Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

First off.. dont double post. edit your post if you want to add something but nobody replied yet.
Secondly, there should be an option in the installer to set what stuff is given to the player at game start.

One would indeed expect so, but there isn't. One would also expect that the Purist Install, which claims to contain only bugfixes without any added content, would refrain from tampering with ANY of the original content, starting inventory included. Unfortunately this expectation is not met. I just now stumbled upon a few more unannounced modifications:
  1. The inappropriate (for a Purist install) addition of extra inventory items for a new character applies not only to combat skills but to all Tag Skills, e.g. selecting Sneak as a tag skill adds a free Stealth Boy to your startup inventory. I'm pretty sure tagging Lockpick will add lockpicks too, etc. While I think this was a nice idea that worked quite well in NV, it has no place in a FO1 patch install purporting to be purist.
  2. Ripper has been modified to use only 3 AP per attack instead of the original 4.
  3. One of the mutant sentries guarding the nuclear bomb now wields a Turbo Plasma Rifle instead of the original Power Fist.
  4. Packs of Centaurs encountered near Mariposa are incorrectly labeled as Floaters.
  5. Higher-ranking Super Mutants (ones in black vests) are inappropriately described as "human female with protective leather apparel" when performing a Look on them.
  6. These are just the ones that stuck out in a brief, casual playthrough. There are bound to be many more.
While items 4 and 5 are just unfortunate bugs, items 1 to 3 are deliberate and unannounced alterations of game content. While a case can perhaps be made that they improve game balance, such changes should be strictly optional. The overall conclusion is that despite the technical enhancements and engine improvements, this patch fails to meet purists' needs.

Thirdly Fallout FIXT is waaaay outdated... try Fallout:Et Tu.

I see. Well, Fallout FIXT currently tops the downloads list, so I naturally assumed that it was the FO1 patch to get if one wanted a maximally bug-free version of the original Fallout experience.

you can drive your vehicle in Fallout: Et Tu with style
so in fact you *can* find stuff like avenger minigun or bozar, or HK-P90 in the game hidden in certain places.

All I wanted was a patch enabling me to enjoy the original Fallout experience on a modern Windows machine. Motley mixes of FO1 and FO2 aren't my cup of tea. FO2 and NV are great games in their own right, but I'm more of a purist who prefers to stick to the content that the original developers intended for each game.
You can just run the latest TeamX patch and install latest Sfall and HiRes patch manually.
Hello! I discovered a very strange and old bug related to the "Gifted" perk. The description says that it should subtract 10% from all skills, but it takes 10% only from battle-related skills and 20%!!!! from peaceful skills, which does not correspond to the description and seems just simply unfair. This cannot be seen at the time of character creation - an additional 10% subtractor is applied after the game starts. To reproduce this bug it's enought to create a character and start the game - then view into CHR list and you'll see, that some of skills fell below 0. You can calculate that with the stats from my screenshot My Outdoorsman should be 2% (5%+(7+8)/2 - 10% = 7,5%-5% ~~ 2%) but it doesn't. I always can restore this 10% by artmoney, but it doesn't seems fair.
  1. One of the mutant sentries guarding the nuclear bomb now wields a Turbo Plasma Rifle instead of the original Power Fist.
You sure He doesn't have turboplasma in backpack?

I seemed to always had a second one after visit to cathedral vault lvl 4, Perhaps all Sduibek did was a change to wield turboplasma instead of power fist, since turboplasma is more op than hth weapon, anyways haven't got to cathedral on my TeamX-1.3.5 patch playthrough. currently that playthrough is on hold for me.

also fallout FIXT tops downloads since it's out there for over 5 years!!
don't expect Fallout Et Tu to beat it anytime soon, since it's only 1 year old and on top of it it's not as well and widely known yet.

Hello! I discovered a very strange and old bug related to the "Gifted" perk. The description says that it should subtract 10% from all skills, but it takes 10% only from battle-related skills and 20%!!!! from peaceful skills, which does not correspond to the description and seems just simply unfair. This cannot be seen at the time of character creation - an additional 10% subtractor is applied after the game starts. To reproduce this bug it's enought to create a character and start the game - then view into CHR list and you'll see, that some of skills fell below 0. You can calculate that with the stats from my screenshot My Outdoorsman should be 2% (5%+(7+8)/2 - 10% = 7,5%-5% ~~ 2%) but it doesn't. I always can restore this 10% by artmoney, but it doesn't seems fair.

