Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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They look worse than the ones the influencers got. It took them seven months to finally send them and they look worse than the ones they had for the influencers. :lmao:
Mike Fahey in the comments tooting his shitty influencer horn. Idiot.

And what do they mean "We made it, everybody. We're safe now"? Last I checked Fallout 76 still exists.
Apparently they are under the delusion that this expansion pack is going to save Fallout 76.
The whole damn game was a shoddy build made as an afterthought. After-afterthought expansions, with the obligatory bugs, will likely make it all worse. I'm going to wait for mod support and modders to fix this mess before I even think about getting this game.
I'm going to wait for mod support and modders to fix this mess before I even think about getting this game.
Oh boy. I don't think mods from anything that is not curated by Bethesda will ever be allowed. I mean, at the moment they are outright banning people for using anything external that modifiers the game (there was even that controversy where they forced someone to write an essay on how bad cheating is).
Oh boy. I don't think mods from anything that is not curated by Bethesda will ever be allowed. I mean, at the moment they are outright banning people for using anything external that modifiers the game (there was even that controversy where they forced someone to write an essay on how bad cheating is).
They did promise private servers and mod support at some point in the future when they launched. But, they say lots of silly things.
I would really recommend you still don't get the game. I think Bethesda's philosophy of "Mods will fix it" should not be supported.
At that point, if it ever comes, FO76 will be in the bargain bin. I wouldn't pay full price for this. I still might not ever get it.
The whole damn game was a shoddy build made as an afterthought. After-afterthought expansions, with the obligatory bugs, will likely make it all worse. I'm going to wait for mod support and modders to fix this mess before I even think about getting this game.


Just say no kids.
Corporate overlord requests another shitty 76 article from Polygon. See next page.
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You should just cut and paste the article here so no one gives them more clicks than necessary.

I didn't even read the article. The main point is there is nothing to that game, yet they keep talking about it. There are hundreds of games clogging the Steam Store yet....Fallout 76. Hell they mention Fallout 4 still. Utter retardation/corporate shilling.

Plus I have been told not to do that.
I didn't even read the article. The main point is there is nothing to that game, yet they keep talking about it. There are hundreds of games clogging the Steam Store yet....Fallout 76. Hell they mention Fallout 4 still. Utter retardation/corporate shilling.

Plus I have been told not to do that.
You could always archive the link.