Fallout 4 Survival Update is out [BETA]

Something I have been saying for ages as a joke just became more real... With the Survival beta and Bethesda showing that they can prevent mods from working whenever they want to, and now this:


Is this the start of Bethesda only allowing mods on their games from bethesda.net?

I don't think that's how that works. Modders will find a way, they're like pirates and hackers in that they're an unstoppable tide. Whether Bethesda monetises the mods and locks them to their platform or not only serves to affect their reputation, but in the end, with Bethesda's engine, modders will always find a way.
Something I have been saying for ages as a joke just became more real... With the Survival beta and Bethesda showing that they can prevent mods from working whenever they want to, and now this:


Is this the start of Bethesda only allowing mods on their games from bethesda.net?
Seems like paid mods incoming to me. If that's the case I hope those morons that frequent their forums can sustain them as a company because anyone I know that buy BGS games only do so because of the mods. Damn Bethesda..
miruren Mar 31, 2016 2:24 PM

I'm happy that there is no karma anymore. Nothing to pigeonhole you in certain desicions.

It's like some people didn't like to be tracked in the wasteland by bounty hunter, because of an unfortunate grenade they've thrown in a crowd where a child happened to be there. Well the karma system sucks, but it's always nice when a role playing game take into account what you are doing, and respond accordingly.
People don't even know what karma is supposed to represent in the games, it is not "I did something evil like killing innocent people, but I shouldn't get bad karma because no one saw me doing it." They confuse karma with reputation... karma is to represent how many evil/good deeds your character does and if it turns them into a good or bad person, not to know what others think of your character.

It is not a human trait that only happens when others see you do stuff, it is a global value of how your character behaved and acted, and people always come up with the "do something really evil in Fallout 3 and then give water to the beggars" yep, but that is because Fallout 3 didn't implemented the karma system as well as they could or implemented reputation titles like in older Fallout games...

And now for something completely different:

This Survival Beta Update also makes the game crash (on purpose, not as a bug) if it detects Archive Invalidation is active :clap:.
I actually think it's rather excellent. The one flaw is the beds- not that they're needed for saving, but that Bethesda didn't design the game world with this in mind, thus didn't put any thought into bed placement.
It needs some rebalancing though, apparently all you need to do is kill things (normal Fallout 4 playthrough), get that adrenaline perk higher and higher, drink Nuka Colas so you don't need to sleep and kill everything in one hit, be a death god... until you get stuck in a rock and have to redo another 1 or 2 hours of playing because you didn't save (because you didn't sleep) :lmao:.

I guess it is another way of giving the game more longevity if you have to redo hours of playing because you didn't sleep :wiggle:.
Hey now when you get stuck in a rock it's a feature guys, it's just Bethesda telling you that you need to save more often....

Even though they removed the ability to save when ever you want to in their buggy mess of a game.
People don't even know what karma is supposed to represent in the games, it is not "I did something evil like killing innocent people, but I shouldn't get bad karma because no one saw me doing it." They confuse karma with reputation... karma is to represent how many evil/good deeds your character does and if it turns them into a good or bad person, not to know what others think of your character.

It is not a human trait that only happens when others see you do stuff, it is a global value of how your character behaved and acted, and people always come up with the "do something really evil in Fallout 3 and then give water to the beggars" yep, but that is because Fallout 3 didn't implemented the karma system as well as they could or implemented reputation titles like in older Fallout games...

If we're honest, Bethesda was bound to do a shit job with this concept, even though it's so very simple to grasp, Buddhism variant or otherwise.

And now for something completely different:

This Survival Beta Update also makes the game crash (on purpose, not as a bug) if it detects Archive Invalidation is active :clap:.

Really? And here I thought the game connecting to remote server all of a sudden was the capstone of Bethesda's stupidity this go around.
So, I tried out the new thing and oh boy is the save feature fucking annoying. I basically feel terrified to move anywhere at all because of the ridiculous damage enemies got. There was an attack dog that killed me with one hit when I was at like 95% full health. So yeah, expect to have fun in dungeons. And removing fast-travel? Absolutely brilliant. It's not at all annoying to trek back and forth to square away shit you've looted. Oh and the new disease system is just phenomenal. Imagine it, you get diseased real easily from attacks to eating raw shit to drinking unpure water and to cure it you need antibiotics. Guess what you need to craft that? Chemist rank 1. So best have enough INT to get the perk otherwise you'll loot them whenever the planets align. Oh and thirst and hunger increase far too easily. I also got insomnia within the first 24 hours of the game and no matter how much I sleep it refuses to git gone.

Don't get me wrong, Survival is now making me twitchy as fuck about what's around the next corner and it is making me real god damn careful engaging anything at all. Which I suppose is what survival mode is supposed to be about. But having to reload and try again from the last bed is soooooooooooooo fucking annoying. Having to deal with the constant debuffs of dehydration, hunger, sleep and disease gets annoying as all hell.

So yeah. The game is definitely more dangerous now. Yup. It's also more tedious.

Oh and the game mode disables mods and you can't use console commands, so more yay.
I mean...
I dunno.

I suppose you could add a UI or whatever or the food, H2O, sleep crap. It's been done for FNV where they added a secondary UI thingie on the side to keep track of shit with more clarity.

The diseases could probably be overhauled and tweaked, it's mostly just stat debuffs anyway in a game that ain't much of an RPG to begin with so I dunno how much you could do with it really.

And I have no idea how to salvage the sleep system without just cutting the stupid thing away. Maybe add in a sleeping bag you can pick up with you so you can save anywhere you want to? I think FNV had that.

But I dunno man.
There's so much food and water and crap in vanilla FO4 that you'd need to overhaul it to make food and water really matter.
The sleep system could be fixed with a sleeping bag you can carry and set up.
The disease could offer up new things but it'd need a far better UI.

I just don't see anything revolutionary that couldn't be done in FO3 or FNV in a survival mode mod.
So yes?

I dunno.
Like with everything in FO4; It'd require a complete overhaul of far too many things.
I just hope somebody wants to do a dust type mod for this shit show at this point. I do have a good setup for FNV, but in all honesty as much of pos FO4 is, in terms of stability relative to other BGS releases it was pretty stable even with over a 100 mods running.
Survival mode could be improved by allowing players to fast-travel only between settlements with a population of 10 or higher.

Could also be improved by auto-saving when entering and exiting dungeons as well as entering and leaving civilized locations such as Vault whatever, Goodneighbour, Institute, BOS and Diamond City (not all interior cells, just dungeons and civilized areas).
I don't get this sleep to save bs, and don't see why they just don't add penalties to dying like losing all the xp the player has toward the next level or lose all your loot outside what's equipped.
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Maybe add in a sleeping bag you can pick up with you so you can save anywhere you want to? I think FNV had that.

Actually yes, New Vegas did have a portable sleeping bag you could find, though it was only usable outdoors and not usable inside. You could find it along the Lonesome Road near a big group of deathclaws: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Roughin'_it!_bedroll_kit It's actually pretty unnoticeable and easily missable, especially considering all the irradiated deathclaws in the area, but it's there.

New Vegas just did everything better, didn't it?
Does a better job than the New Vegas one, if we're being honest, but then again saying something like that here is like pissing on Mohammad's image in a mosque.