I just played around with it last night, for a long while, and I enjoyed the new stuff, but I have quite a few issues. For starters, if you do like the settlement building, there's quite a bit of stuff to play with, though most of it isn't essential to the game. Capturing enemies and forcing them to square off should have remained in-game at The Combat Zone, assets that already exist in-game should have been included with the free update, and there's no guide or helpful hints on how to make certain things work--it's very frustrating trying to figure some of the wiring and triggering for traps. The price is too much. This should have been maybe 2-3 bucks tops. Not 5. They at least make it clear you can trap raiders, Gunners, and super mutants, but cannot "tame" them, they can only be trapped and released. The cages for tricking them into a trap are kind of funny in a very silly kind of way; floors covered in caps, painted promises of chems. I'm currently making a badass settlement on Spectacle Island, so that's been fun. But again, I think this along with the last dlc, had they been included in the main game would have garnered some love from me. I would at the very least say the game quests are so-so at best, but at least there's fun combat and crafting. As is, it feels like buying some vanilla portions of the game at piecemeal. Not a good thing.
Quick edit: Check out the Steam reviews, oh boy. More than half are negative, and self-proclaimed fans are expressing criticisms. How much do you want to bet they'll release a patch that adds more stuff that they--Whoops!--didn't get a chance to add because stuff.