You're absolutely sure You're *not* playing on *hard* difficulty?
because what hard difficulty does is substract 10% from all non-combat skils from the player, and applies certain bonus to enemy combat skills.

so all in all: -10% from gifted and -10% for non combat skills from hard difficulty. would yeald a -20% modifier on outdoorsman, so [5% + (7+8)/2 -10%]=2,5% and now apply the -10% from hard difficulty, than it's -7,5% rounded down to -8% seemes legit to me..
Don't seek errors where there are none.
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You sure He doesn't have turboplasma in backpack?
Fixt adds the same gear to both mutants (via script). So yeah, both will use the turbo plasma now. I reverted that in ettu a while ago.

It's just one small change of many that Fixt adds to the game even in the "purist" version. Sadly most don't know about these things and keep proclaiming that the purist version is the unchanged original Fo1... Trying to combat this misinformation feels impossible, because folks either don't seem to believe it or just go by what's written on other websites.
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buhuhu.. [sniff] poor Katja back to the damn 10mmSMG for her.
Could you at least add a chance for a HK P90 to also spawn at gunrunners. I mean the one from glow is sweet but Ian ain't the only one using SMGs.
Fixt adds the same gear to both mutants (via script). So yeah, both will use the turbo plasma now. I reverted that in ettu a while ago.

It's just one small change of many that Fixt adds to the game even in the "purist" version. Sadly most don't know about these things and keep proclaiming that the purist version is the unchanged original Fo1... Trying to combat this misinformation feels impossible, because folks either don't seem to believe it or just go by what's written on other websites.

Indeed, sir. I feel quite betrayed by this patch now, having realized how blatantly it misleads by claiming "purism" while still tampering with original content.
You sure He doesn't have turboplasma in backpack?

I seemed to always had a second one after visit to cathedral vault lvl 4, Perhaps all Sduibek did was a change to wield turboplasma instead of power fist, since turboplasma is more op than hth weapon, anyways haven't got to cathedral on my TeamX-1.3.5 patch playthrough. currently that playthrough is on hold for me.

also fallout FIXT tops downloads since it's out there for over 5 years!!
don't expect Fallout Et Tu to beat it anytime soon, since it's only 1 year old and on top of it it's not as well and widely known yet.

You're absolutely sure You're *not* playing on *hard* difficulty?
because what hard difficulty does is substract 10% from all non-combat skils from the player, and applies certain bonus to enemy combat skills.

so all in all: -10% from gifted and -10% for non combat skills from hard difficulty. would yeald a -20% modifier on outdoorsman, so [5% + (7+8)/2 -10%]=2,5% and now apply the -10% from hard difficulty, than it's -7,5% rounded down to -8% seemes legit to me..
Don't seek errors where there are none.

Oh. Didn't know that. Thanks. That's kinda strange and rare gamedesign idea to reduce your skills with difficulty. Never seen something like that in other old school games :/ .
Is there a comprehensive guide to install this? I'm new with computers and I don't know what i'm doing.
Edit: tried installing the thing onto fallout, then deleting it. Now I can't play fallout, it doesn't work. Pls help.
Edit 2: Managed to get fallout working, but no mod.
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My main objection so far is a fairly minor one but nonetheless disturbing. Namely, this patch categorically implements the feature inspired by NV (or was it in FO3?) where a weapon matching your tagged combat skill(s) is added in your inventory at the beginning of the game.
The FNV feature is actually inspired by Fallout 1.

In the first Fallout game, you get a Brass knuckles if you tag Unarmed and 2 Throwing Knives is you tag Throwing. Tagging other skills give extra stuff too.

Fallout Tactics also does something similar with Tagged skills, Unarmed gives a Brass Knuckles, Melee gives a Broken Bottle, Throwing gives a Frag Grenade, 10 Rocks and 3 Spears, Doctor gives a Scalpel, Sneak gives a Axe Handle and Repair gives a Crowbar. Tagging these or other skills will also give extra stuff too.

