Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Sduibek said:
Should the Weapon Drop code give a chance to drop?
Sounds good to me. (Not a totally random chance, but based on LUCK, if that's possible.)
Random weapon drop is a good idea. But I don't agree that it should be based on Luck. Mostly because it's not clear if a big weapon drop chance is a good or a bad thing. Some players will want it as high as 100%, some players much lower.

The best option would be to allow the player to choose the odds during installation.

I understand that we're talking about weapon drop on enemy death, not something else (like on a aimed shot)?
Dr Prozac said:
I understand that we're talking about weapon drop on enemy death, not something else (like on a aimed shot)?
Oh, right. The LCK modifier doesn't make sense on enemy death, I thought it's applied even on a Vault Dweller. (Critical miss, Jinxed trait and such)
I thought the concept was pretty simple - the enemy is holding a weapon in their hand, and after they die the weapon drops to the ground, in reality that would happen 100% of the time. Luck would play no role in the weapon dropping, but a critical shot could knock a weapon out of someones hand...just saying.
.Pixote. said:
I thought the concept was pretty simple
Nothing is simple once it starts being coded ;)

@Continuum - I know exactly what you mean, rebuilding those is something i've been meaning to do. There's like fifty critters that have that issue, maybe more. I'll get to it :)
Seems like the odds of dropping a weapon would be related to the amount of damage sustained, especially in a weapon-holding hand/arm. If the damage is just a hit point or two (or a few percentage points worth of your current HP), then the odds should be low, but they should increase steeply with more damage. (Losing 25% or more of your current HP from a hit to a single limb ought to disable or at least temporarily stun that limb, I think.) Maybe a head shot would also increase the drop odds some (though not as much as an arm strike). Otherwise, if it's just a general hit, or a hit to the torso, the odds should be a lot lower: still a chance, but not nearly as high as when a weapon-arm gets whacked.

(The type of damage would have an affect, too; JHP or blunt-force weapons should do more to jar a limb and thus knock a weapon loose than AP or stabbing weapons would.)

Also, if it's the PC being hit (well, or anyone, really), it seems like some of the character's stats should affect the odds of dropping the weapon: strength and agility and luck, say. Low stats increase the odds somewhat of dropping the weapon, but higher stats decrease the odds.

Maybe a weapon-drop-odds formula would look be something like this, then (in the abstract):

If total damage >= current HP, DROP WEAPON(S) [i.e., dead]*,
else odds of dropping =
(((damage / max HP * (4 if hit in weapon-holding arm, or 2 if hit in head)) * (2, if hit is critical, else * 1)) - (ST + AG + LK -15)) %

... times the multiplier or divider set by the options switch.  (low / normal / high / very high / extreme odds of weapon drops?  Multiply the formula result by 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, or 3, respectively.)

... modified by other factors such as Jinxed, I suppose, and of course the formula has to be slightly different for PCs vs NPCs based on the variables available for each.  (Weapon drops shouldn't just affect enemies, imo.  As someone basically said earlier in the thread, having enemies drop their weapons a lot would tend to make the game too easy.  So let it affect everyone equally.  If someone wants to set the mod's setup options for a high chance of weapon drop, then okaliedokalie: they and their team members will drop their weapons over and over again, too.  Fair's fair!)

* I have to politely disagree with you, .pixote., that death *always* results in a weapon drop, since there is such a thing as a "death grip" (and always a bit of random chance) ... maybe cap the drop odds at 95 or 99% chance, even for death?  :-)  Upon death, though, a held weapon should still be lootable from the body if it hasn't been dropped onto the ground.

:wall: To be honest, weapon dropping ranks right up there with losing entire magazines of ammo from gun jams, if you ask me. Dropping a weapon mid-combat may be realistic, but if it happens to my character more than once every few combats, it starts to get mighty frustrating. I think this is one area where playability has to trump reality to a certain degree. In sum: I think all characters (the PC included) should have essentially the same formula applied for weapon dropping odds, and I don't think weapons should drop all that much for the PC - and therefore, for the enemies, either.

