Fallout 4's voiced protagonist

Found on a german gaming news site (don't know, if it's in this interview, don't wanna hear the complete thing), Courtney Taylor said the following (translated into english)

"The authors did an incredible job. It's exactly, what you would expect from a Fallout game - only better. It's more immersive. They raised the level with this one."

And she babbled something about the love to detail and compared this with Pixars "Cars"-movie. There are so many details, the camera doesn't capture, but they are present.

What the ... ? I know it's PR-rambling, but come on ...<cite></cite>
They have to, or they just "cut" and do the interview all over again.

Kinda like how the FO:NV creators had to brag about the magic awesomeness of "VATS", which wasn't their dumb idea to begin with, but what can they do, be honest about it? They have to promote it - into the sky.
After numerous auditions, the team chose L.A. natives Brian T. Delaney and Courtenay Taylor to fill these roles. Working with BGS, Blindlight Studios, and voice director Kal-El Bogdanove
There's actually a grown man by the name of Kal-El?
What a time to be alive.
Well, Nicolas Cage, the great and powerful, named his son Kal-El. It's not THAT uncommon ;)
That's how Czech name Karel is being pronounced by people without front teeth. :V
What the ... ? I know it's PR-rambling, but come on ...<cite></cite>

Not that dissimilar from Hollywood really... they're all full of it basically.

Courtenay Taylor probably doesn't know Fallout from Fall Guy, but she will promote the hell out of it and say nice things because she has to--she's under contract.

Occasionally you'll see someone go "off script" in an interview, let a little honesty or cynicism slip out, but that's generally rare.
Yeah, you don't bite the hand that feeds you and beside that people are generally proud of their work contributions.
"So you weren't familiar with the Fallout setting, but you played Fallout 3 recently!"

Oh goodie.
Of course the actors are going to promote the hell out of this game, they are under contract after all. Very rarely do you get something like Mark Wahlberg speaking negatively about the The Happening or Bill Murray speaking negatively about The Garfield movie. If only.
Of course the actors are going to promote the hell out of this game, they are under contract after all. Very rarely do you get something like Mark Wahlberg speaking negatively about the The Happening or Bill Murray speaking negatively about The Garfield movie. If only.

I'm assuming those both were years after the fact anyway.

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Of course the actors are going to promote the hell out of this game, they are under contract after all. Very rarely do you get something like Mark Wahlberg speaking negatively about the The Happening or Bill Murray speaking negatively about The Garfield movie. If only.

I'm assuming those both were years after the fact anyway.

True as I remember reading this wonderful quote from Mark Walhberg of him admitting The Happening was terrible(but freaking hilarious)
"The Happening. F— it. It is what it is. F—ing trees, man. The plants. F— it." - Mark Walhberg

Maybe will get something like that with Fallout 4. Hopefully.
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Marky Mark would've been awesome in the boston set FO4 ... a foulmouthed boston synthy :D
I must admit, once I heard fo4 would have voice acted protagonists I immediately wanted Jennifer Hale doing the female PC. Might as well go full bioware, right?

Although in all seriousness, she really is one of the better voice actors out there.
I must admit, once I heard fo4 would have voice acted protagonists I immediately wanted Jennifer Hale doing the female PC. Might as well go full bioware, right?

Although in all seriousness, she really is one of the better voice actors out there.

Might as well seeing how they are trying so hard to pander to Bioware's fanbase.
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Heh, not too far off, Taylor voiced Jack in Mass Effect. Also Juhani in KOTOR and Gloria Van Graff in NV