Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Isn't that how it was in NV?
I can't remember since I used Boone only a couple times and Veronica all the other times and I don't remember if she could even use ranged weapons. Oh you can romance the Mrs. Handy robot Curie, so how does that wor...nevermind.

Because sexually perverted and dysfunctional fanboys and lawls.
How can you deny the love that only Fisto can give?!
"I can't feel my legs!"
Isn't that how it was in NV?
I can't remember since I used Boone only a couple times and Veronica all the other times and I don't remember if she could even use ranged weapons. Oh you can romance the Mrs. Handy robot Curie, so how does that wor...nevermind.

Because sexually perverted and dysfunctional fanboys and lawls.
It was in the official guide someone obtained and posted a picture of, I thought it would be a joke but the sad part is it's not. :O

Hell I was hoping most of the romances were jokes but sadly no.:cry: And judging from the fact that their are more male companions to romance then females(that robot doesn't count) its obvious who they are pandering too. The idiot Bioware fangirls that loved getting wet over the romances in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. As a female I don't understand the appeal of romances in video games. I don't mind it but more often then not it feels tacted on, a side quest that is of no importance and feels like a waste of time when developers and writers can be focusing on other more important things.
Isn't that how it was in NV?
I can't remember since I used Boone only a couple times and Veronica all the other times and I don't remember if she could even use ranged weapons. Oh you can romance the Mrs. Handy robot Curie, so how does that wor...nevermind.

Because sexually perverted and dysfunctional fanboys and lawls.
It was in the official guide someone obtained and posted a picture of, I thought it would be a joke but the sad part is it's not. :O

Hell I was hoping most of the romances were jokes but sadly no.:cry: And judging from the fact that their are more male companions to romance then females(that robot doesn't count) its obvious who they are pandering too. The idiot Bioware fangirls that loved getting wet over the romances in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. As a female I don't understand the appeal of romances in video games. I don't mind it but more often then not it feels tacted on, a side quest that is of no importance and feels like a waste of time when developers and writers can be focusing on other more important things.
They were getting wet over that...interesting. Anyway Strong can't be romanced but he wants "the milk of human kindness", that "no" must be a typo.

EDIT: On post #6096 someone posted a picture of a dead alien, so are they canon now?
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How can you romance a Mr.Handy? They don't have AI, just like the Protectrons they just run simulated personality routines...Fuck, I said I was going to bed and not look at any more leaks until the release but I just needed to get the last spit of venom out.
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
HEY, that's racist. :P
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
HEY, that's racist. :P

Damn it! Forgot to add that in as well. Some weirdos just say the darnest things as an excuse to be able to bone some character.
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
HEY, that's racist. :P

Damn it! Forgot to add that in as well. Some weirdos just say the darnest things as an excuse to be able to bone some character.
Who would those "weirdos" be?
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
It's especially weird when all they're going to get is at best a fade-to-black following truly cringe-worthy love puppy dialog. Shit, at least the Witcher games give you the pixelated soft-core porn that so many of them seem to crave.
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
HEY, that's racist. :P

Damn it! Forgot to add that in as well. Some weirdos just say the darnest things as an excuse to be able to bone some character.
Who would those "weirdos" be?

Well I take it anybody who would want to bone a super mutant or robot may not have their head on straight. Also you can find a lot of weirdos on Tumblr. However I think I worded that wrong. I think I should have said fetishist instead of weirdos.
Oh God yeah. Just go on their forums, fan sites or Tumblr and its... its pretty fucking amazing. :shock: They were the ones that begged Bethesda to add romances into Fallout. Also how dare Bethesda make you unable to romance the Super Mutant companion! #MutantLoveShaming
HEY, that's racist. :P

Damn it! Forgot to add that in as well. Some weirdos just say the darnest things as an excuse to be able to bone some character.
Who would those "weirdos" be?

Well I take it anybody who would want to bone a super mutant or robot may not have their head on straight. Also you can find a lot of weirdos on Tumblr. However I think I worded that wrong. I think I should have said fetishist instead of weirdos.
I agree, i'm not sure how someone can be turned on by a grotesque Super Mutant or a metal robot but that's just me.
They were getting wet over that...interesting. Anyway Strong can't be romanced but he wants "the milk of human kindness", that "no" must be a typo.

EDIT: On post #6096 someone posted a picture of a dead alien, so are they canon now?

That alien is found in a cave near the crashed ufo. It attacks you on sight, drops the alien blaster.

Those stupid aliens have been canon since Mothership Zeta sadly. In the original Fallout's they were just a joke but now NOPE! They're canon now because wacky 50's Sci-fi!
Of course those stupid Aliens are in Fo4...of course they are. Also, seems like the Assaultrons are pretty easy to kill...surprise surprise.
They were getting wet over that...interesting. Anyway Strong can't be romanced but he wants "the milk of human kindness", that "no" must be a typo.

EDIT: On post #6096 someone posted a picture of a dead alien, so are they canon now?

That alien is found in a cave near the crashed ufo. It attacks you on sight, drops the alien blaster.

So is this a one-off encounter, or are the aliens going to be shoehorned into this stinking hot mess of a "plot" as a recurring theme, or even another faction?

I suspect I already know the answer to that, so the question is a rhetorical one. :irked:
They were getting wet over that...interesting. Anyway Strong can't be romanced but he wants "the milk of human kindness", that "no" must be a typo.

EDIT: On post #6096 someone posted a picture of a dead alien, so are they canon now?

That alien is found in a cave near the crashed ufo. It attacks you on sight, drops the alien blaster.

So is this a one-off encounter, or are the aliens going to be shoehorned into this stinking hot mess of a "plot" as a recurring theme, or even another faction?

I suspect I already know the answer to that, so the question is a rhetorical one. :irked:
Aliens gave the Institute technology, i'm calling it. If it's true i'm going to proceed to facedesk and/or cry.