Fallout 4's first review


Not Australian
International Business Times earlier today broke the review embargo and released the first review of Fallout 4. A few hours later they pulled the article but not before it was archived by some helpful individuals.

The main characters don't really help matters, either. Some of your companions are mildly interesting, but for the most part there's not much to talk about. Conversations are usually bland and boring, aside from the sarcastic lines your character can spit out assuming you're so inclined. Nobody grabbed my attention right away, and nobody will stick in my memory (with the possible exception of Codsworth the robot).

The First Fallout 4 review.
The review was extremely tame. I imagined a guy pissing his pants trying to not say the wrong things.

Still, it doesn't completely match the will of the journalist hivemind Bethesda would like to impose on the gaming media department.
It is a start I guess and confirmed that FO4's main questline is just dragged out instead of really well filled.
Also really disappointed to hear about the companions. I am not saying I was completely overtaken by all the FNV one (Boone was a bit tropey) but at least these were all characters with their own background, motivations and so on, and not just packing mules that can sometimes fight. (though I guess companions like EDE, Rex, and Lily came a little close to that sometimes)
The review was extremely tame. I imagined a guy pissing his pants trying to not say the wrong things.

Still, it doesn't completely match the will of the journalist hivemind Bethesda would like to impose on the gaming media department.
It is a start I guess and confirmed that FO4's main questline is just dragged out instead of really well filled.
Also really disappointed to hear about the companions. I am not saying I was completely overtaken by all the FNV one (Boone was a bit tropey) but at least these were all characters with their own background, motivations and so on, and not just packing mules that can sometimes fight. (though I guess companions like EDE, Rex, and Lily came a little close to that sometimes)

The companions in NV at lest had a reason for existing and there were consequences with their quest. Your actions and who you ultimately sided with as well as how you handle their quest ending up affecting their ending. With FO4 this doesn't seem to be the case. Damn shame.
From the looks of things, I'll probably just stick with just Dogmeat as a companion and treat the rest as NPCs that could give me a quest. Maybe wait for a mod to turn Codsworth into a Mr. Gutsy.
At first I was happy that the reviewer had the balls to criticise Bethesda, but then I noticed he used Dragon Age Inquisition as a positive example. Maybe what he missed was idiotic le snark, forced and offensive romances, and annoying accents.
The first five to 10 hours after you leave Vault 111 is mostly spent trying not to die at the hands of a random mole rat and on farming side quests to gain enough strength to push through main ones.

...farming? Farming?! Farming.

Well, jeez, I sure hope they put out a mobile app so I can tend to my farms while I'm on the move.

<script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script><script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script>How the heck does that even come about? Who thought that would be a good idea?!

Farming.<script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script><script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script><script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script><script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script>
Farming as in just completing a bunch of random sidequests by the bulk. There seems to be just a bunch of generic Kill quests in this one.
Farming as in just completing a bunch of random sidequests by the bulk. There seems to be just a bunch of generic Kill quests in this one.

I hope they are infinite just like Skyrim's Radiant(tm) quests.
Farming as in just completing a bunch of random sidequests by the bulk. There seems to be just a bunch of generic Kill quests in this one.

Ahh, okay. Judging by this video I thought it was going to the some Sims-meet-Farmville mess.
<script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script><script type="text/javascript">window.onbeforeunload = function() {}</script>
I'm a little surprised that anyone would feel the need to farm or grind in this game. You should be able to zip through the main quest if that's what you want to do.

Anyway, it doesn't surprise me that the narrative and characters aren't strong. But I suspect that I won't agree with his complaints about pacing. I think the last two Elder Scrolls games moved way too fast, for example.
I'm pretty sure, it depends on how you play it. Of course it could be very slow pased, if you decide to do side quests or just wander off and explore stuff.
You do realise that "international business times" is just a worthless click bait site? Lol look at the name. It's some Indian dude praying for that sweet click bait moolah. Do some of you have difficulty with comprehension? Look at how crappy the article is written. Guy obviously has never played fallout out and created some degenerate click bait to ride the hype train. Lol people putting stock in a review from a site with the name of international business times. Ahahahahahahahahaha
You do realise that "international business times" is just a worthless click bait site? Lol look at the name. It's some Indian dude praying for that sweet click bait moolah. Do some of you have difficulty with comprehension? Look at how crappy the article is written. Guy obviously has never played fallout out and created some degenerate click bait to ride the hype train. Lol people putting stock in a review from a site with the name of international business times. Ahahahahahahahahaha

It's not *quite* that bad.

International Business Times earlier today broke the review embargo and released the first review of Fallout 4. A few hours later they pulled the article but not before it was archived by some helpful individuals.

The main characters don't really help matters, either. Some of your companions are mildly interesting, but for the most part there's not much to talk about. Conversations are usually bland and boring, aside from the sarcastic lines your character can spit out assuming you're so inclined. Nobody grabbed my attention right away, and nobody will stick in my memory (with the possible exception of Codsworth the robot).

The First Fallout 4 review.

Interesting. A small chance that this will be a bit of a fiasco for Beth.