Fallout 4 has now gone gold

So? Let's asume even if 90% of the NMAers would buy it, does that make the criticizm go away? Do for example the bugs that the game will sure have dissapear because you endorse it? Does the writing improve? Or anything else?

If you actually PLAY the game and THEN bitch and whine about it, I've got no issue with that (unless of course you secretly like it but are just trying to earn kewl points on NMA or codex). W

What I do think is silly is the months and months of whinging from thousands of posts about a game that hasn't even been played yet, most of which is a lame attempt to try to one up the previous guy who just posted the most horrible thing they could think of in an effort to be even "angrier" and "cooler". Especially since I suspect the vast majority of NMAers bought or stole F3 in the past and played it and so should know what they are getting themselves into, but still are planning to buy or steal it again. Kinda negates their point.

I suspect

I suspect

I suspect

I suspect

Do you see the error here?

I will try a Kilus here:

What I do think is silly is the months and months of hyping from thousands of posts about a game that hasn't even been played yet, most of which is a lame attempt to try to one up the previous guy who just posted the most trivial thing they could think of in an effort to be even "louder" and "cooler".

So you can hype something like there is no tomorrow, cheer about a dog companion like the next coming of @Jebus, but you can not be negative?

*just replace Halo with Fallout 4.

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But you said if we buy Fallout 4 we are endorsing Fallout 3. So if we buy Fallout 4 and then years from now buy Fallout 5 does that mean any criticisms of Fallout 4 we make were invalid?

If you buy/steal Fallout 4 and then say its an appalling piece of crap, at least you tried it. If you then buy Fallout 5 then it certainly shows terrible judgement at the very least. It also strongly indicates you were posting false information in order to look xtra kewl on NMA.


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Alright, I had to click 99 motherfucking times, one for each of those godforsaken useless bitching posts. That's goddamn bullshit, so:

1) DO NOT derail the thread again, much less offend each other. You all can do your mojo without resorting to call each other idiots, etc. Be elegant, gentleman.

2) Someone please PLEASE teach me how to split threads, starting from a certain post [example: from post 145]. Clicking on 99 posts in order to vat them is not funny... :mad:

Yes, my criteria was to remove all the bull after the cute pictures [who could ever vat/delete kittens?!]; some posts were not part of the insult exchange but they were also deviations, one liners, etc. Deal with it. If anyone wants to post in this thread again, post about Fallout 4 having gone gold or something at least remotely related to this fact.

Also: ToronRayne, Wallpknut and ExplosiveSausageGuy... I'd at least strike you guys, maybe lockdown for a week or something... if I had the proper authorization. STAY. FROSTY. OK?
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Oki dokes then.

So, with the game already entering Physical Production, do you think Bethesda wil lactually alleviate this COMPLETE drought of information on the game in this last 2 weeks or will they keep being so vague until release?
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this debate!

Now we as todays proposition strongly believe that this is true, but before we come to our actual argumentation, let us first define some important terms in this debate.
When we say that
Bethesda could shit in a box and people would buy it.
we mean that Fallout 4 would be another turd in a golden box, or
Shit? Nah too hard. Just pretend there's something there...
just simply an empty golden box without any added value.

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. Would you like some tea? :monocle:
Oki dokes then.

So, with the game already entering Physical Production, do you think Bethesda wil lactually alleviate this COMPLETE drought of information on the game in this last 2 weeks or will they keep being so vague until release?

Why would they?

There are certain properties that just don't have to do that. This is one of the most anticipated games ever.

GTA V, Fallout, Half Life, Red Dead all could be released with a very short and small marketing campaign.

The same thing in movies. Star Wars showed 1 teaser and 1 trailer, that's it. Yet everyone knows it will be one of the all time highest grossing movies.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this debate!

Now we as todays proposition strongly believe that this is true, but before we come to our actual argumentation, let us first define some important terms in this debate.
When we say that
Bethesda could shit in a box and people would buy it.
we mean that Fallout 4 would be another turd in a golden box, or
Shit? Nah too hard. Just pretend there's something there...
just simply an empty golden box without any added value.

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. Would you like some tea? :monocle:
Empty golden box analogy makes more sense TBH. Looks nice, but has no substance to it.
@ExplodesLikeABloodSausage: Yes, it's true that large group of people love playing their games. I'm not going to give them any names though, not to mark them as "hivemind" at all, you see? As you can check out for yourself, there's a large group of people who don't love to play this kind of games even outside of NMA, so your hivemind argument is simply not valid:

Perhaps you could start to present your own ideas and thoughts instead of trying to make assumptions about what other people are going to think, that would be much more healthier for any future discussions IMO.

As you can check out for yourself, there's a large group of people who don't love to play this kind of games even outside of NMA, so your hivemind argument is simply not valid:

Why would Bethesda care?

They sold 20 million copies of Skyrim? Their trailer for Fallout 4 has been watched 16 million times (almost more than Skyrim's 5 year old trailer). They have tons of pre orders. Don't forget that Bethesda's sales grow with every released titles. So next to Fallout 1/2/3/NV fans there are lots of people who only played Skyrim and are going to buy Fallout 4 and also just new gamers.

For most people at the E3 Fallout 4 was game of the show.

They don't have to care about a relatively small group of people that doesn't like their product. Not everybody should like the same stuff.
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@kostjamoscow: Agreed. As I had posted before, it's pure marketing for Bethesda. Steam statistics speaks clearly - majority begs for OPEN WORLD and FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. That's a fact and that's exactly what Bethesda is going to give them. This fact alone doesn't make their games more complex though, nor more attractive for those people wanting intelligent and mature content in their games, mind you.
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@kostjamoscow: Agreed. As I had posted before, it's pure marketing for Bethesda. Steam statistics speaks clearly - majority begs for OPEN WORLD and FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. That's a fact and that's exactly what Bethesda is going to give them. This fact alone doesn't make their games more complex though, nor more attractive for those people wanting intelligent and mature content in their games, mind you.

I'd personally rather it written out, but we'll see how it works out as is. I guarantee someone will make a mod to make it text again at some point too.
Well maybe there is also a large number of people who actually like to have details on a game before buying it?

And I guess Bethesda doesn't have to listen to feedback if enough people don't care... not sure that leads to good games, but whatever I guess some people don't care.
Those millions of people every year who buy early access games and play in open betas to get a feel for what a game will be before it releases are obviously hipsters.

They must be trying to ironically recall the good old days when companies offered a demo of their game before it went Gold and was already ridiculously overhyped before anyone bought a single copy.

Back then, people celebrated hands-on access to the game, not the fact that the game was physically packaged for the first time.
It's hard to imagine that we've sunk so low now that people can be excited about the mechanical process of writing millions of CDs and slapping labels on them, but then I remember that there is literally no other useful news about the game to excite people.
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Back in the day we had the audacity to request all content in one go. How sinful we were back then... fools we were. Now we have risen above, and have gone up to day one DLCs!