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The presence of armor variants not put into full production is easily handwaved away if they claim that some of the test units were put through their paces at the Springfield armory, or some other close by location.

Further, it's completely plausible that some of the original PAs were developed at the pre-war institute, so some of the PAs found in the Boston area might have originated there.

As for the laser muskets, I could reasonably see those things as originally intended for war reinactors wanting a laser tag-like interaction. And then later, some resourceful wastelander learned to juice them up so they could be used 'for real'.
The T-60 is weaker than even the T-45d? Curious to know just how it fits in honestly. Hopefully something more than "We need a new PA model to go with our new game."
The T-60 is weaker than even the T-45d? Curious to know just how it fits in honestly. Hopefully something more than "We need a new PA model to go with our new game."

The helmet also has bigger gadgets.

It's probably a cheap version. Maybe export? (Like T-72B and T-72M)
Well in the military bigger number is not always better, even though it usually is. Concurrent projects, prototypes, competing manufactors.. add to that intentionally misleading names to confuse enemy intelligence. Still the T-60 looks a lot like the T-45, so it will be interesting to see what the lore is.

That they went with classic APA from Fallout 2 is perhaps a slight show of humility from the Bethesda design team I think, a nod to the designers of the original and maybe a little bit that they fucked up some things in Fo3
Ever heard of retooling?
It takes time and resources, and can be very inefficient until you gain experience..

Also judging from what we seen the new power armor appear to be more modular and sturdy, and equipped with a jet pack. It would be more useful to small rapid response air units, compared to the usual infantry men armor.

Other than that, we will have to wait and see the lore rational for the 60.

Good point about the jet pack thing. I thought JP was optional and didn't come with the T60. Also, I think after WW2 [which happened in FO], we can all safely assume that the US has the experience to retool. Also, all PA is modular in those videos.

Maybe you right about retooling, but according the wiki that PA is late-war model, and by that time the North American nations were feeling the weight of the war, so it is possible that they weren't looking for a replacement but an upgrade. Something that don't strain the production\resource lines, compatible to existing equipment, no retraining needed, and can fill a new roll in reality where trained personnel are scares.

Also I don't think that all PA are modular, it least lore wise we never seen mixed PA suits, maybe the T60 came with new software that allow to operate various PA parts?

Nevermind, there's no difference between T60 and T45.. ugh

Still, I think they were using T60s because that's the latest model. Or since the T60 looks rusted, what if it's a prototype, or.. or..




If I read the stats right, it appears to be much weaker, maybe because it was lighter (and cheaper material) which would also make sense for a rapid response air unit. (btw, do we know why the veritybird outside Arroyo crushed ?)

Also does anyone know if the 'current mods' section is per PA or per part ?
Maybe T60 is the model for the basic Chasis and it's a bigger number because is an Institute developed Modular Power Armor?
Actually the T-60 torso is superior:

EDIT: APA = Advanced Power Armor, what the Enclave has in Fallout 2 and was is called X-01 in the trailer
I believe the stats are per piece, based on what we've seen.

EDIT: APA MK2 ie X-01 Mk2 is top dog?

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Has anyone played the mobile fallout game? I don't have an iOS tablet or phone..
Looks like they forgot about Android users.. *sigh*
Best case scenario it just appears as schematics the Institute acquired, worst case scenario, The Fucking Enclave is back to get it's ass kicked again like the Team Rocket they became.....