Все умрут, а я волномут
Alright, thanks.
I found one settlement during one of the side quest for FH townfolks. The quest giver is like 0.67 Breastons of annoyingness.DirtyOldShoe said:Is there a Breaston Garvey for FH with it's settlements? I am getting the feeling that FH is Fallout 4 2 for Fallout 4 but with settlement houses with roofs.
it's a long dead one and the job is clean it from one boogeymonster that runs away into the fog in scare. And then you can use it as home. Never cared.
Why not here in dedicated thread under spoiler tag?Ragemage said:I unfortunately own the season pass so I think I'll just wait to see the horrors inside on May 19th. If you want to keep me informed on what you find though, I'd like that. Send me an inbox message so you don't have to constantly put up spoiler tags.
Aside from mentioned SPECIAL check, here's the second, less variative. Taken from Cretins of Atom really small fetch quest. You can either install the pump thing or fix back the disinfectant arc (like the one in Vault 81) to work as intended. If you won't, disinfectant arc will spread radioactive water. Sorry in advance for non-english screens. At least you know it's not stolen from 4chan or reddit. *shrugs*
The anglerfish mutant is...literally anglerfish. Even legendary glowing.
There was also white glowing degenerate deer but fuck him.
Radioactive storms generated from Glowing Sea can reach even Bar Harbor and cover the whole worldspace.

The anglerfish mutant is...literally anglerfish. Even legendary glowing.
There was also white glowing degenerate deer but fuck him.

Radioactive storms generated from Glowing Sea can reach even Bar Harbor and cover the whole worldspace.