But you're right. One of the criticism of Fixt is that it always adds stuff that wasn't in the original game. Even if you install the Purist version.
Btw. things like this can be disabled in Fixt. But you have to manually edit the global variables in data/data/Vault13.gam

STARTING_ITEMS_DIFF_BASED :=0;  //  359  Fixt: CHOSEN BY PLAYER - Does number of each starting item vary on difficulty, or is it same as vanilla?
STARTING_ITEMS_BIG_GUNS   :=1;  //  360  Fixt: CHOSEN BY PLAYER - Does tagging 'endgame' skills like Big Guns and Energy Weapons give the player those weapons?
STARTING_ITEMS_KNIFE_CLUB :=1;  //  361  Fixt: CHOSEN BY PLAYER - Does player start with Club or Knife based on Melee Weapons skill tag?
STARTING_ITEMS_GIVE_AMMO  :=1;  //  362  Fixt: CHOSEN BY PLAYER - Is player given ammo for gun-related skills, or no?
STARTING_ITEMS_LIGHTER    :=0;  //  363  Fixt: CHOSEN BY PLAYER - Does player start with Lighter in inventory if Player Smokes is enabled?

I think latest Fixt can also do this at the terminal outside of V13, but I'm not 100% sure right now.
Hi guys

I'm preparing to my first playthrough of this mod and only thing that concerns me during instalation is Mrs Stampleton check box. I finish vanilla fallout years ago and I don't remeber what was wrong with this NPC - i guess is something that may break game economic right? Than please tell me how you suggest to set this parameter details during instalation? Thank you in advance

Sorry for bad english.
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Hi guys

I'm preparing to my first playthrough of this mod and only thing that concerns me during instalation is Mrs Stampleton check box. I finish vanilla fallout years ago and I don't remeber what was wrong with this NPC - i guess is something that may break game economic right? Than please tell me how you suggest to set this parameter details during instalation? Thank you in advance

Sorry for bad english.

Dont install this mod. In this point is pratically abandoware. I recommend you install Fallout Et Tu, simply beacuse it has suport, and a lot of bugs that FIXT has are corrected in Et Tu.

Besides, the problem with Mrs Stampleton is that she has infinite skill books. Beacuse of this, you can level up some abilites without level up quite easily (like Outdoorsman, First Aid and Repair).
Maybe the OP could use some form of edit that redirect it to Et Tu.
Sure people are free to play fixt, but I still feel many see fixt as the "ultimate" patch which isn't really the case anymore.
Wheres Neil and Amber supposed to be? I coulda swore I read that this mod adds them back in?
No it doesn't. it was only a wrork in progress, and it was abandoned quite some time ago.
I assume You speak about the follower spy quest. There's only the main spy woman enabled from the quest. You can't figure out that it is her that does spy for Children of Cathedral, you can only kill her, which crosses out the quest as complete.

in Fo:Et Tu this quest was scrapped due to poor writing. Guess Lexx wasn't in a mood to retool this to an ok-ish state.
You can't figure out that it is her that does spy for Children of Cathedral
Not sure if Fixt did it different at some point, but the dialog I saw had her openly sell secrets of the FoA when asked. She flat out sells information to anyone who asks her and that's what makes her so badly written in my eyes.

The original quest idea had you talk to a bunch of FoA people - head of the guards, head of the scouts, etc. and then you would be able to accuse someone to be the spy. Some of that dialog is still in the game, but it's of the same quality as the writing for Heather. 5 or 6 lines of dialog and then everyone openly tells you what you need to know.
To "fix" / finish this quest, it would be necessary to add a lot more writing to it. The dialogues require more depth, and in best case even some sort of dialog puzzel. But even then it probably would still feel kinda lame. So I can understand why it wasn't finished.
No it doesn't. it was only a wrork in progress, and it was abandoned quite some time ago.
I assume You speak about the follower spy quest. There's only the main spy woman enabled from the quest. You can't figure out that it is her that does spy for Children of Cathedral, you can only kill her, which crosses out the quest as complete.

in Fo:Et Tu this quest was scrapped due to poor writing. Guess Lexx wasn't in a mood to retool this to an ok-ish state.
I actually did find out the spy was Heather, and I made her attack me by calling her out on trying to trick me.