Okay finally responding to older posts, I apologize for the wait. Thanks everyone for understanding and not rioting a lynch mob against me
I didnt get any bogus aim blocks with the very curious exception of the very same rocket launcher mutant that killed me the first time around. I dont know why - when im standing in front of Lou from the northwest side, it looks like i have clear shot at him and his 2 guards. I can target the one with the minigun but the bazooka one is obscured.
@Perkyguy So it turned out this was a bug with f1_res not my mod (whew, dodged a bullet with that one). If you're still playing the game, or willing to play again, can you check to see if the issue you're talking about still exists? Because the newest FIXT patch includes newest f1_es (4.1.7) which shouldn't have this issue. Later on we can test modified "player light radius" and see if that makes the issue come back (although I doubt it will).
If you want, I have a debugging script I can give you that'll let you teleport directly to the Military Base (among other things).
Is exercise sequence with brother Thomas in BOS bunker working properly? It's long time ago when I last played F1, but I remember, that you are suppose to get xp and skill raise from watching the training. But it seems that it's stuck in an endless loop. I tried to reload the game, but it didn't help. Ok, I finally got it working (you're not supposed to move, is that it?).
@Mirak Correct, you're supposed to stand still and not move.
But it took several attempts, as sometimes the whole sequence didn't even start or it started, but without Thomas' initial speech and then it was not possible to get the xp and skills raise.
Yeah, I still don't know exactly what's up with this sequence. If you go directly here the first time entering the Brotherhood, it works fine. Other than that, it's "might work or might not". I don't know about other people but for me this was the same in vanilla and TeamX patches as well. I'll add it to the bugs wiki.
May have found a bug. A lit flare shows a really high price when trying to sell it to an NPC. For example when I barter, my unlit flare shows a value of $35, while a lit flare shows a value of $60. The NPC won't actually pay the amount shown for the lit flare though (I couldn't even get one to take it for 1 cap either). Also, do lit flares last indefinitely? I've had a lit flare in my inventory for a few hours now. It's my first time playing Fallout 1, and I couldn't find any information regarding it, so I'm not sure if they last forever or not.
@Stuck I think these issues are fixed now but thank you for the reports, I'll add them to the wiki and re-check them.
How that invasion stuff actually works? Is it just that after the time I set during instalation, people in all those cities will be dead and those cities will be full of mutants
@akasha Yes.
or there will be a possibility to fight the invasion off? But I guess that might be too difficult to implement into the game. Considering that there is a mention: invasion of V13 -> end of a game.
Partial invasions / fighting off invasions has been mentioned before; it's something I may do everntually. I'll make sure it's in Suggestions in the bugs wiki.
Also what that time entry means? Does it start counting after clearing the mutants in necropolis or at the start of a game?
Both, actually. By default (i.e. the original game and all other patches and mods) Necropolis invasion happens: 110 days after entering Necropolis (no matter what, no exceptions) and the game also gets Necropolis invaded 30 days after defeating the Watershed Super Mutants, if you did that.
P.S. what are the differences between "Alpha 6.1 custom" and "Alpha 6.1 Fixes"??
I chose "Custom" and the full installation, it's ok?
This has probably been asked a bazillion times, but what is the difference between "Megapatch" and "Megamod"? Is "megapatch" missing mods or features? Or is it just a different installation method? EDIT: Found it in the readme. Yep, several mods are missing. Dammit, I have to download it again, and since I have dialup that will be quite an ordeal. Oh well. You really should say that on the original post...
@Gym83 @MaJoR Hey guys; Full Custom has available all new contents - everything I've made for FIXT you can install if you download this version (hence why the download size is much larger). Fixes Only, as the name implies, only includes fixes. This is for what we usually refer to as Purists

