I like the art style, reminds me of Dishonored, better than failing at photo realism.

Anyway I'm one of those people who liked Fallout 3 and for some reason occasionally visits this website so I'm looking forward to it. Don't think it'll be as good as Fallout: New Vegas but I still think it'll be very good.

Is that voice at the end of the trailer Troy Baker?
The first official trailer has been released.

Here are some screenshots from the new trailer, that show some of the new scenery that I could spot, posted here so we can discuss and speculate ..

We have a news section on this, kids...
The news section specify discuss the first trailer. And is riddled with trolls.
Is that area with the Baseball player statue Fenway Park methinks ?

There's also a guy in a Baseball uniform in the lower left picture #5, along with a shop called "Diamond City Surplus", so I think it's a safe bet that Fenway Park becomes "Diamond City" or something similar.
Yeah, I like the idea of a gang of dudes dressed up as baseball players beating the shit out of people. Just as good as the Kings I guess.

Also, when do we get a Fallout 4 sub-forum?
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Speaking of which. I expect better melee combat like they did with Skyrim.
Oh my god this is a wonderful idea. I imagine them having really thick Boston accents just going around beating people up in the streets, that would be hilarious.
If two of the NPC's aren't named Ben Affleck and Matt Damon I'll boycott the game.
Is that area with the Baseball player statue Fenway Park methinks ?
Indeed, here is a breakdown of all the location:

Bunker Hill

USS Constitution in Charlestown Harbor

Fenway (top right) and Prudential (behind)

Paul Revere

State House and Prudential Building

Boston skyline

source http://www.gamepur.com/news/19041-f...t-boston-monuments-showcased-fenway-park.html

Speaking of which. I expect better melee combat like they did with Skyrim.
Hopefully, although I am not sure how blocks will work with vats..
Has anyone noticed what appears to be a red flying car in the pre-war suburbs? add to that the BOS airships, and does that mean that a limited addition of this can be appropriate for fallout:

Well that was definitely the worst promotional video that I've ever seen? Why does Bethesda's Fallout-Doom, insist upon making the world look like WW3 was only a matter of months or years ago still? Also, that was probably the stupidest use of trying to build tension, with the radio announcer being totally devoid of any sentiment, and saying "We have coming in!" really....does he suffer from dyslexia? Overall, poor advertisement for a poor product!
I want this to be good. I enjoyed Fallout 3 enough at the time, and being a fan of the originals I loved playing New Vegas in the west again. I don't know.. I have mixed feelings after seeing the trailer. They are going to be releasing more info at E3 so I'll reserve my judgement best I can until then.
Speaking of which. I expect better melee combat like they did with Skyrim.

...better? Wasn't it just 'smash the mouse button until X falls over'? I mean I was hoping for some badass shit too, like limb crippling, or even removal of said limbs while in combat! Instead what I got is 'head popping' executions...ugh.

I'm pretty sure NV had superior melee combat, at least outside of VATS. Hit the torso? Torso crippled! Hit the head? Guy goes backwards, stunned a bit. Hit the weapon or arm? Disabled!