Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Dravean said:
Sduibek said:
Heads aren't changed, just the critter graphics. (i.e. the body when they're walking around) I have no plans to ever change heads' graphics.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the pictures. Aradesh didn't used to have purple robes, did he? I remember him with brown robes, but then again I haven't played Fallout 1 in a longtime.

And wasn't Tycho already a bald guy in leather armor?
Correct and correct.

Aradesh was using the "tattered brown robes" gfx, Tycho was bald but this one's a little different, green pants instead of brown pants (to make unique look vs other bald guys in game)
Sduibek said:
Please explain the "etc", specifics are important here :)

Sorry - I should have been more specific, I mean this -

-- "you tread without permission" encounter has about three times the ghouls instead of just two. beware! 

-- level 3 of Necro Vault has many many more ghouls, so if you are a bastard and take the chip without fixing the pump you have a not-lame fight on your hands

Obviously the PC can still whack a few more Ghouls, but maybe the guys at BIS wanted the vault to be a quieter place.

It's tricky, who knows maybe the map maker just tossed in a handful of Ghouls and thought that should be enough, or the game designers were very specific with the critter numbers and request that exact number. :shrug:

Anyway thanks Sduibek for your very fine work. :wink:
Ah, well, means a lot to me fixin it an all, jus got off o work an drinkin n all an tryin to play here but I've been put on by another dilemma . . . starts out smooth, kill some rats, grab rope n hammer, talk to cute girl, but when front guy says he's gonna take me to the scorpfest BAM, screen's all black n I'm bitin my teeth.

This hap'ns a couple o times n I abandon the whole thing n come to you, so now I s'pose y'r pretty up to date on my life (listenin' to the animals if you need a lil atmosphere). No hurry an all, I'm thinkin I'll drink more n start a different game right now, but who knows . . .

I appreciate it . . . sduibek?

- little walter
For those of you getting crashes with Alpha 2/2.1, sit tight i'll have v3 up today.
For those of you getting crashes with Alpha 2/2.1, sit tight i'll have v3 up today.
It's been a while since we discussed this, so here's the list of upgraded Fallout 1 weapons that appear in Fallout 2. Which of these would make a nice addition to Fallout FIXT without ruining anything gameplay-wise?










Sduibek said:
It's been a while since we discussed this, so here's the list of upgraded Fallout 1 weapons that appear in Fallout 2. Which of these would make a nice addition to Fallout FIXT without ruining anything gameplay-wise?

Sorry but in my opinion no one... Do not mix weapons/armors etc in FO1 with items from other games, even FO2. FO1 has own special climate and any new items will ruin this. However, this is my opinion :)
Personally once I played FO2, I was always pissed off that you can't upgrade weapons in FO1...
For anyone interested -- I just purchased the GOG and Steam versions of Fallout, so that I can track down why and what is different in critter.dat and master.dat of those files
The assault rifle and desert eagle are totally out of place for me. Try to avoid them, please! :o
Sduibek said:
For anyone interested -- I just purchased the GOG and Steam versions of Fallout, so that I can track down why and what is different in critter.dat and master.dat of those files

that's what i'd call to be dedicated to a cause, congrats Sduibek.
Cubik2k said:
FO1 has own special climate and any new items will ruin this. However, this is my opinion :)
Well, to me it's not a new item. It's a modification/improvement of existing one, like Turbo Plasma Rifle. Of coz, this kind of stuff should be hard to find/player should meet certain requirements to obtain it (reward for quest, etc.). I'm fine with one, two, or three new, improved firearms.

valcik said:
The assault rifle and desert eagle are totally out of place for me.
I think Assault Rifle is looking good. Sure, you may find similarities to Kalashnikov, but I wouldn't call it cheap, lazy, real-life rip off (like stuff in FOT). It has its own unique, Fallout-y style. It's certainly better than Desert Eagle, or Mauser.

Anyway, I vote for Improved Flamer.
I wonder if any LGBQT groups have complained about Fallout's use of the word "flamer". Bwahaha
Interesting, GOG uses v1.2 from the Europe releases. I guess that's why it doesn't have children ;)

I compared it to TeamX's v1.2x (1.2 and 1.2.1 use the same EXE) and the scripts/dialog extra files are the same, and the .exe is bit-exact between all three.
What's wrong with the Desert Eagle? I know some people who like this weapon very much.

The default .223 pistol graphics can't be changed. I like the "new" one, but come one, the Blade Runner like looks are classic.

To answer the original question:

Old Knife

Upgraded laser pistol could be available in BoS. They talked about it, didn't they?

Assault and Hunting Rifles - why not.. Maybe the Gun Runners could do this? Or maybe one of the ARs in the Glow could be already improved?

The ghoul in FoA basement could give the player the improved flamer instead of the normal one if he passes some extra tests.

All this assuming that there will be a installation option to enable/disable this.
Some of these would be crazy easy to implement as an optional mod/change. Add a couple files to installer, add a checkbox, voila.

Dr Prozac, good point about Gun Runners, that sounds good to me :) I personally would like Smitty and Miles to be able to upgrade more than once, but shrug. (not related to these items, just something I remembered while talking about this)

Sounds like i'll probably need to add its own page for item changes. So user can just go down the list and check the boxes that they want...

Felipefpl said:
Sduibek said:
For anyone interested -- I just purchased the GOG and Steam versions of Fallout, so that I can track down why and what is different in critter.dat and master.dat of those files

that's what i'd call to be dedicated to a cause, congrats Sduibek.
Hey I couldn't resist, my friend showed me the 75% Off sale for Far Cry and I was like oh heyz, Fallout. Purchase.
Dr Prozac said:
What's wrong with the Desert Eagle?
It doesn't fit with the setting.

Dr Prozac said:
I know some people who like this weapon very much.
I like metal, so Fallout soundtrack must sound like this.

I like German WWII tanks, so Fallout should have one "Panther".

I like German StG44, so Fallout must have this rifle too.


IIRC, one of designers liked Desert Eagle thus this weapon appeared in Fallout.

Dr Prozac said:
The default .223 pistol graphics can't be changed.
I wiped out this shit long time ago :dance: