Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Re: Another Update

Just updated those scripts, they'll be included in the next version.

I'm playing Alpha 3, everything is fine, but:

1) Ghoul Manager in Hotel in Necropolis speaks only "error" and character can say only "error" too.

2) 1st lvl of Crypt in Necropolis - why it looks so... ghastly? :


3) Dead merchant at lvl 3 Necro's Crypt - he doesn't look like a dead man.


Sduibek, I can upload somewhere (to sendspace because I've got an account here) master.dat, critters.dat and falloutw.exe from polish, probably the newest version and send links to You, if you're still interested in any non-US version.
Bad news, a quest with the .223 pistol is messed up!
After wiping out the scavengers and returning to the house owner, there are three dialogue options available, but all of them are a negative ones (mission wasn't completed yet). Even worse, when you choose the first option at this point, Vault Dweller is teleported back to the hubmis1.map and all the scavengers are alive again. Damned zombies!
Help us, Sduibek. Return most beloved .223 pistol to the poor Vault Dweller! :)
Panzerkampfwagen said:
Sduibek, I can upload somewhere (to sendspace because I've got an account here) master.dat, critters.dat and falloutw.exe from polish, probably the newest version and send links to You, if you're still interested in any non-US version.
Yes, please! That would be very much appreciated :) I sent you a PM as well.

Thanks for the other bug reports. One question, when you say ghastly are you refering to that it's all grey/faded? I'll have to play test myself to see what you mean.
valcik said:
Bad news, a quest with the .223 pistol is messed up!
After wiping out the scavengers and returning to the house owner, there are three dialogue options available, but all of them are a negative ones (mission wasn't completed yet). Even worse, when you choose the first option at this point, Vault Dweller is teleported back to the hubmis1.map and all the scavengers are alive again. Damned zombies!
Help us, Sduibek. Return most beloved .223 pistol to the poor Vault Dweller! :)
Woooaaah wait, so even if you kill all the raiders, you don't get the reward?

Lame. :x
Sduibek said:
One question, when you say ghastly are you refering to that it's all grey/faded?

That's right. Well, maybe (for sure?) this isn't bug, just a new look at old location... but anyway, I haven't been mentally prepared for that. :D

And BTW, I encountered same bug as Valcik, mentioned here -> http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=912425#912425

And I have no idea why links to sendspace didn't appear in private message to You. Anyway, I sent You an e-mail.
Sduibek said:
..so even if you kill all the raiders, you don't get the reward?
Yes, exactly. (It looks like some trigger was not set properly, after defeating the raiders. The house owner doesn't realise they are killed, thus you cannot ask him for a reward.)
valcik said:
Sduibek said:
..so even if you kill all the raiders, you don't get the reward?
Yes, exactly. (It looks like some trigger was not set properly, after defeating the raiders. The house owner doesn't realise they are killed, thus you cannot ask him for a reward.)
I checked it out and actually i'd left several things half-done :D

EDIT: The boring details-- In vanilla Fo1, if you left the map, you couldn't go back. This meant you had to kill all raiders in one go, and if you weren't powerful enough or couldn't complete it for whatever reason, the quest became uncompletable. I fixed this by putting code and dialog for Irwin allowing the player to go back to the map. But, the game doesn't have proper registers and entries for that particular map, so it has to use load_map code to move you there, which means the map goes to a fresh slate every time you ask Irwin to give you directions back there. I'd been working on implementing which-raiders-are-killed-tracker in the raider script (FarmRaid.int) which didn't work, then using the map script and map variables, which didn't work either -- apparently load_map not only loads the map fresh, it resets the map variables too. Bah! Anyway so eventually I had to use a global variable for each of the seven raiders, as a pointer for whether they've been killed or not. I think there's a lesson to be learned here for me. :D

This is now fixed, i'll have an update online in the next 24 hours. As an added bonus, I implemented the fix using previously-unused global variables, so you can still go back and get the .223 with your current character. Woo!
Panzerkampfwagen said:
But we can get infinite stimpacks, ammo, caps... ;P
Ah, that's why you haven't reported it, right? Such a nasty cheat! :P

don't worry and do not rush, it's an alpha testing after all. All those subtle improvements are looking good so far.
I've also gotten the glitch with Irwin's quest. But now I'm having different problems (possibly due to my computer). I killed Jake the weapon dealer and most of the Hub police force to loot them. Now everytime I try to go anywhere on the world map the screen turns black followed with an application error. So now I'm stuck. =/
valcik said:
Ah, that's why you haven't reported it, right? Such a nasty cheat! :P