And jams should only cost one live round, not an entire magazine.

Just my $0.02. :cool:
Well, the fact that the weapon is on the body instead of lying a few hexes away doesn't mean that the dead man is still grasping it hard :)

And keep in mind that some heavier weapons are supported by tactical slings or whatever it is called :)

I thing it's not about the game being more realistic, but about fine-tuning the weapon drop effect for a better experience.

And weapon drop for a live opponent would make only sense on some critical hits to the arms. Smaller chance for two handed weapons, obviously. Or only when the arm is being crippled.
[Work-In-Progress update. THIS IS NOT INCLUDED IN CURRENT DOWNLOAD. It's just to give you an idea of what i've been working on.]

Mutant Invasions update/improvement by Sduibek--

- More mutants per map (average is four, depending on map size)
- Crashes fixed
- Missing audio files fixed (this is internal only, you won't know what i'm talking about)
- Each mutant on the map gets type (critter#) picked randomly, of ten possible. Six green ones (normal type) and four leather ones (Sarg/Nightkin type) are possible.
- Each Mutant gets 1 (one) weapon and related ammo (if applicable), picked randomly from weapons they use in the rest of the game (Laser Rifle, Gatling Laser, Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Flamer, Spiked Knuckled, Brass Knuckles, Minigun)
- Each Mutant gets between 0 (zero) and 3 (three) Stimpaks, based on a couple variables and then randomized.
-"Floating bodies" issue fixed
- All bodies spawn with a randomly picked corpse type (very cool looking)
- Hirable NPCs now do have a corpse if they weren't a part of your team, TeamX's code didn't do this because it used kill_critter_type
Shady Sands - COMPLETE
Raiders - almost done

FalloutFIXT-only fixes: (i.e. fixes to Sduibek's oversights)
- ddraw is now included as intended
- f1res.ini and ddraw.ini set to default values to avoid slowdowns
[-] note to above, f1res is set to 16bit, so if you experience slowdowns, change it to 8bit
- Weapon Drop now fully functional and properly modular on all critters

All others:
-- implemented "mother radscorpion" (same as Nasty Radscorpion, but Female flag)
-- implemented Baby Radscorpion (aww so cute. until they kill you.)
-- art for Baby Deathclaw implemented, just need to create the .PRO files
-- various fixes & improvements to radscor lair map & scripts. it's pretty awesome :D make sure to look in all the dark corners, or use your flares.
-- fixed constant debug log errors from flare & bomb checks (thanks to gvx for motivation and reporting this)
-- fix to caves.edg
-- some more text fixes (thanks jury-6)
-- fixed Invader's wandering code. could still use improvement though.
-- Added MAMTNTKC.ACM to avoid crashes (don't ask, it's retarded)
-- Added other empty sound files as placeholders to avoid debug errors (and potential crashes, I think?)
-- fixed wrong ring values for RndMtn (monsters in rock!) hopefully now they won't spawn inside the mountains ;)
-- fixed partial-displayed right-bottom exit (green) grid in Hub Downtown
-- LOTS of commenting added to scripts. Lots and lots.
-- various scripting fixes w/ Khans
-- restored Prisoner to Khans map
-- finally got display fix for Irwin's Farm saved games to work fully :)
-- added to scripts for functionality, readability and future compatability:
do_dialog(ue) into talk_p_proc
-- (incl in above) moved some script action stuff to its proper own procedure
-- unique graphics for several talking heads and non-talking unique NPCs
[-] Harry, Viscious, Troy: Tanned Super Mutant Sargeant (subtle difference but whatever)
[-] Ian: Long Haired Guy Mad Maxx
[-] Tycho: Bald Guy Leather Armor
[-] Laura: Sand Robe
[-] Aradesh: Sand Robe
-- any instances of "local_vars=0" set to "local_vars=1" for ALL scripts in SCRIPTS.LST. fixes issues and crashes believe it or not.
-- ground gfx for couple items that didn't have it (won't affect gameplay, and if you don't know what i'm talking about, don't worry about it)
-- descriptions to many scenery items that were missing it (easy test is to check out Grafitti in Boneyard)
-- fixed staircases, one or two of the scenery items always had no script linked to them, so clicking the staircase did nothing. NO MORE! :D
-- fixed AI Packets linked to critters;
at least a third in the game were completely wrong, if not more like a half
-- fixed AI type for Invasion Mutants
-- added some stuff to Shady Sands and fixed crashes
-- endgame mod fully implemented, & improved
-- "you tread without persmission" encounter has about three times the ghouls instead of just two. beware!
-- level 3 of Necro Vault has many many more ghouls, so if you are a bastard and take the chip without fixing the pump you have a not-lame fight on your hands
-- included graphic fixes by...
120% Mutant Deaths PIXOTE
Metal Armor Sledge Thrust x'il
Lou LT fixed Lexx
-- combatai and combat msgs, tons of changes
-- increased speech in combat %chance by 50%, rounded down
-- incorporated some of the death messages from Wasteland :)
-- lots of spellchecking in TEXT/ENG/GAME - Done.
-- commenting added to many scripts. DId I mention that above? ;)
-- random weap, + stims + radio for Invasion Mutants
-- rads from zombies via RndEcGen, i missed this somehow when implementing radiation on hit
-- Brotherhood Armor (239 PRO) price increased from 4800 to 7800, to fit into armor/price hierarchy
-- Sharpshooter fix included (by ravachol), and it DOES have an effect at Per of 9 & 10

