Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Lovecraft inspired mutants is a good idea if it's done properly but androids really seem out of place in Fallout. While androids are retro-futuristic, Fallout seemed to approach robots in a more functional and industrial manner.
You mean Harold?Bethesda wants to make a new "race" (think Ghoul, Super Mutant) which will be central to Boston.
This point contradicts itself and the rest is pretty questionable so I'm skeptical about the validity of the "leak". Somewhat amusing "speculation" nonetheless.Bethesda has no plans to reinvent the leveling up system to make it more like Skyrim and want to make Fallout 4 more distinct from Skyrim since of the complaints that Oblivion and Fallout 3 were too similar. Bethesda is thinking about introducing a system, similar to Skyrim, where your skills can level up if you perform certain tasks