Vault Senior Citizen

It's based on a real place called Bar Harbor, they changed the first letter because that's clever writing.,_Maine
It's based on a real place called Bar Harbor, they changed the first letter because that's clever writing.,_Maine
I thought they already announced that it'd be released after Far Harbor.
What do you think ... how likely is that this whole thing will be about some Lovecraft refence shoe horned in at every corner ... I mean com on, it really screams at you. Maine, some isolated fisher village. Bethesda won't miss that oportunity! What ever if it makes sense or not.
This BGS Lovecraft shit is old, it was old when they did it in Oblivion and at this point it's just plagiarism.
I wouldn't be surprised if the player had to go underwater and fight cthulu like creature, that would be named culu or something.
They can also add another cult that also worships cthulu and can breathe underwater because they believe.
Or they can add sunken temple with scary statues and loot at the end.
Whatever it is, it will break lore even further.
It's ok, they will be able to bypass that by cleverly making the fighting be inside a glass dome like in old sci-fi movies, books and comics:They won't add underwater fighting. They'd have to make weapons work underwater first.
Perhaps movies would also be better for these people if they just involve a bunch of people who come onto the screen and start beating each other up or shooting at each other without uttering one word.
I would add Stephen King as Dark Tower reference and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.So what's the popular expectation for Far Harbor here? Are they going to rip off Jules Verne, Bioshock, HP Lovecraft or, all three?