Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

The "Please Stand By" sign never disappears for me.

If I Alt + Tab it removes it but I can no longer move the cursor.

I tried to look for a way to delete the whole "Please Stand By" part of the intro but I'm not so good with codes.

Any idea on how to fix?

Have tried reinstalling the game multiple times.
I have no idea what is causing the entire vault area to appear faded, that's odd...
tragal said:
I still assume that the game thinks due to some script mishap that I already solved the Vault 13 stuff and got kicked out of the Vault like it seems to be supposed to according to what I read. And that even when I start I new game right from start.
Yeah, sounds like I messed up the Endgame Mod integration somehow, so it thinks you already beat the game :(

I do not have access to my computer at the moment but once i'm back i'll get a patch up as soon as I can. Hold tight, I should be able to get it uploaded by the 19th.

Globin said:
The "Please Stand By" sign never disappears for me.

If I Alt + Tab it removes it but I can no longer move the cursor.

I tried to look for a way to delete the whole "Please Stand By" part of the intro but I'm not so good with codes.

Any idea on how to fix?

Have tried reinstalling the game multiple times.
Sorry to hear it. Not sure what is causing that but if you would please get this info it should help us figure out what's broken:

Operating System (i.e. Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit)
Fallout version-- what language is the installation and where is it purchased/installed from
If using a Windows OS, have you tried Compatability Mode?


Try deleting the "ereg" folder in Fallout folder, and any files in that folder.
Create this folder structure in your Fallout folder:

Try deleting or renaming ddraw.ini and see if that helps.
Sduibek said:
I have no idea what is causing the entire vault area to appear faded, that's odd...

The map was probably saved with the transparency flag set to "on"...
Yeah, sounds like I messed up the Endgame Mod integration somehow, so it thinks you already beat the game :(

I do not have access to my computer at the moment but once i'm back i'll get a patch up as soon as I can. Hold tight, I should be able to get it uploaded by the 19th.

Hehe thanks for the heads up. Well, take your time, no hurry.
I'm looking forward for the next release then :D
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
I have no idea what is causing the entire vault area to appear faded, that's odd...

The map was probably saved with the transparency flag set to "on"...
ohhh okay.

I wouldn't have changed that shit though, does it have a keyboard shortcut that I could have hit by accident?
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
I wouldn't have changed that shit though, does it have a keyboard shortcut that I could have hit by accident?

The "q" key in the mapper...
Ah-HA! That must've been what I did. Thank you :D

btw What's up with all the periods? Finish your sentences instead of trailing them, geez. ;)
Hi, i have some questions.

Why the Version Number in the main menu is still alpha 1 ()i have the newest 3).

And is there a way to get the new npc armor critters for cassidy and ian (like in f2). Cause when i change armor on Ian he is looking like the npc (no long hair style anymore). And what is about a apaarance (diffrent looks) mod for f1?
Quick report about the invasion.
I'm playing with a hardest possible setting installed. After the 90 days, whole Boneyard was invaded properly, except the two things:

1. In the Followers' library, there is one Follower remaining. Bravest scout Heather decided to stay there on watch. (Perhaps not a bug? Not sure about it.)
2. There is not any single mutant present in Downtown, whole Blades' HQ remains untouched by an invasion. Even the rough Scottish boxing teacher is staying there just like that, along with other NPCs.
valcik said:
2. There is not any single mutant present in Downtown, whole Blades' HQ remains untouched by an invasion. Even the rough Scottish boxing teacher is staying there just like that, along with other NPCs.
MacRae killed them all with his bare fists, obviously.

For those getting the bug that they cannot enter Vault 13, please download this file:

[[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]

And extract to [Fallout]/DATA/SCRIPTS/
- saying YES when asked to overwrite.

Simply load your game, and try again. You should be able to enter Vault 13 now.

If not, put the mouse over your character and select binoculars ("Examine"). It'll reset a couple variables and give you a message stating that. Then try to use the V13 door computer again.

As always, make sure to back up your data first just in case something crazy happens :) All you'd need to back up is your script files and your save game(s).

This might mess up levelling-up of Ian and Katja if they've already been hired. (sorry)
Sduibek said:
Simply load your game, and hover the mouse over your character. It'll reset a couple variables and give you a message stating that.

Hey, I just gave your fix a try.
Sadly I have to say that it didn't seem to work.

All it did was saying that it reset the endgame Mod variables but the problem seems to persist. I used different savegames, tried to enter the vault via the poster selection menu and started a new game - but still no coming in.

According to the other posts I seem to be the only one with this problem. So maybe its an abnormal combination of installation settings I used or I made some other error through installation?
no, i have the same problem, they don't want me to let in :-(
end when i select barter option with bet, owner of weapon shop, the whole screen becomes black
... end with others too :-(
dron said:
no, i have the same problem, they don't want me to let in :-(
end when i select barter option with bet, owner of weapon shop, the whole screen becomes black
... end with others too :-(
Please send me a list of all merchants that have given you that crash. What version of Fallout (English/Russian/whatever) are you playing? Which version of FIXT did you have when you started this player? Any other details you can think of would be great as well.
Sduibek said:
Please try again for entering the Vault 13. Please note that because of what variables were used, this might mess up the levelling-up for Ian and Katja. (sorry)


Also changed it so you gotta do binoculars ("examine") on yourself, not just hover the mouse.

Wow, that was fast...thanks for the effort :mrgreen:

Well, I tried your new file. But except of the different trigger (the examine / binocular command) nothing new happens. Ian gets to level 2 and the confirmation pops up that the character learned some new tricks. New game, different save and all that didn't work either.
Wait now I'm confused, starting a new game? You mean being unable to enter Vault 13 happens with a brand new character?

By default, you can't get back in right away, that's how it's always been and I didn't change that. It'll say it doesn't recognize your access code.

However, if you leave the cave and wander around the world map for a day (Dec 6) then go back, it's now possible to enter. Are you saying if you do exactly that with a new character, you still can't enter?

Just reread the older posts and it sounds like that is the case. I don't know what is causing this. I'll post when I've figured it out.
Sduibek said:
Wait now I'm confused, starting a new game? You mean being unable to enter Vault 13 happens with a brand new character? [...] However, if you leave the cave and wander around the world map for a day (Dec 6) then go back, it's now possible to enter. Are you saying if you do exactly that with a new character, you still can't enter?
Yeah, that's exactly what happens to me. With a freshly created character, after roaming around for a day, I still can't get in because it seems to think that I already completed the quest.

But since it's working just fine with a vanilla install as well as patched up to 1.3.5 plus Restoration Mod v10b1, I figured it must have something to do with your scripts or some messed up installation config.

Like I mentioned before...very weird...right form the start. I couldn't find anything in the savegames via the savegame editor (compared to the 1.3.5 savegames) so it seems to be something else. If I can provide you with anything else to narrow it down I'd gladly do so.