Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

It's not much of surprise, it was revealed early that a truly pacifist route will not be available as that was not their focus during the development of the game.

Of course not. The focus was how much shiny they can put in for the dumb dumbs.
Phew.. 61 pages of reading.

So yeah..



Look at the background btw


Really, thanks Bethesda. I needed to lol hard.
Stream back up again.

The game does seem to have a big vertical component, at least in certain areas.

You just need 5 toasters to make the chasis of a car apparently...

Why is the Entrance to Vault 111 not a settlement? Is a huge underground Vault, that sounds pretty easy to defend and it probably has all sorts of technological marvels if they managed to keep you frozen for 200 years... it probably has energy too...
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You just need 5 toasters to make the chasis of a car apparently...

Why is the Entrance to Vault 111 not a settlement? Is a huge underground Vault, that sounds pretty easy to defend and it probably has all sorts of technological marvels if they managed to keep you frozen for 200 years... it probably has energy too...

The entrance is too inconvenient.

Edit: Another link to the stream:

You just need 5 toasters to make the chasis of a car apparently...

Big surprise there since Fallout 3 implied, without a trace of irony, that a giant, military robot can be rebuilt with cameras and sensor modules.

And I thought Tamriel was the land of magic.
Yeah Hitbox took down the stream. They don't allow unreleased game streaming except with permission and that stream quickly became their top stream, filed under Bioshock Infinite.
I guess it's back to that shitty Russian Stream service. Well can't fault the guy for trying a different one.
Man, companion commads are so awkward and limited... they got nothing on JIPs mod and he did it for free... Also Piper kind of sucks, she is getting owned by Feral Ghouls...