People who don't want the game changed much. And that way they don't have a huge download for stuff they don't need. Fixes Only has some customization available, but just minor stuff - a couple restorations, a couple "maybe fixes", and a few audio/interface customizations.
I've removed "Megamod" and "Megapatch" words so hopefully it should be more clear now.
After the installation of the super mod-patch Alpha 6.4, unfortunately I can't use more the option "pick a perk window"of the editor "Vad's FO Save Game Editor" (link at: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1368) This option, is useful because i can choose all the perks that i want, with total security, in fact the window of perks displays in game. But after the "alpha fixt 6.1 - 6.4", this option doesn't work anymore...Can you help me?
Sduibek said:
Wow that's a new one, never heard of that issue before.
If you start a new character, does it still happen?
Unfortunately it is the same... It doesn't work...
-- Sorry i had opened an other thread of this topic (excuse me for the spam)
http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=64684 --
Anyway, that's all i had discovered:
If you use the perks adding the Numeric Values, it's true that these perks are added in the page of your character, and although you'll see them in the list, many of these don't work properly in game, and don't give the bonus (example: "Toughness" - "Bonus Move" etc. etc. and others).
To resolve this problem, I used the option "Pick a perk window" of the editor, that it has the function to appear the generic window of the perks (the classic window that opens each 3 levels) and so choose manually the perks. Problem? After the installation of the patch/mod "Alpha Fixt 6.4" it is not possible to use this feature. Sorry for the grammatical error 
I am sorry for the problem, and i have done many tests but that option does not work
@Gym83 This is very strange, I still don't know what's causing it. However, I'll add it to the bugs wiki.
I'm playing through Fallout 1 for the first time right now and I just got up to the quest where I need to go into The Glow to get into the Brotherhood of Steel. I made sure to get four rad-x from Vince in the Hub and a rope before going to The Glow. I read online that I need to take two rad-x before going into The Glow so that I have 100% radiation resistance. I did just that in the mountains before going into The Glow.
Well....that's not happening for me. Each rad-x pill is only giving me 25% radiation resistance. So I end up only having 62% radiation resistance when I take both pills. Why am I not getting the 50% radiation resistance per pill like I expected? Right now, I'm not even sure if I can go into The Glow without dying of radiation. I'm running the 6.4 Fixt patch from this website, so maybe that's why I'm not getting the resistance I expect?
This is a change on-purpose, in next release it will be made optional.
Just donated some money to you Sduibek for everything you have done thus far on FIXT and hopefully will continue to do. I'll donate again from time to time to express my gratitude (and hopefully motivate you as well to keep on working on the project). Again, thank you for the time you put into this project. Hopefully one day it will be the "complete package" must have mod for Fallout as F2RP is for Fallout 2.
@phillon Wow, thank you! I did receive it

And yeah it's intended to be the "Must=-Have" mod for Fallout 1

Thanks again, you rock
Is this contains the missing quests like find the spy in boneyard?
@Ryuzaki Not yeah, but it's planned and in progress.
Can i ask if the surgeries on BoS base were repeatable in the original version too? I am playing with the fixit and i can do it plenty of times until i reach 10 stat. I remember i only could do a particular surgery once.
@Ryuzaki Oversight, the next release should have 1 operation as default (as was in the original game) and only be different if selected during install. Speaking of which, what selection did you use when you installed my mod?
So I was playing the original Fallout with Fallout FIXT installed earlier today. I had gotten to the point where you go to Vault 15. I was all ready to leave, but my game crashed when I got to the menu that allows you to travel. I tried reloading, but it keeps doing this. Does anyone know why this is happening, or can offer me a solution? In case it will help I am playing on a 64 Bit Computer, and I'm playing with Fallout FIXT installed. I'm also running the game through Steam if that information helps.
@Scramjet Hmmm this is strange. If you could please send me a savegame that would be very helpful. Also was this using the newest version? If not, please try again with version alpha 6.5, thanks!
okay, in the alpha 6.4 version of fixt, dogmeat is now red (which is stated in the changelog as well) and he automatically joins you even when you didn't give him the iguana or dress up using the leather jacket and i can't give him commands like to wait and let him join again... also, when I do get him i thought this was just another bug that was left not being fixed so I didn't get dogmeat yet and made a backup save... now 6.5 is released and rechecked dogmeat and still the same thing happens. have you noticed this? EDIT: update on my previous post: when I get dogmeat and move on to another map, he doesn't follow me he just stays there and doesn't follow me to other maps... hope u can fix this...
@vendetta Not intended, I'll check it out. Thanks!
Re-posting this.
Hi, uhm, I recently started playing Fallout 1 FIXT with a charismatic and intelligent character. I noticed some strange events during the game and, curious, I went to search about them. The fact is, I got my results from the Fallout wiki and those event's requirements in stats are completely different from mine. Of course I thought this was caused by FIXT and its mods, but they're pretty strange.
In the raiders camp, the people called me the Dead Hand and thought I were their boss dead father's ghost. According to the wiki, this happens with at least 9 luck and that brings just a 50% chance of that happening.
I have 4 luck.
And, in Shady Sands, Seth didn't say anything about his ill brother, which happens if the Dweller has less than 3-4 intelligence.. But I have 9.
So, do you confirm this is what it's supposed to happen? It seems pretty strange, I'm unsure if this is how the mod correctly works or the game somehow bugged hard. Game bought via GOG BTW.
@cloudropis Sorry for silence, thanks for reminding me to reply
Death Hand confusion is fixed in most recent patch; will thus be fixed in next installer release as well.
Didn't know about the Seth one, I'll check it out. Thanks!
Playing Awaken mod made me a bit nostalgic I guess, so I decided to re-play the first Fallout game. I'm using 6.5 patch and apart from having lots of CTD while clicking on world map everything seems to be fine. However, I decided to disable the hi-res patch and play with default resolution (I like the game more that way, and it looks like I have less CTD's now). But I don't like the main menu screen (the red one) - can I have the original one back?
@voodzia Here, place this in (FalloutFIXT)\DATA\ART\INTRFACE and say Yes to OverWrite. Did you pick the red background and change your mind, or it installed automatically?