Download link is in OP of this thread http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=840100#840100

Download size: 77.3 MB
Unpacked / Installed size: ~287 MB

Great work Sduibek, but some of the fixes might be too radical - such as changing critter numbers, etc.

Wouldn't it be better to separate Fallout FIXT into two very different beasts - one is just a pure bug fix, the other more like the RP in nature, where you can stretch the game into a new and improved version. :look:
Haven't played Fallout 1 in a decade, Jesus. Just installed from the old disc this mornin, huge install and all that jazz, and downloaded this fancy alpha 2 here right on after . . .

I remembered the patches back then and comparin an all, this looks sexy as hell, pretty in to seein the progress, but I'm gettin old, can't figure it out. Runnin win 7 64 bit, click the 64 bit os.bat to start her up, an got a problem (don't know f'r sure they're related):

Changed the res, created the character (all fresh n all), an after the big diablah with the old fella, where y're s'posed to start in the cave thing with the mousefest, I pop up in Shady Sands, n I look in my inventory an I've got all kinds o shit: gatlin laser, BoS armour, jazz you damn well should not have at the start o the game, but I drop it on the ground and ask the front fella to go to the scorpfest and then BAM crash n close out. Uninstall, delete it ALL, reinstall, and BAM same jazz.

I'm sure it's just my stupid old face, tryin to play old games on a new mechanism, but I was hopin I might get an answer here, I'm pretty damn excited to just screw 'round you know? O and that 'hardcore mode' idea is a hundred percent boss, please go through with it. Thanks fellas.

-little walter
person said:
Haven't played Fallout 1 in a decade, Jesus. Just installed from the old disc this mornin, huge install and all that jazz, and downloaded this fancy alpha 2 here right on after . . .

I remembered the patches back then and comparin an all, this looks sexy as hell, pretty in to seein the progress, but I'm gettin old, can't figure it out. Runnin win 7 64 bit, click the 64 bit os.bat to start her up, an got a problem (don't know f'r sure they're related):

Changed the res, created the character (all fresh n all), an after the big diablah with the old fella, where y're s'posed to start in the cave thing with the mousefest, I pop up in Shady Sands, n I look in my inventory an I've got all kinds o shit: gatlin laser, BoS armour, jazz you damn well should not have at the start o the game, but I drop it on the ground and ask the front fella to go to the scorpfest and then BAM crash n close out. Uninstall, delete it ALL, reinstall, and BAM same jazz.

