrowind, no reason to change that.

Is it just me or does Todd Howard sometimes sound like the Rob Liefeld of game design?
No man! Imershun is everything! In Fallout 4 you won't be just born, you will be kicking your way out of your mothers womb. Just like a Xenomorph.

It is probably the same level of bad. As lead designer his hands are everywhere.

I still can't believe that he worked on the Thief series though.
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I'm so glad it's going to be nothing like that horrible game called Fallout New Vegas it had fun new game elements but the story was soooo boring and the WORLD WAS COMPLETE TRASH. The world in Fallout 4 look soo freaking detailed and the story will be interesting with the institute. I don't know who's idea it was for the main plot to be about the hoover damn stupidest story decision in any game ever. I'm so glad Bethesda are going back to their fallout roots. They changed this game for the better honestly because I played Fallout 1 and the game bored me to death.
I'm so glad it's going to be nothing like that horrible game called Fallout New Vegas it had fun new game elements but the story was soooo boring and the WORLD WAS COMPLETE TRASH. The world in Fallout 4 look soo freaking detailed and the story will be interesting with the institute. I don't know who's idea it was for the main plot to be about the hoover damn stupidest story decision in any game ever. I'm so glad Bethesda are going back to their fallout roots. They changed this game for the better honestly because I played Fallout 1 and the game bored me to death.

Nah, it's a way too lame attempt at trolling. Not worthy any special attention.
This trailer is okayish and makes me feel not much and I don't want to delve into the Bethesda-crap Fallout 3 world at all, I'm so happy avoiding Fallout3 and not wasting a second of my life on it.

But the Bards Tale VI trailer is waaay better: fantasy world and unbelievable graphics! :D Also party based and a new phase system, instead of static turns I hope will turn out Final fantasytastical! :D
Let's see how the E3 reveal goes before making any snap decisions. Depending on how the E3 show goes, I might have to give up on the Fallout series for good. (Or I'll give in to my greedy inner child and end up playing the game anyways haha). Let's hope for the best, plan for the worst, and expect something in between.

*Fingers crossed but not holding breath*
I think you guys are being too harsh, this new iteration of the Fallout franchise might have similar award winning prose as was displayed in Fallout 3. Where the protagonist has to commit suicide because a certain super mutant companion wouldn't or couldn't subject himself to radiation. :V
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I looked all over the internet and analyzed the videos. YOU ALL FAIL HARD
Nobody heard the sound of Todd Howard rolling in cash like scrooge., the sound of credit cards swiping and digital transactions could be heard in the video.
Or maybe the Broken Steel ending where that vault guy destroys the Citadel is canon and BoS is nowhere to be seen? *wishful thinking*

One can only hope but I have the feeling the beyond corny Brotherhood of Steel will prevail, otherwise Broken Steel wouldn't have completely invalidated the Enclave endings in the vanilla game.
I'm actually hoping for some Fallout Tactics references. I liked the one bit of dialog they had about them (Midwest BoS) in New Vegas.
I know Tim is a Homo but is Chris Avellone a sissy too or is he just wierd sorta fruity....And is that the real reason neither of them have balls to call b.s. ? maybe too Liberal being from California and all.

being a nice guy is one thing, being professional is another but kinda sorta sucking off Todd and Bethesda for hopes of NV2..
burning bridges is not excuse as they arent n00bs are they just masochistic?
You guys need to deal with the fact that those guys won't be making anymore Fallout games. Maybe they will get an NV2 but the thing is you still are giving money to Bethesda who will make the next best Fallout. I'm glad those guys won't be making anymore Fallout games because to tell you the truth Bethesda has made the best Fallout game. The old devs don't know how to make a world and their storys are kind of trash.