After You reported it, I prove that You had right, but my heart bleeds. :P

All those subtle improvements are looking good so far.

f(*&^ing good! :twisted:


OK, I find another bug - or maybe I screw something:
1) Went to Audytum, talk to Jan, have a quest - bring him head of Blades' Mistress ;P
2) Killed Deathclaw Mother, eggs, etc
3) Told to Gunrunners there are no more Deathclaws in ruins
4) They told me they would give weapons to Blades
5) Went back to Blades, told chick I would talk to Jan before invasion
6) Talked to Jan - no option about that that Regulators are evil, etc.
And now:
7) Back to Blades - chick disappear! - so something went very wrong and I cannot continue that quest.
8) Went back to Jan and told him "Hey dude I changed my mind". So - the massacre begins. Even I killed all regulators by myself and without any help from Blades, after that I was attacked by Audytum citzens like Smitty and Miles. Noooooooooooooo :cry:
Panzerkampfwagen said:
.. or maybe I screw something
Just make sure you have the Regulator's transmission holodisk in your inventory, while talking to Zimmerman. It worked fine for me, none bug there. :wink:
Look at the second dialogue option:

..but there are some missing/mismatched message files for a bounty hunters in Boneyard, Sduibek:
Right, so it's my fault, because I didn't have holodisk.
But why she had simply disappeared after I went back to Blades from Audytum. :P
Panzerkampfwagen said:
But why she had simply disappeared after I went back to Blades from Audytum. :P
Hm, I consider this a vanilla game behavior. It's related to the Gun Runners' quest. After you'll provide the weapons for the Blades, she'll disappear, but not permanently. Whole group of armed Blades will join you during the fight against the Regulators and after the battle, mistress will return to Adytum.
(As I see it, you must obtain the holodisk from her before finishing the weapon quest.)

-- edit:
I noticed a small vanilla inconsistency. The Vats' control terminal can be set to 3 minute self destruction mode, but when you do that, the counter is set to 300 seconds. That's pretty long time for a 3 minutes, huh? :)
Hi there,

I'm currently playing the alpha 3 and have to admit, that you did a great job!

Regarding the previous posts to the release I can confirm the Flare (deleting the 00000079.PRO worked) and Irwin/.223 quest bugs. Since that stuff is not mandatory I can live with it.

BUT my biggest problem is now:
I can't get into Vault 13 anymore!
After retrieving the water chip I went back and I can't get past the blast doors. I always get the messages that the Overseer ruled it that way and that they have to obey...no letting me in!

The same happens with every new game I start. I even tried vanilla if it was me doing something wrong - but its working as normal there. So it must be some messed up script in your package :(

Pleeeeeeeease tell me that there is a way to reset that behaviour without losing all the progess?!
Try to press numbers (1-5?) when choosing start location on city map (that picture with Vault-Tec propaganda poster)
both entrance terminal and the location map is not working for you?
Exactly, I tried both a couple of times.
When using the location map, it goes as follows:
- first I get teleported in a non-passage-area (aka inside the walls, so to speak) in the seleceted area
- then a couple miliseconds or seconds later I get teleported back to the entrance
If it takes a few seconds I can even walk a bit, but can't leave the "wall area" and get teleported back after a while or after closing the inventory for example.

I don't know if a little bit more input would help you...like screenshots or something like that?
This is not happening to anyone else?

Thanks for the advice. I just gave it a try, but it's not responding to any number key in the Vault poster. It's only working when I click on the green highlighters and then only like previously described.

I still assume that the game thinks due to some script mishap that I already solved the Vault 13 stuff and got kicked out of the Vault like it seems to be supposed to according to what I read. And that even when I start I new game right from start.

EDIT: Here's a screenshot that should describe it better:

Dravean said:
I just wanted to pipe up and say I agree with pretty much everything memetics just said.

Thanks Dravean; nice to know somebody agrees with something I opined (and bothers to read my posts). ;-)
