Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

PC sounds too scared or awkward when talking to the Paladin, I dont know why but it makes me laugh.
Look at the background btw


Really, thanks Bethesda. I needed to lol hard.

It looks like the character on the background is standing on a live electrical wire or something.
Or it is having some kind of seizure.
I've gotta say, i'm really impressed with the way they handled Power Armor in this game. The weight of the animation and overall size, makes it really look like a walking tank.
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Practically one of the few things they got right was making the power armor look NOT shite, and back to the way it did in FO1/2/T. The FPS shooting also looks not terrible this time (thanks to id Software).

Rest of the game looks passable. Total Garbage: Dialogue, invincible companions, story, etc. Even some of the same UI as Skyrim.
That Behemot went down like a bitch. Great Ai there folks...

This Settlement building interface makes the whole thing look so monotonous and slow... It would've worked better if it went into an Eagle Eye view and you could freely zoom and rotate the camera when building stuff. Would certainly make the whole process faster, more comfortable to control and less stupid looking.
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