It Wandered In From the Wastes

Okay, so what exactly do we know about the MQ? I've heard the ending narration, didn't have any substance to it.
You know what irritates me? The total lack of Bostonian accents, and where is the Cheer's reference? No fat guy who everybody knows? Bleh :p. Overall though it looks like the game gets a bit better when you hit the Diamond City Dugout or what have you.
Except not everyone should talk generic english and only few talk in Bostonian accent. We're talking about Boston region here judging from the map.
Well, you're from Mass. How many people have you seen in Boston that have the accent?Except not everyone should talk generic english and only few talk in Bostonian accent. We're talking about Boston region here judging from the map.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
Well, you're from Mass. How many people have you seen in Boston that have the accent?Except not everyone should talk generic english and only few talk in Bostonian accent. We're talking about Boston region here judging from the map.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
And some accents get downright weird. Had an economics professor that had a regular pacific northwest accent, except when he said government. Sounded like guv'nment.Everybody has an accent, you just get used to it so it doesn't stand out to you.
Everybody has an accent, you just get used to it so it doesn't stand out to you.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
Except that's how regional dialect is born - by people talking in different speech pattern in THAT region. Just because it's +200 doesn't mean ALL the people died during the bombing in that region and the accent just vanished. And doesn't mean most people in Fallout 4 should be speaking in generic english, especially the protagonist who survived the bombing.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
Except that's how regional dialect is born - by people talking in different speech pattern in THAT region. Just because it's +200 doesn't mean ALL the people died during the bombing in that region and the accent just vanished. And doesn't mean most people in Fallout 4 should be speaking in generic english, especially the protagonist who survived the bombing.
I don't think you know how accents work, plus you don't know where the PC is from. You develop an accent earlier in life, and plenty in this game probably DO have it but EVERYONE won't. That is fine and better because otherwise that means tons of actors forcing a bad accent. There's no problem here at all.
Which is fine, considering this is 200+ years later. You also don't know how many talk that way yet.
Except that's how regional dialect is born - by people talking in different speech pattern in THAT region. Just because it's +200 doesn't mean ALL the people died during the bombing in that region and the accent just vanished. And doesn't mean most people in Fallout 4 should be speaking in generic english, especially the protagonist who survived the bombing.
I don't think you know how accents work, plus you don't know where the PC is from. You develop an accent earlier in life, and plenty in this game probably DO have it but EVERYONE won't. That is fine and better because otherwise that means tons of actors forcing a bad accent. There's no problem here at all.
Maybe you're the one who doesn't know. And maybe PC doesn't need to have it. Ok, I can agree with that, we don't know his background, but the fact there are so little who do speak is still a problem. Like you said you develop an accent in earlier in life, so what does make you think that no one in Boston survived and no one inherited the accent from those who did huh? The bombs fell and suddenly those who survived can only speak generic english?
And if Bethesda decided to use two voice actors from L.A to voice the protagonist, then finding others DO can voice in Bostonian accent (even if forced) should be no problem, we're talking about generic NPCs who you meet in the game, not some important to the plot person. If other RPG's try to use accents just to make their characters distinct why should Bethesda get a free pass.
But I watched way to many streams all day to make my judgment, otherwise I wouldn't bother to bring that up at all.