Fallout: Equestria becomes a game.

Are you people do realize that there are many other fanbases that do the same exact shit, right?

It would be just as ridiculous no matter who was doing it. But I'm having a hard time thinking of any other fandom that compulsively conjoins its thing with every other possible thing to the degree bronies do. They're like the Borg of fandoms.
I'm surprised at how functional it looks, especially the VATS. I'd off-handedly heard about the project before, but I didn't really take it seriously.

Out of curiosity, I did a quick google search; turns out this Fallout: Equestria thing is large enough to warrant its own wiki. Is it like a fanfiction, or what?
"Oh no! Someone actually made a video game crossover about MLP: FiM and Fallout! HUMANITY IS DOOOMMZZZ!11!!"

Okay, real talk: I found myself struggling to figure out what is even more ridiculous, the constant bitching that is going on this thread, or the fact that people are actually SURPRISED by something like this when it was going to happen eventually (look at that Littlepip mod for Fallout 2 which was made a few years ago). Are you people do realize that there are many other fanbases that do the same exact shit, right? Also, spare the "but broniez are the worst offenderz" bullshit; there is really no sense in getting riled up over something so fucking trivial.
Found the Brony
Found the Brony
So me not wasting my own time bashing a group of people makes me one of them. This logic should be one of the top ten GOAT. Matter of fact, it makes wonder Albert Einstein never applied this amazing logic.
So me not wasting my own time bashing a group of people makes me one of them. This logic should be one of the top ten GOAT.
Trying to argue about the wasting of one's time on a video game forum is the definition of pointlessness. I'm free to do whatever I like with my time and if I feel like taking the piss out of grown men who watch cartoons for little girls I will.
They wouldn't be bashed if they weren't so damn cancerous. I don't go out of my way to harass them or anything but I have nothing but contempt for that fanbase. I don't see Fallout fans or Harry Potter fans or COD fans inject their fandom into everything they touch. Y'know who I do see spreading around like cancer? Bronies. So is there any wonder that other fandoms get pissed off at them? Besides, taking the piss out of something like this is a waste of time but it is an enjoyable waste of time.
Trying to argue about the wasting of one's time on a video game forum is the definition of pointlessness. I'm free to do whatever I like with my time and if I feel like taking the piss out of grown men who watch cartoons for little girls I will.
If you think I was trying to argue, or even forced my perspective towards you, then you must be insecure about your freedom of speech. I am not pointing a fucking gun at anyone's head so they can stop treating bronies as sub-human beings, I just think it is stupid to bash them when because what they do affects fucking NO ONE. "Eww, grown men watching little girl shows is so awkward and disturbing and the fact that they do crossovers to many franchises is cancerous and disgusting, despite at least a few more fanbases doing the same thing. Despite the fact this is literally not fucking harmful to anyone. Like murderers and thieves are." Go ahead and keep doing what you want; your body, your life.
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I hate Ponies. So fucking much.

However they are not harmful, so I guess it's okay. But still, I doubt the original creators would approve...
I'm really not about to try and match your wall of text about how bronies are an oppressed people because of mean words on the internet. Everyone here is just having fun, relax.
Oh, I know why bronies are oppressed. I just do not agree with most of their reasons for why they are. Besides, at least you and I can agree on one thing: mean people say mean things on the internet, and the cycle continues.
Bronies aren't wrong, it's just when they force it on games meant to be serious RPGs making fun of relevant topics...
Now that, I can understand. I have seen other fanbases do it, but a good point, nonetheless.
And I don't like it when other fanbases do it.

But the point is they pervert (too strong a word?) the beauty and meaning of Fallout, to just act as a placeholder for killer ponies.
On the other hand, perhaps we Fallout fans are not taking it far enough. I demand a Fallout kids cartoon based on Fallout 1 and 2 that is both cheery and happy, yet also depressing, full of the harsh realities of life, and shows humanity at its basest.
Do you know how hard it is to get your hands on nuclear weapons? It's not like in the 60s when they used to make them next to ice machines and as common like cars.
Most of us gave up on LARPING Fallout. There is no nuclear war on the horizon and Tschernobyle is to green.
I actually have nothing against bronies at all, to me if anyone likes something then it is fine as long as it is not against the law and isn't hurting anyone else.

What I have against is someone making a game that infringes copyright and trademarked IPs, names, brands, characters, etc... Specially if they make something that is not aimed at adults (MLP) into a violent game made for mature audiences (Fallout). Imagine little kids going on Youtube or Google and searching for "MLP game" or something and then they watch the cute little things murder eachother with guns and knives :clap: also again I am sure it breaks trademark and copyright laws and stuff.

I am a modder and I have to abide by the law, so why should "fans" be able to dodge the laws I have to follow? :confused: