FalloutFIXT-only fixes: (i.e. fixes to Sduibek's oversights)
- ddraw is now included as intended
- f1res.ini and ddraw.ini set to default values to avoid slowdowns
[-] note to above, f1res is set to 16bit, so if you experience slowdowns, change it to 8bit
- Weapon Drop now fully functional and properly modular on all critters
All others:
-- implemented "mother radscorpion" (same as Nasty Radscorpion, but Female flag)
-- implemented Baby Radscorpion (aww so cute. until they kill you.)
-- art for Baby Deathclaw implemented, just need to create the .PRO files
-- various fixes & improvements to radscor lair map & scripts. it's pretty awesome

make sure to look in all the dark corners, or use your flares.
-- fixed constant debug log errors from flare & bomb checks (thanks to gvx for motivation and reporting this)
-- fix to caves.edg
-- some more text fixes (thanks jury-6)
-- fixed Invader's wandering code. could still use improvement though.
-- Added MAMTNTKC.ACM to avoid crashes (don't ask, it's retarded)
-- Added other empty sound files as placeholders to avoid debug errors (and potential crashes, I think?)
-- fixed wrong ring values for RndMtn (monsters in rock!) hopefully now they won't spawn inside the mountains

-- fixed partial-displayed right-bottom exit (green) grid in Hub Downtown
-- LOTS of commenting added to scripts. Lots and lots.
-- various scripting fixes w/ Khans
-- restored Prisoner to Khans map
-- finally got display fix for Irwin's Farm saved games to work fully

-- added to scripts for functionality, readability and future compatability:
do_dialog(ue) into talk_p_proc
-- (incl in above) moved some script action stuff to its proper own procedure
-- unique graphics for several talking heads and non-talking unique NPCs
[-] Harry, Viscious, Troy: Tanned Super Mutant Sargeant (subtle difference but whatever)
[-] Ian: Long Haired Guy Mad Maxx
[-] Tycho: Bald Guy Leather Armor
[-] Laura: Sand Robe
[-] Aradesh: Sand Robe
-- any instances of "local_vars=0" set to "local_vars=1" for ALL scripts in SCRIPTS.LST. fixes issues and crashes believe it or not.
-- ground gfx for couple items that didn't have it (won't affect gameplay, and if you don't know what i'm talking about, don't worry about it)
-- descriptions to many scenery items that were missing it (easy test is to check out Grafitti in Boneyard)
-- fixed staircases, one or two of the scenery items always had no script linked to them, so clicking the staircase did nothing. NO MORE!

-- fixed AI Packets linked to critters;
at least a third in the game were completely wrong, if not more like a half
-- fixed AI type for Invasion Mutants
-- added some stuff to Shady Sands and fixed crashes
-- endgame mod fully implemented, & improved
-- "you tread without persmission" encounter has about three times the ghouls instead of just two. beware!
-- level 3 of Necro Vault has many many more ghouls, so if you are a bastard and take the chip without fixing the pump you have a not-lame fight on your hands
-- included graphic fixes by...
120% Mutant Deaths PIXOTE
Metal Armor Sledge Thrust x'il
Lou LT fixed Lexx
-- combatai and combat msgs, tons of changes
-- increased speech in combat %chance by 50%, rounded down
-- incorporated some of the death messages from Wasteland

-- lots of spellchecking in TEXT/ENG/GAME - Done.
-- commenting added to many scripts. DId I mention that above?

-- random weap, + stims + radio for Invasion Mutants
-- rads from zombies via RndEcGen, i missed this somehow when implementing radiation on hit
-- Brotherhood Armor (239 PRO) price increased from 4800 to 7800, to fit into armor/price hierarchy
-- Sharpshooter fix included (by ravachol), and it DOES have an effect at Per of 9 & 10
Download link is in OP of this thread
Download size: 77.3 MB
Unpacked / Installed size: ~287 MB