Sduibek said:
UniversalWolf said:
My current theory is that there may possibly be some glitch with an "on the ground" graphic for one of the melee weapons
UniversalWolf your theory is 100% correct, good thinking

You have a good eye -- (brain?) -- for troubleshooting. That is the Spiked Knuckles issue I talked about earlier. And Schezze is right, my download temporary patch exe fixes it.
Great! Spiked Knuckles was on my list for testing, but I didn't have any with me at the time, so I didn't try it. I tried the PF and the Ripper and those worked as intended, obviously. Is there a new "on the ground" icon for the Power Fist? I don't remember ever seeing that before.
FWIW, my other attempts to reproduce the crash by playing more mutant patrol combat encounters all ended in complete failure, even though I disintegrated lots of super mutants. I'm going to keep an eye out for this though, just in case.
I do love the alien blaster. Is it cheat-esque? I don't think so. The range is so short it hampers it a bit. I definitely thought about switching to a turbo plasma rifle toward the end of the game for that reason. I mean, I built my character from the start specifically to use the alien blaster, and there were times the super mutant soldiers in the vault under the cathedral absorbed six (my single-turn maximum) hits without death. I could have taken them out just as effectively with a dedicated sniper build.
The alien blaster is just something you can take advantage of if you know the game ahead of time.
I finished the game but didn't get a slideshow or talk with the Overseer before the credits rolled. It went straight to the Ink Spots and the Vault Dweller limping off into the wasteland. Is that because of an install option I selected or didn't select? I don't remember.
I got some funny dialogue I'd never seen before because I did things a little different this time through. When I wanted to find Mariposa Base, I talked to the mutant guarding the watershed in Necropolis (what's his name? Barry?), and told him to take me to the Lieutenant. I destroyed the vats from the inside out, which is harder but faster than attacking from outside (particularly at the end, because when you exit the base, there's a mutant guard right in front of you, and if you enter combat at all, the self-destruct goes off and you die). Then I went back to Necropolis and talked to the mutant guarding the watershed again, and he was afraid of me because he heard I destroyed the vats.
Similarly, when I wanted to kill the Master, I told Morpheus I wanted to reveal the location of my vault, so I skipped most of the Cathedral rigamarole. I showed the Master Vree's autopsy report, and he started the self-destruct sequence. As I left the Master's chamber, I got zapped by all the psychic guardians in that long corridor. As a change for FIXT, I would consider deactivating them so you don't need a nullifier to pass once you've talked the Master into suicide. It makes sense, because they're actually a part of the Master's collective consciousness, at least according to the psykers on level 2.
I'd be in favor of some more random encounters, especially if you can find any that got cut from the original release of the game. I noticed how few of them there actually are as I was playing.