First time out of the vault

The presence of armor variants not put into full production is easily handwaved away if they claim that some of the test units were put through their paces at the Springfield armory, or some other close by location.
Further, it's completely plausible that some of the original PAs were developed at the pre-war institute, so some of the PAs found in the Boston area might have originated there.
As for the laser muskets, I could reasonably see those things as originally intended for war reinactors wanting a laser tag-like interaction. And then later, some resourceful wastelander learned to juice them up so they could be used 'for real'.
Further, it's completely plausible that some of the original PAs were developed at the pre-war institute, so some of the PAs found in the Boston area might have originated there.
As for the laser muskets, I could reasonably see those things as originally intended for war reinactors wanting a laser tag-like interaction. And then later, some resourceful wastelander learned to juice them up so they could be used 'for real'.