Also the new companion might be only usable in Far Harbour DLC, anyone knows if we can take that companion back to the Commonwealth? I am curious now.
But still I usually play solo, no companions... Because they are always dumb in Bethesda games and spoil my fun more than having them around saying stuff from time to time... So what I am trying to say is that I assume there are more people out there like me that prefer playing solo, so having a new companion doesn't mean much...
Also being forced to take Valentine already spoils that DLC for people like me... Because in Fallout 4 we have choices and we can play with the character we want, or something like that as seen on the game description IIRC.
I am not going to bash the DLC until it comes out and it is shit, if it is not shit I will even compliment it because no matter if I don't like something I also like to point out the good stuff in it.
But I can see what each side is saying, bashing a DLC before it is out doesn't sound fair, but defending it doesn't sound fair either because it is not out... But then assuming the DLC will not be good (in some people's opinion) is understandable because we can look at Bethesda history and see what has been happening:
I predicted a lot of bad things about Fallout 4 before it was released and I was spot on on most of them, I failed at some and totally missed the mark on a few (like only be able to wear PA in certain specific parts of the game for example).
The past serves as a good way of predicting the future because we can see and analyse behaviours and actions of certain individuals and companies/organisations. But who knows, Bethesda might use this DLC to show us that they can still make something more RPG-like, after all they surprised me with making a free Survival mode with needs and stuff, but judging by their past work I am not optimistic.