Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

In a world, where people have portable nuke launchers laying around, its OK to have your long term survival vault completely obvious to the outside world.

Good to know.
No wait, that was Angry Joe. Sorry. Well the rest still stands.

Is that buffoon still around?

I still remember when he made an ass of himself five years ago in front of Geoff Keighley, of all people, at some awards show.

Or his tirade about Daisy Fitzroy in Bioshock Infinite being a villain and stating that she could have been a "positive" role model for female gamers. Yeah Joe that's who I really want to look up too, a angry, hate filled sociopath who uses children as human shields and child soldiers. Such a role model.:whatever: Speaking of which, boy did they retcon the shit out of her in the Burial at Sea DLC. My guess was to please Joe and the angry SJW who sent them death threats.
Why was the elevator entrance conspicuous instead of like Vault 13 for example which was hidden inside of a cavern, away from the outside world. Wait are they hacking with Pipboys like Omnitools from Mass Effect? The androids remind me of the Geth as well.
Why was the elevator entrance conspicuous instead of like Vault 13 for example which was hidden inside of a cavern, away from the outside world. Wait are they hacking with Pipboys like Omnitools from Mass Effect? The androids remind me of the Geth as well.

Because Mass Effect was popular and Beth has not had an original idea in the past decade so add it in since it
looks cool".
All right, remember how the airborne FEV from west-tek mixed in with radiation caused wastelanders to be poor choice for FEV dipping my the Master? And that's why he needed humans pure of such toxins? Maybe the process of putting someone into a synth follows the same rule-set? And that most of the institute had been exposed to the crap and so their synth versions could never achieve the vision they wanted. So they went in search for a pure human who's brain would not be all mucked up. The younger the better as it'll be easier to brainwash someone who's young to follow your ideology and orders. And once they found the baby? Oh boy, that was the jackpot. Perfect for their project.

/pure speculation.
Point is, whatever the reason for the obvious security flaw, it makes it so that Mr. Kellog's there getting inside the Vault easily not that hard to believe.

All right, remember how the airborne FEV from west-tek mixed in with radiation caused wastelanders to be poor choice for FEV dipping my the Master? And that's why he needed humans pure of such toxins? Maybe the process of putting someone into a synth follows the same rule-set? And that most of the institute had been exposed to the crap and so their synth versions could never achieve the vision they wanted. So they went in search for a pure human who's brain would not be all mucked up. The younger the better as it'll be easier to brainwash someone who's young to follow your ideology and orders. And once they found the baby? Oh boy, that was the jackpot. Perfect for their project.

/pure speculation.

I think that's exactly what it will be.
I barely started the game and tried to hack it xD

Point is, whatever the reason for the obvious security flaw, it makes it so that Mr. Kellog's there getting inside the Vault easily not that hard to believe.

All right, remember how the airborne FEV from west-tek mixed in with radiation caused wastelanders to be poor choice for FEV dipping my the Master? And that's why he needed humans pure of such toxins? Maybe the process of putting someone into a synth follows the same rule-set? And that most of the institute had been exposed to the crap and so their synth versions could never achieve the vision they wanted. So they went in search for a pure human who's brain would not be all mucked up. The younger the better as it'll be easier to brainwash someone who's young to follow your ideology and orders. And once they found the baby? Oh boy, that was the jackpot. Perfect for their project.

/pure speculation.

I think that's exactly what it will be.

It's not a security flaw if you can't actually get in, and it doesn't seem you can. It's possible they were just going to hide the elevator entrance but never got to.
I hope we don't support piracy here. >_>
I ain't pirating 30 fucking gig of shit. Not worth it.
Might be able to get someone to buy it for me for Christmas though... I ain't spending none of my money on it but fuck man getting it for free from someone else is not something I'd object to. Unless that happens I'll have to wait for a steam sale where it goes to 13 euro or something.
I'm debating whether to get it or not so AI can record gameplay videos of this turd and murder everything with ease once you get an overpowered build going. If I can get it for cheaper than $60 then i'll do it.
I hope we don't support piracy here. >_>
I ain't pirating 30 fucking gig of shit. Not worth it.
Might be able to get someone to buy it for me for Christmas though... I ain't spending none of my money on it but fuck man getting it for free from someone else is not something I'd object to. Unless that happens I'll have to wait for a steam sale where it goes to 13 euro or something.

Yeah if someone wants to gift it to me on Steam, I'll take it. Otherwise not spending my own money on it until the GOTY edition is $5 or whatever.
The issue here is more on how flimsy and double faced Sterling's positions are. He will complain about Dildo weapons in SR3 and skimpy clothes in every other game, but he is praising what is just plain laziness as Progressinve here.

Jim Sterling actually owns a real version of the SR3 Dildo Bat and thinks it's one of the best games of the last generation, FWIW.

I think you're having trouble distinguishing between sex positivity and criticizing disingenuous pandering.
I'm a cheap bastard anyway--I even waited for the price to drop on New Vegas before I picked it up and I love that game.

No way I'm paying the full sixty bucks for a fleeting, shallow experience that's gonna last me several months at the most.
The amount of time you spend on a game like this is worth far more than the purchase price. But if it's more about not supporting a game that doesn't look good--in other words, voting with your wallet--that's different.
First encountered bug lol. The Radroach that you first have to fight is invincible/not taking damage lol.

I got killed by fucking cockroaches lol.