Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

Honestly though. Fallout 4 looks ok next to 76, especially next to this Fallout 1st bullshit.

Fallout 4 can become slightly better thanks to mods (as much as I don't like Fallout 4, I still get excited when I see upcoming mods that look impressive).
I certainly won’t deny that talented modders can, if not save, enhance a subpar experience greatly.
The dilemma of spending time modding a bad game vs just playing a good one instead. Know which one seems obvious to me.
Not only that, Bethesda introducing the Creation Club apparently would break mods on a regular basis with its updates. Why mod a worse game, that needs to be constantly updated making it essentially an uphill battle to keep the mods working?

I'm sure some mods might make it a bit more enjoyable but yeah, just spend more of your time on things that you already like the baseline of.
Isn't the title of this thread wrong? I'm pretty sure it doesn't cost $10 a month, but $13 $12.99 a month.
Yeah, you're right. Even at 10 bucks a month that's still a step up from 100/year. It's like 8.33 a month if you pay 100 for 12 months. So the price difference is about 45 bucks roughly if you were to pay monthly rather than yearly. Nearly half of the yearly charge.
I put more hours into the GECKS than into the main games of both FO3, and NV. I have never completed either of them. I have never encountered the Enclave in FO3. I don't recall if I ever entered New Vegas on a legitimate play of the game; I might have.... but at most I wasn't there long enough to complete any quests.

But I had fun modding the ADV MKII armor, and other stuff into both of them.

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