Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Cubik2k said:
Sduibek said:
It's been a while since we discussed this, so here's the list of upgraded Fallout 1 weapons that appear in Fallout 2. Which of these would make a nice addition to Fallout FIXT without ruining anything gameplay-wise?
Sorry but in my opinion no one... Do not mix weapons/armors etc in FO1 with items from other games, even FO2. FO1 has own special climate and any new items will ruin this. However, this is my opinion :)
memetics said:
Honestly, I don't have much of an opinion of what weapons should be added in, taken out, or left alone...
Okay; after reading back through this thread again and some other discussions, I've formed an opinion: Please don't add any new weapons to Fallout. It's okay to have merchants who can modify a weapon to improve it, but adding new weapons (especially the more-powerful ones) messes with the game balance - and more importantly, as Cubik2k said, it screws with the overall tone and feel of the game. Fallout 2 is where to go if one wants more energy weapons, aliens, and pop-culture reference goofiness, I think. Keep Fallout 1 true to itself. :=)

Mods/patches can focus on fixing bugs, restoring content, adding new content, changing content, or combinations of the above. I'd be happiest if this mod kept focused primarily on bug fixes and secondarily on restorations, and that's it. But I totally get how fun it is to add new stuff in a mod, so I'm not saying not to do that at all, but I'd encourage you to keep any new content available in a second mod - or at least switchable in its entirety with one big master-switch in an .ini file (or at setup time). ;-)

I just wanted to pipe up and say I agree with pretty much everything memetics just said.
Cool cool, sounds good.

The nice thing about Inno Setup and IS Tool (thanks again to Killap for getting me started with that stuff!!) is that taking things currently already-implemented, and instead making them optional via checkbox during install, is actually not that hard.

Just beware that eventually there'll be like three pages of "choose which components of FIXT to install" - :twisted: I don't see that as a huge issue though TBH, i'd rather have one install (much easier to manage) with lots of options -- after all, you only have to wade through those check boxes once, instead of if you decide to play "Restoration+Additions" versus "Patches & Improvements Only", having to download and install a whole new package....
***Alpha 3 released***

Download Size: 73MB
Installed Size: at least 230MB

It unfortunately doesn't include the removed HP increases some have complained about (and I don't blame them) but does include crash fixes for pretty much all the crashes, at least that i'm aware of. Crashes in Junktown may still exist.

Alpha 3 changes:

FalloutFIXT-only fixes: (i.e. fixes to Sduibek's oversights)
- Radscorpion Caves crash fixed (hadn't included .PRO files for new critters...)
- Some other missing files now included
- Crash on killing critters fixed (Weapon Drop code was calling wrong pointer)
- Nixie Numbers no longer install by default; them being optional now functions properly

All others:
- Dialog & text (.MSG) and interface (.FRM) for Spanish and French versions now included! These are from GOG/Steam data files.
-- ^ meaning Fallout FIXT is now multi-language! :)
P.S. if you have a non- US English version of Fallout, please send me your critter.dat master.dat and falloutw.exe! I would very much like Fallout FIXT to eventually include all languages, versus being an English-only mod.
- Weapon Drop now checks both slots (it should, based on how Fallout reads the pointers to each slot's contents) and also only drops if it's item_subtype_Weapon
- Weapon Drop code expanded to allow for future support of %chance to destroy armor on death
- few more readme files included in "[Fallout]\REAMDE". Granted this is a very disorganized folder currently, but it's got readmes for most of the stuff included in FIXT
- Included some non-game-changing files from GOG and Steam versions that were missing from my version (probably doesn't change anything, but doesn't hurt either)
- Two tools that can be run before running FalloutW.exe (not made by me) are included in the "[Fallout]\Scrambled Colors Fixes" folder.
-- ^ You can also read, for other fixes, "[Fallout]\README\fixing color display issues.txt"
- As usual, other minor fixes & changes to scripts, dialog, etc.

What's Next:
The main focus of Alpha 4 will be to restore critter HP to normal values (while keeping other fixes to them) and fix any major bugs and issues reported in Fallout FIXT Feedback Thread.

re: the HP, instead will be including those with Fallout FIXT: Survival -- meaning of course that Alpha 4 intends to include Survival as an option (which has its own suboptions you can select). This will feature some/most of the HP and items changes from Revisited, AI that never runs away, harder skill checks, etc.
Hmm Miles (Boneyard-Adytum) says that hardening the Power Armor will take one day, but it takes ten. It's even worse than learning "a few unarmed combat tricks" which also takes 10 days, because this time the NPC says exactly how much time is needed.

Apart from being a bug, something like this is IMHO unacceptable with invasions.
Dr Prozac said:
Apart from being a bug, something like this is IMHO unacceptable with invasions.
Correct. Thank you

EDIT: He says it'll take that to process, but he also has to read the book first, so should it take a full day plus a couple hours for him to read the book and soak it in the chemicals or whatever?

{145}{}{[Miles takes the books from you, and starts flipping through them.] Hmmmm.
Yes, hmmmm. [He mumbles to himself for a few more minutes.]
Well, I think I can figure it out, but it will take a full day
for the bonding to occur. Is that acceptable?}

EDIT2: I've set it to thirty hours total, I think that's a good number.

