Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Okay let's try this again. This time includes a few scripts (main important one we care about is v13comp) and also will fix the issue of teleporting into rock on the v13caves map.

Same as before, put them in Scripts folder, overwriting the current files, and try again by clicking on the vault door computer.

If it doesn't work then "examine" your character to reset the variables and try again.

[[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]

Wasjök said:
Hi, i have some questions.

Why the Version Number in the main menu is still alpha 1 ()i have the newest 3).
Thank you, i'd forgotten about that. It will be updated with Alpha 4 and i've added it to my "Things To Check Before Uploading The New Version" checklist. Yep, I've had to make myself a list of reminders so that I stop uploading versions that are bugged or missing files or have debug cheat mode enabled. lulz :clap:

Wasjök said:
And is there a way to get the new npc armor critters for cassidy and ian (like in f2). Cause when i change armor on Ian he is looking like the npc (no long hair style anymore). And what is about a apaarance (diffrent looks) mod for f1?
Yes this is planned for Alpha 4. Tycho and Ian will have unique look (Bald Guy and Long Hair Guy respectively) and will have that for all armors, except perhaps Power Armor, because I don't think helmetless power armor graphics were ever fully completed.

Anyway they'll use the graphics from f2 mods like you mention, so they maintain that unique look throughout.

Also, Alpha 4 will have an option to restrict what weapons they equip -- you can have them ONLY be able to use the weapons they say they can use, or allow them to use everything.
Sduibek said:
Okay let's try this again. This time includes a few scripts (main important one we care about is v13comp) and also will fix the issue of teleporting into rock on the v13caves map.

Same as before, put them in Scripts folder, overwriting the current files, and try again by clicking on the vault door computer.

If it doesn't work then "examine" your character to reset the variables and try again.


Ha! This time you definitively found the right solution.
A new game is now letting me into V13 like it's supposed to.

I just didn't have the same luck with my savegames though. Maybe it's not possible to revert the state once you already ran into the problem earlier in the game?

If so, I guess I have to try to edit a new savegame to my previous gamestate and hope that this is working :D
alexander37 said:
For some reason the Vault 13 fix won't even unzip or let me copy it to the directory. It throws an error message.
Yeah, I ran into that problem with WinRar too.
Give 7-Zip a try - it worked for me and could unzip the archive without any errors popping up.
Now I cannot travel anywhere on the world map without black screen of doom and application error. I was hoping when I reinstalled windows I'd never see one of those again when playing these games.
alexander37 said:
Now I cannot travel anywhere on the world map without black screen of doom and application error. I was hoping when I reinstalled windows I'd never see one of those again when playing these games.
Rest for ten minutes before exiting to world map, after doing that once you should be fine. Fallout does that crash when it gets mad about scripts being changed around. Happens to me when doing play testing. If resting before you exit the map doesn't work you'll have to try an older save.

Sorry guys I know this stuff is annoying.

Tragal- that's actually surprising.... Okay try this-- open your most recent save that had the issue (old script) and walk to a random Desert or Mountain map and save the game in a new slot. Run the little reset thing, then go back to Vault 13 cave. Any luck?
Wasjök said:
is there a date for the next update yet?
Nope. Patience young Skywalker.

EDIT: Ideally within a week or so. Perhaps up to a month, depending on how busy I am with school.
Sduibek said:
Tragal- that's actually surprising.... Okay try this-- open your most recent save that had the issue (old script) and walk to a random Desert or Mountain map and save the game in a new slot. Run the little reset thing, then go back to Vault 13 cave. Any luck?
Hey Sduibek, I gave that and a couple of other combinations a try but had no luck - always stuck in the wall via the poster or refused entry via the terminal. Dunno, maybe it helps when you get the savegame? I have no other idea what I could try.
tragal said:
Sduibek said:
alexander37 said:
Tragal- that's actually surprising.... Okay try this-- open your most recent save that had the issue (old script) and walk to a random Desert or Mountain map and save the game in a new slot. Run the little reset thing, then go back to Vault 13 cave. Any luck?
Hey Sduibek, I gave that and a couple of other combinations a try but had no luck - always stuck in the wall via the poster or refused entry via the terminal. Dunno, maybe it helps when you get the savegame? I have no other idea what I could try.
Yes please, if you would send me the savegame(s) that would be great. Also your VAULT13.GAM (fallout/DATA/DATA) too please.
Irwin quest for killing raiders on his farm never ending. when i kill all of them and returns to irwin, hi saya that i try to fool him and sand me back :-)
dron said:
Irwin quest for killing raiders on his farm never ending. when i kill all of them and returns to irwin, hi saya that i try to fool him and sand me back :-)
Known bug in Alpha 3 unfortunately (see above, thanks for reporting it though)

I think i'm going to release a patch to fix these bugs, because i'm too lazy to compile a whole new package (Alpha 4) right now....

tragal said:
Here you go (couldn't figure out how to attach it otherwise):
I hope you are more lucky than me :D
Sent you a PM with links.
I think another thing in Alpha 4 shall be an update and rewrite of the entire change log. Cause damn, that thing is messy. :|
Running behind schedule unfortunately. School has been taking up my time and i've also been in a bit of a slump lately, AND i need to get my new computer set up and data transfered over.

Alpha 4 will be out soon enough, sorry for all the bugs in A3.
Set doesn't notice killing of the super mutants in the Watershed area. Is this a known bug?
Mrere said:
Set doesn't notice killing of the super mutants in the Watershed area. Is this a known bug?
It's not that i'm aware of. I think possibly back in Alpha 1. What version are you playing?