UniversalWolf said:
Anyway, I disintegrated one of the brown pants mutants with my alien blaster, and when the death animation finished the game crashed.
This is exactly how I discovered the crashes issue. I'd actually already fixed it on my system before releasing 6.0 (yes 6.0, not even 6.1) but I stupidly didn't include the files in the releases. P.S. isn't the Alien Blaster awesome? Seems a bit of a cheat to me.
UniversalWolf said:
My current theory is that there may possibly be some glitch with an "on the ground" graphic for one of the melee weapons
UniversalWolf your theory is 100% correct, good thinking

You have a good eye -- (brain?) -- for troubleshooting. That is the Spiked Knuckles issue I talked about earlier. And Schezze is right, my download temporary patch exe fixes it.
Schezza said:
I like the farting in the Northwest and the surviving as well. But having seen both german and original, I gotta say, the german version brought the jokes over much better.
Really? I thought Germans tended to be overly serious.

Got any examples? I am really wanting to get FIXT translated into German but no one has volunteered yet.
Schezza said:
Sduibek, I feel like playing another round. Instead of shouting at you for not having it put together yet, I'll just ask you... in comparison to F2, F1 barehanded and melee are both reduced by 1 AP with the perk. If you fixed that, I'm gonna have to kill you.
Fast Shot? I'd forgotten about that. Yeah we'll have to see if we can recode it, hopefully we can. To be fair though, it says fast SHOT, not fast attack.

And shows a picture of Vault Boy shooting a gun.
Schezza said:
Besides that, the perks that give +2 barehanded dmg, as well as the starting perks as well as the character barehanded info number, are those really just straight numbers or some kind of multiplicator? (this goes for the +2 ranged perk as well)
Not sure, check wikis or ask Per.
Schezza said:
But you fixed that the perks can no longer be saved up, or was that F2 only?
I don't think that's fixable in F1, not sure about F2 either. It's been entered on the Sfall Requests page, not sure if it's doable though.
Schezza said:
Another thing... last run, I gathered all NPCs before leveling up, and I didn't see a difference between before. After having googled a lil bit, looks like it's still random? Guess I'll get some save and load tests going
If they levelled up, you would have got a notification in the message box: "NPC is now level Number." If you didn't, you either have Fixes Only enabled or I messed something up. Or you messed something up.
EDIT: Wait are you talking about FIXT in Fallout 1 engine? Because don't play the Fallout 2 engine conversion thing, it's far from complete. Randomness to NPC levelup is ONLY in Fallout 2 engine. If you're referring to FIXT, I've added it to the bug wiki. I'll check into it.