Still Mildly Glowing

Ugh, in my defense I grabbed the Season pass when it was still 30 bucks and I thought they would do DLC as they had done before; 4-5 new maps filled with content and quests. So for me, paying 30 for 4 largish DLC seemed reasonable. So far it's been mostly filler stuff with a little good mixed in [Robot crafting]. It kind of feels like a bait and switch. Remember those giant DLCs we released in the past? Well, you're getting tiny ones and maybe a large one or two.
And on to the arena stuff. I decided to try and make one for the fun of it, and decided to have 2 Gunners face-off against two raiders. Built a large concrete arena with cover, a metal screened wall I thought could not be fired through, and went and sat on my elevated throne to watch the fighting. They fired at me. So I dropped down, to watch the fight through the metal screened walls, they shot through that. How the hell am I or my settlers supposed to watch an arena fight, when there's no safe way to watch it? To make matters worse, a female ghoul settler hurried over and shot the remaining Gunner and said, "I had to...there was no other choice." And I felt like such a monster, I'd forced one of my people to needlessly kill a man I had captured for no real good reason. FUN. Oh, and the notice that pops up that says caged Raiders will increase settlement attacks, they weren't kidding. I left my settlement to grab some more concrete, and when I returned, a god damned army of Raiders met me. A bunch of grunts, three of them in power armor, and two or more with missle launchers. FUN.
And on to the arena stuff. I decided to try and make one for the fun of it, and decided to have 2 Gunners face-off against two raiders. Built a large concrete arena with cover, a metal screened wall I thought could not be fired through, and went and sat on my elevated throne to watch the fighting. They fired at me. So I dropped down, to watch the fight through the metal screened walls, they shot through that. How the hell am I or my settlers supposed to watch an arena fight, when there's no safe way to watch it? To make matters worse, a female ghoul settler hurried over and shot the remaining Gunner and said, "I had to...there was no other choice." And I felt like such a monster, I'd forced one of my people to needlessly kill a man I had captured for no real good reason. FUN. Oh, and the notice that pops up that says caged Raiders will increase settlement attacks, they weren't kidding. I left my settlement to grab some more concrete, and when I returned, a god damned army of Raiders met me. A bunch of grunts, three of them in power armor, and two or more with missle launchers. FUN.