Fallout: Equestria becomes a game.

I could not care less if anyone likes ponies, that doesn't change how weird of a vibe that trailer has. I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe the music,raider ponies, or the combination of it all, but it is fucking weird.
Yep. And nobody wants Fallout to be fucking weird. We threw shit at Bethesda for doing that, so let's do it now. Because knowing the game, it's going to have a shit story and be fucking weird.
Trust me, there is enough Pony Sex Pictures around already, yeah I occasionally run into them when I go through various art sites while searching for artists with a nice drawing style.

Anyway, I don't so much hate the Brony fandom (I know some people who like MLP:FIM and they are okay), more that I find this merging of various IPs to be so plain dumb.
I just don't see the appeal of it and why it garners such a big fandom. Yeah I guess then the problem lies with me and not the fans for not understanding.

But honestly, Fallout and MLP? It is almost like a ridiculous marketing blend like when Star Wars and Angry Birds were mixed.
This feels like going from fan interest to fan obsession, "Everything is better with ponies, so lets put ponies in everything!"

Can we still keep some subjects their own thing instead of having it merge with all kinds of other IPs?
I have been read several comic book crossovers over the years, ones based on comics, ones based on movies. And outside a handful of good ones that actually worked they in general all are average to bad, writers never seem to be able to get the plotline and reasons for crossovers right.

Eh, it doesn't matter anyway how ridiculous and pointless I think the Fallout Equestria game is. It is being made anyway and it will probably be a hype for a while, get a lot of interest, and then slowly die off and disappear just like the whole Pony popularity will eventually wane, making room for the next big thing people will claim defines their lives.
On one hand, ponies eww...

On the other, I have some respect for the FO:E community. Three Rejects, a fanfic writer who wrote the Wanderer's Diary (a Fallout 3 fanfic that actually made the story half-decent and managed to try and make sense of it) is a writer for the FO:E fandom. Even if I don't like it, people I like contribute to it, so I have to at least give it some respect. Besides, it's no worse than most other franchise crossovers.
Things in one franchise shouldn't spill over into others or vise versa.
Well... This is basically a crossover, and crossovers aren't always bad, both fanmade and official (this is obviously the former, but eh). In the official camp, DC and Marvel did a big crossover once, and the TV shows Bones and Sleepy Hollow had a two-part crossover that was fairly interesting. In the fanmade camp, many different fanfics have done crossovers well (though Sturgeon's Law is in full effect), for example, Stargate and Doctor Who have had some really good crossover fanfics.
really good fanfics.