I'm sure it's just my stupid old face, tryin to play old games on a new mechanism, but I was hopin I might get an answer here, I'm pretty damn excited to just screw 'round you know? O and that 'hardcore mode' idea is a hundred percent boss, please go through with it. Thanks fellas.

-little walter
Nope, you aren't being crazy or anything, that was totally my mistake. I forgot to disable debug/testing cheat mode :roll:

Download has been updated.
Whoops, left some debugging stuff in Alpha 2. Download links updated to Alpha 2.1, please re-download if you've already picked up Alpha 2.

.Pixote. said:
Great work Sduibek, but some of the fixes might be too radical - such as changing critter numbers, etc.

Wouldn't it be better to separate Fallout FIXT into two very different beasts - one is just a pure bug fix, the other more like the RP in nature, where you can stretch the game into a new and improved version. :look:
Please explain the "etc", specifics are important here :)

Crittesrs meaning scorpions i'm assuming?? I don't see it as a problem, they've only been placed in Radscorpion Caves so far, and the babies are weaker anyway. ?

Better to seperate, but a big pain in the ass. I may do it eventually, but having two download or two installers is something i will NEVER do. That is way too much work, and means duplicate updating and managing of thousands of files, which is a modder's nightmare...

I think the current implementation works OK, with check boxes for the truly major changes (invasions etc) are you saying other stuff should be optional? I'm cool with that, that's easy. If you have specifics please tell me and i'll put boxes for them in Alpha 3 to make optional :D
Sduibek said:
-- unique graphics for several talking heads and non-talking unique NPCs
[-] Harry, Viscious, Troy: Tanned Super Mutant Sargeant (subtle difference but whatever)
[-] Ian: Long Haired Guy Mad Maxx
[-] Tycho: Bald Guy Leather Armor
[-] Laura: Sand Robe
[-] Aradesh: Sand Robe

Care to elaborate on this? Did you somehow alter the existing talking heads, or did you create new ones? If you created new ones, I assume that they're static pictures? Could you post some picture examples? Are these optional?
Dravean said:
Sduibek said:
-- unique graphics for several talking heads and non-talking unique NPCs
[-] Harry, Viscious, Troy: Tanned Super Mutant Sargeant (subtle difference but whatever)
[-] Ian: Long Haired Guy Mad Maxx
[-] Tycho: Bald Guy Leather Armor
[-] Laura: Sand Robe
[-] Aradesh: Sand Robe

Care to elaborate on this? Did you somehow alter the existing talking heads, or did you create new ones? If you created new ones, I assume that they're static pictures? Could you post some picture examples? Are these optional?
I thought it would be obvious since these are all from critter graphics threads here and discussion in my threads as well ;)

Heads aren't changed, just the critter graphics. (i.e. the body when they're walking around) I have no plans to ever change heads' graphics.

All things considered the changes are quite minor. ANd I just checked, apparently I didn't include the changed Harry and Laura anyway (were on the map files on my laptop when it crashed) so Alpha 2.1 only has changed look for Aradesh and Ian...



Sduibek said:
Heads aren't changed, just the critter graphics. (i.e. the body when they're walking around) I have no plans to ever change heads' graphics.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the pictures. Aradesh didn't used to have purple robes, did he? I remember him with brown robes, but then again I haven't played Fallout 1 in a longtime.

And wasn't Tycho already a bald guy in leather armor?
Son of a BITCH!

Looks like I put obj_pid in the wrong spot in the Weapon Drop code. I swear it was working before but I guess not. That means I have to repack and reupload the entire package just for a minor change in scripts I can do in Windows Grep in like thirty seconds.

So... basically here comes Alpha 2.2 already -- Sometimes I really hate releasing Alpha-stage software :(