1. Learning "a few tricks" from MacRae takes 10 days. IMHO it's a ridiculously long time (especially if someone plays with invasions). One day would be appropriate. It's also interesting that you don't heal during that time (as always when time passes during a dialogue).
I know this probably sounds like a cop-out, but doesn't HP not healing make sense? Since you were scrapping and brawling the whole time :D

What about making the days lost based on character's intelligence, or current skill level or something? Like 1 day by default, but if you're really smart or talented it only takes half a day, whereas if you're dumb or inept it takes 2-3 days.
.Pixote. it looks like having items face a random direction on drop (spears, flares, etc.) is most definitely possible, however the only implementation I know of is to use a script on each item.

Which, as others have said in this thread, crashes that game if there's too many scripts around :(

Not sure what to do about that.
Sduibek said:
.Pixote. it looks like having items face a random direction on drop (spears, flares, etc.) is most definitely possible, however the only implementation I know of is to use a script on each item.

Which, as others have said in this thread, crashes that game if there's too many scripts around :(

Not sure what to do about that.

Timeslip, bless her heart, made a fix for the script limit with Sfall (F2), maybe she can assist you Sduibek. :wink:
I'm going to test the Alpha3, so prepare yourself for some bothering notes, Sduibek. :)
First one: there is missing 'hand icon' action for a flare. They cannot be activated anymore. (Hehe, there are floats for a rat's squeeking, nice!)
Sduibek said:
EDIT: He says it'll take that to process, but he also has to read the book first, so should it take a full day plus a couple hours for him to read the book and soak it in the chemicals or whatever.

EDIT2: I've set it to thirty hours total, I think that's a good number.
Thirty hours is reasonable. Though it would be best if it took exactly as long as he says (+/- one hour).

Your explanation is reasonable, but I have a different view on this matter. He doesn't have to read the whole Chemistry journals. It's a set of articles, he just needs to read some of them. It may even be only a few pages. He said that he only needs "the last few clues". It only takes him a few minutes to localise most of the information needed.
Furthermore, he knows that the Vault Dweller wants to improve his armour, so he has quite a lot of time to prepare before getting the journals.

I know this probably sounds like a cop-out, but doesn't HP not healing make sense? Since you were scrapping and brawling the whole time :D
True. Not because training MA involves being injured (unless you're unlucky), but because such activities aren't good for the healing process.

But if possible, HP should be regained when the player idly waits for something (armour/weapon to be upgraded, the farms to be fixed by Smitty etc.).

What about making the days lost based on character's intelligence, or current skill level or something? Like 1 day by default, but if you're really smart or talented it only takes half a day, whereas if you're dumb or inept it takes 2-3 days.
That's a good idea. The NPC should say it may take a day or two so the player will know that it takes some time.

The same may be applied to learning computer skills in the BoS.

Sduibek said:
Not sure what to do about that.
Be save with it. Reliability is much more important than weapon drop direction :)
valcik said:
I'm going to test the Alpha3, so prepare yourself for some bothering notes, Sduibek. :)
First one: there is missing 'hand icon' action for a flare. They cannot be activated anymore. (Hehe, there are floats for a rat's squeeking, nice!)
Gah! Fix one thing, break another.

Thanks for letting me know
.Pixote. said:
Timeslip, bless her heart, made a fix for the script limit with Sfall (F2), maybe she can assist you Sduibek. :wink:
Isn't this related to hardcoded number of scripts you can add (like tile limit)? And the problem sounds like engine having difficulties with processing too many scripts. I hope it's not true, or I'm wrong, or I don't know what I'm talking about ;)

Dr Prozac said:
Be save with it. Reliability is much more important than weapon drop direction :)

Also, I don't buy direction on drop, or any other FOT wanna be (hello Pixi ;)).
..those new NPCs are sweet! One of them is bugged, though - Resident Trader in a garden (east part of the Shady Sands). When I choose the only possible dialogue option, CTD follows.
Continuum said:
.Pixote. said:
Timeslip, bless her heart, made a fix for the script limit with Sfall (F2), maybe she can assist you Sduibek. :wink:
Isn't this related to hardcoded number of scripts you can add (like tile limit)? And the problem sounds like engine having difficulties with processing too many scripts. I hope it's not true, or I'm wrong, or I don't know what I'm talking about ;)

She upped the number of scripts from whatever was, to 10,000...hopefully the art limits will be fixed as well.
Sduibek said:
.Pixote. it looks like having items face a random direction on drop (spears, flares, etc.) is most definitely possible, however the only implementation I know of is to use a script on each item.

Which, as others have said in this thread, crashes that game if there's too many scripts around :(

Not sure what to do about that.
What exactly are you trying to do? And what code did you have in mind?
Another Update

Hey, so far everything works well except going to Vault 13, for some reason when i enter using the map, it places me off map outside of the airlock wall on the right side. Wierd. Also i did also fight that under the Formation, for Long Range it say stay Modoriator, maybe you wanted it longer then TeamX long range?