Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

I know, but I was overly exposed to High Fantasy through my formative years, and instead of becoming enamoured with it like most I actually grew tired of it.

The same can be said about me with Zombies. I can go two decades without seeing another zombie game or movie. Its been done to death.

Reminds me of the elves in Game of Thrones - I mean, Children of the Forest
They're small, ancient, "the first", magical, and dance around the woods like fairy elves, but as ol Martin said - elves are done to death!
So elves - they clearly are not! :'D

Yeah that's the problem, they try to pretend their making something new... when they're not. But the worst part is people believe that crap.

Bran = Frodo
North of the wall = Mordor :V

I'm not against that, to be honest. Over thousands of years, and countless stories and tales, everything will be a re-telling of something else, so, it's kind of a given. Game of Thrones is a very good story, the wrapping is good, the details are good. One should just be more aware, in general, none of it is as original as many people think.
Dragons arent... :D
And that's - like I said - part of the charm, we know these tropes - we just want to see them well executed!

Exactly! Look at the original Star Wars trilogy. It is filled with tropes but it was executed so well not to mention that Star Wars had and borrowed a lot of ideas from other action adventure and sci-fi stories and movies but again it did it will. Then you came to the prequels where it was just about shoving as much crap onto the screen as humanly possible.

You know come to think of it Fallout reminds me a lot of Star Wars. The original Fallout, just like Star Wars, borrowed some elements from other post-apocalyptic games and stories like Mad Max, Wasteland, A Boy And His Dog and also had some tropes but they executed them so well and it made for a really good game and story. Then we come to Fallout 3 and 4 and just like the prequels its now more or less about shoving as much crap into the game as humanly possible in order to distract the audience and make them think that they are playing a good game because of all the crap that they added.
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For example this thread title: New video with the initiate and the flamethrower gives us morally grey decisions to make... And that's awesome!
Dear god, that reads like a Kotaku article.

Nah, not enough about how evil, racist and sexist male gamers are.

Sounds like Polygon

The question is is the fact that every companion is potentially bisexual super progressive or diminishing for the queer community?
And the Fanboys insist it looks just likeThe Witcher 3.... that's some powerful self delussion, I would respect them more if they just say "Yeah, I don't really care about graphics, so I don't care" instead of trying to defend them...

People defend this!? :wtf:
Barter skill is replaced by collecting copies of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor.
Also there is a car book/magazine that for every issue you collect it gives you a colour for your power armour. Hot pink power armour here we come.
For example this thread title: New video with the initiate and the flamethrower gives us morally grey decisions to make... And that's awesome!
Dear god, that reads like a Kotaku article.

Nah, not enough about how evil, racist and sexist male gamers are.

Sounds like Polygon

The question is is the fact that every companion is potentially bisexual super progressive or diminishing for the queer community?

Hell even Bioware had it that you couldn't romance every companion in Mass Effect. Some were straight, some were gay and some were bi just like people in real life but that didn't dawn on Bethesda because that would get in the way of many players(the ones who wanted this crap)perverted sex fantasies as well as offend those who couldn't romance the character that they want to romance because of them not swinging the way they want them to. Remember, power fantasy! That is what Fallout is now.
Well there is also a Charisma Perk that reduces the selling prizes. So I guess the Magazines are redundant perks... Except for the Hot Rod one.

Man this streaming service they are using sucks balls, it hiccups like crazy and you can't pause it to let it buffer....

"Have you seen anone with a baby boy" the New "I am looking for my father, middleaged man".

Everybody knows the 4 emotions of a person are: Bland nice, Asshole, Sarcastic and Asking questions...
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